Ⅳ. Conclusion: Westminster creed's theological significance and its application to reality

The Westminster General Assembly was convened during the civil war, which was in fact a religious war and a war of faith, and created a creed amidst the dangers that come every moment. The General Assembly attempted to create three creeds to embody a religion and faith in England, Scotland and Ireland. Among these five creeds of the Reformation, the distinctive attitude to glorify God is very powerful and is buried every moment. However, God's glory does not damage human freedom. If we confess God's purpose by following the five slogans of the Reformation, we do not need to fall into fate. As a free man who keeps the commandments while praying for the help of the Holy Spirit through prayer by receiving the redemption of Christ, we can live an active life of fighting and winning against sin. Experience this in worship at the church, train and go out into the world to verbalize as a co-worker of the kingdom of God for the name and glory of God. This is the glory we will receive at the same time. The Westminster creed passed on to the Korean Church is a grace based entirely on God's purpose and providence. When the church is declining due to the corruption and corruption of the whole church after revival and growth, through the creed of the Reformed Church, we will return to the Bible and receive the power of the Holy Spirit who uses the Bible. I hope.[4]
The Westminster Conference provided doctrine, worship, discipline, and politics to the English-speaking Christian community, and also brought this benefit to the churches where they were missionary. Our Korean church belongs to this. God used the missions of English-speaking missionaries to bring the gospel to Korea. The Korean church learned denominations from the start, but far from it, it also inherited the integrity and the ecclesiality of the true church that the representatives of the Westminster Conference had longed for. The principles of life are God-centered, Bible-centered, and church-centered. This Code and Principles of Life well represent the unity and communion of the true church that the Westminster Conference and its fruitful creed, among the prominent kings of denomination. In the aftermath of revival and growth, the Korean church is being challenged by many heresies that preached the Bible and doctrine, not to mention chaos of doctrine and ecclesiology, worship and politics. Only at this time, the Korean church should be established and led immediately while maintaining the identity of the Reformed and Presbyterian churches according to Westminster doctrine standards and management standards. And the ultimate purpose of all of this is to glorify the Triune God on earth.
There is a difference between learning Christian truth with the confession of faith, the standard document of the public church, and with the doctrine of one person (systematic theology). Of course, a lot of time has passed since the confession was written, and some themes that were not sufficiently covered at the time or that need to be addressed later need to be dealt with through theological books. But a healthy church should have common confession and doctrine. For this reason, we must first learn and learn the confessions of faith and doctrines and questions that have been historically and religiously recognized, and believe in and worship God correctly. Then we can receive in one faith the essential and important doctrines taught by the Bible without great confusion. Learning with accredited confessions and catechisms saves us time and reduces unnecessary debate. It is still valued for us today because it has been refined and survived in numerous challenges and persecutions.[5]
With the help of the work of seniors at the pious Westminster conference, pastors and elders are to serve and carry out these important offices, and to fulfill the mission of the preaching and the critical governance of the Baptist and the Eucharist. For this, not only the confession, but also the Great Catechism will be of great benefit. Doctrine study is also useful in adult education and occupational education. One of the reasons heresy was polarized was that there was no systematic or mature education in the church, or it was not enough. Armed members of the church with doctrine will not be able to step heresy. Doctrine should be a guide when caring for members. Catechism for the next generation should be strengthened as well. The small catechism is an excellent textbook for church education. In particular, it would be good to teach and discuss this question and answer every week in the church and memorize the next generation of protagonists. It has been a long time since school education eroded church education, which means that the risk of them falling out of faith and leaving the church has increased. Even though they are members, it is common to ignore all Bible studies or catechism studies while going all-in to their children's school education. If you learn and recite the catechism that summarizes God's Word, the Bible, the wisdom God has promised will overflow. Then, with the faith to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, we will succeed in school education with clear life coordinates. The emergence of talented people who are faithfully educated in church and who will change the world into the kingdom of God is more desperate than ever. In this regard, teaching and teaching teachers with the help of our creeds and this commentary in the teaching of the church will reward the nurturing of healthy believers. If the officer and all members of the church are armed with the Bible and doctrine, a healthy Presbyterian church will take root and reap fruit, and the entire Korean church will stand strong.[6] Amen.
[1] Kim Joong-rak, "The Historical Background of the Westminster Standard Documents" in British History (G District: Kyungpook National University College of Education)
[2] Park Yun-sun and Jo Joo-seok, "Westminster Confession of Faith" (Suwon: Book Publishing Yeongumsa, 2012), 5.
[3] Yum Moo-moo, "Constitutional Commentary: Westminster Confession of Faith / Questionnaire of Great and Small Doctrine" (Seoul: Presbyterian General Conference, 2015), 243–244.
[4] Harmlessness,, 250.
[5] Westminster General Assembly, "Westminster vs. Catechism Notes" (Suwon-si: People in the Book, 2017), 27–30.
[6] Hee-gu Yoon, Hee-chan Seong and 5 others "Constitutional Commentary: Westminster Confession of Faith / Questionnaire of Great and Small Doctrines" (Seoul: Presbyterian General Conference of Gods, 2015), 3–75

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