Jewelry that retirees have picked up-Suggestion to send to baby boomers ②


Being a theological scholar at a late age without being financially affordable was a miracle in itself. What's more, I was thinking of studying theology, an ordinary snob that has a weakness as a human being, as an inaccessible giant wall. However, there is an incredible term that can be used among Christians to solve the problems of people in this dilemma. That is “laity theology”. Lay theology is literally a layman who can study the Bible more in depth. Since the Bible teaches'don't try to be a teacher', it is a kind of'gospel' for believers who do not want to go on a full-time pastor's path and simply want to study theology from the layman's point of view. I started as a “laity theologian” with the intention of digging into the truth the Bible says. In connection with the child's educational problems, the family decided to go abroad to study together and enrolled in a small seminary in North America to study theology. That shcool had online programs, so I can study in Canada and US where my family lived. There are so many masters in the world. There are many masters among lay people who study theology. They are those who practice their theology and believe in God while still knowing their secular occupation as a vocation and keeping silent.There are so many masters in the world. There are many masters among lay people who study theology. They are those who practice their theology and believe in God while still knowing their secular occupation as a vocation and keeping silent.

Any job is sacred if it conforms to its calling to serve those who have sent themselves to the world while maintaining identity. In the early church, as well as in the Middle Ages, “the job in the world” was considered unholy and was taken for granted to pray and nurture away from the world. But when I read the Bible, this idea is wrong. The Bible teaches that we should not separate work from calling. Jesus was also a carpenter, and the apostle Paul also built a tent. These teachings are theorized by Reformers, especially John Calvin. He emphasized that he should be faithful to the professional calling to each. In conclusion, just because you have studied theology, leaving a seminary does not mean that you are a pastor or a missionary. Finding a vocation that suits you and performing it faithfully is what pleases the one who made the world and me.

My suggestion is to study the Bible after retirement, and then study theology. If you accept a pastoral or missionary mission after graduation, you can go that way. In general, however, it is too late to walk pastors. Therefore, you can become a lay leader such as a high-level elder in the church while continuing to make a living by making use of your existing hobbies and aptitudes. The salvation history of God is essential for the salvation of the community. Christ is the head of the church, and the believer functions as an organism. Individuals can find gifts and talents within the community. It is within the community that each of us is uniquely unique, and that our aspirations are different, but complementary.

Even if you are not a pastor, there are many ways to fulfill your calling as a gospel minister. Depending on your talents and aspirations, you will have to sell it along the way. Some people are good at planting churches and others are eager for missionary work. Some have the gift of teaching, while others are good at interpreting and translating. Since I was interested in learning foreign languages, I liked language-related subjects from a young age. I was particularly interested in linguistics such as Korean, classical Chinese, classical Korean, and English, but I was not interested in other subjects. You cannot do everything well. I am grateful to be able to clearly understand my aptitude. As I studied at the seminary, I realized that it was my mission to proclaim and expand the Word of God through foreign language learning and writing activities.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Jewelry that retirees have picked up-Suggestion to send to baby boomers ①

People who are around the age of 60 as of 2020 are called'baby boomers'. They were born during the postwar period when the population exploded. This is a common term used all over the world. I attended elementary school in the city. At that time, there were so many students in the elementary school that the school operated 10 classes per grade. One class at a time was around 100 students, and it was operated in three shifts, so 3,000 students per school year attended school together. By the 6th grade, about 18,000 people rotated in narrow schools in three shifts. This was the case not only in large cities but also in Korea as a whole, and it was a worldwide phenomenon. It was very different from the reality of the school being closed because there are no students.

There are not many jobs that can go up to 60 in our time. It is much more common to retire before that. Even if you work until 60, the age of 60 is too early to retire. Many people who have had successful lives confess that 60 to 90 of their lives are their golden age. When you are about 60, you can now share wisdom, or you will have enough to give encouragement and praise. It's time to re-examine your calling and escape from the storm and stress of a young day you've been looking ahead. It usually seems that 65 is the age of retirement. Therefore, the period from 55 to 65 can be regarded as a transition period of old age. Calling is different from career. Career is something that we have built up while living as a profession or specialty, but calling is the purpose we have in the world, that is, identity. The Bible says that we have meaning and value because we were created by God.

Discovering this identity is a great opportunity for this transitional age. At this time, people have time to spare, they are economically stable, and they have experience contemplating the world. Some people even confess that their life before retirement was only a'prelude', and that life from now on is really their own. After retirement, many people realized what their true calling was and started a new start. The calling does not change because you are old or you do not realize it. It just changes the circumstances surrounding their calling. Wisdom and courage are needed to properly judge my calling.

After graduating from college, I joined a relatively stable and good pay job and worked for nearly 20 years. In the workplace where I worked, employees do not leave well except in special cases. Most employees work until retirement. Less than 10% of employees retire before retirement. But I came out as an honorary retirement ten years earlier. There may have been various reasons, but the vague curiosity that there might be a more meaningful life, not just a salary life, was the decisive reason for early retirement. After retirement, I ran a small private business and had various hobby activities and spent about 5 years in meetings or drinking with friends. After that, I wondered what I could do in the '100-year-old era' to live a rewarding life up to the old age. Then, at the Pilgrim House in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, operated by the Global Village Church, I participated in a five-day, four-night "Bible Reading Class."

This course is a program that anyone interested can participate in. I had been attending church until then, but I was a “Sunday believer” who only goes on Sundays and worships. This Bible reading course is indeed 强行軍. We have to read only what the Bible reads from 6 AM to 11 PM, but there is not much left in the Bible after we finish. It was because they had almost no knowledge of the Bible. After the course is over, you will receive a formal course certificate, such as receiving a finish medal after the completion of a marathon. The meaning in itself was not that big, but after it was brought, the storm was probably enormous enough to dominate the second half of life. At this time, I finally decided to study the Bible at the seminary, and decided to do the Bible study but focus on learning the language I usually like. That is the multi-lingual Bible study I am doing right now.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Preaching other religions-Islam

Born in Mecca in the Middle East in the late 6th century, Muhammad founded Islam with Mecca as a holy land in the early 7th century. The Islamic law of'Sharia' consists of the four elements of the Koran, Hadith, Dias and Izma. The planned and explosive growth poses the greatest threat to the Christian world. In their scriptures, the Koran, you can find that “all who do not follow our religion will be killed”, verses that legalize abuse or sexual crimes against women, or that are full of contradictions. Because of this wrong religion, good Muslims who cannot count are being oppressed and suffering. We must lead them in the way of salvation through proper missionary methods.

On the other hand, we must be vigilant and deal with the threat of the destruction of Christianity through Islam. Many civilized prophets predict the Muslim occupation of the Christian state, and their active and planned missionary work is beyond imagination. For preaching, as well as marrying people from the country, they are forgiven even if they lie to the point, and they expand their power by mobilizing all kinds of methods, including cruel punishment for the apostate and 'the Koran in one hand and the cruel conquest in one hand'. We must publicize and cope with the dangers. Of course, there may be a reason why God permits this Muslim expansion. In fact, Muslims share the Old Testament with Christianity and Judaism. As the Jews are converted in the last days, Muslims are saved if they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. We need to believe in God's economic providence and keep our Christian role.

The missionary contact method is possible by awakening their wrong doctrine. First of all, the Koran's description of the basic ideas of Christianity in a passive way reveals that it is a Gnostic heresy that was practiced in the Arabian Peninsula at the time and preached that this is not a Christian orthodox faith. By doing this, we seek the way of mission, and the other way, we approach the issue of Christ's uniqueness and Christian exclusivity in an active way. To this end, the numerous prophecies of the Old Testament tell us that only through'Jesus Christ' has been fulfilled, the death and 'resurrection of the ransom.' It must be made clear that there is no one but Jesus who has proved through the promised Savior Christ. Explain that through the Bible that Jesus is the Christ, Christianity is bound to be exclusivity, and it must be said that the Bible is the only way, not the various paths to the mountain, to be saved. In fact, even in the Koran, Jesus appears as a prophet. It would also be a good way to get in touch with Muslims and start talking about Jesus Christ first.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

The biggest hail in history is said to be hail with a weight of 1.7 Kg and a diameter of 7.2 cm, which fell to India on 4.30 in 1880. The heaviest hail in history was a hail weighing 4 kg, which came to southern Spain in January 2000. Analyzing the book of Revelation, the great hail is clearly related to the 7-year tribulation. The order of the apocalyptic tribulation in Revelation proceeds in the order of ① seven seals ② seven trumpets ③ seven treats wine of wrath. When the seventh seal was opened, the angel poured fire on the censer to the ground, causing a thunder, voice, lightning, and earthquake (Rev 8: 1-5). After the last seventh trumpet of the tribulation of the seven trumpets immediately following, the temple of God in heaven is opened, the ark of God's covenant in the temple is visible, and there are lightnings, voices, thunders, earthquakes, and great hailstones (Rev. 11: 15- 19). The tribulation of the great hail and the climax of the Last Judgment appear after the seventh of the seven wines of wrath is poured over the “Armageddon” battlefield. “The seventh angel poured the bowl into the air… There are lightnings, voices, thunders, and the largest earthquake since history, the big castle splits, each island disappears, and the mountains disappear. Also, a great hailstone weighing one talent came down from heaven to the people (Rev. 16: 17-21). The first great hail in Revelation appears after the seventh trumpet blow, and the second great hail after the seventh wine bowl. The second largest hailstone weighs one talent. One talent has a theory of 35 kg, and another has a weight of 60 kg. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail. Hail that is about 10 times the hail of Spain, the heaviest hail in history. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail.

This wine of wrath judges the great harlot. The big harlot seems to be religious unityists. Revelation 17:4 hints who the great harlot is. "The woman is dressed in purple and red, decorated with gold, jewelry and pearls, and has a gold cup in her hand, full of abominable things and dirty things in his fornication," she said. If you think about it, you will guess who it is. The current state of affairs seems to have come to the final stage of religious integration. Another force judged by the winery of anger is Babylon, the great city. The book of Revelation leaves the city of Babylon and warns us not to participate in his sins or to receive the plagues he will receive. His sins were buried in heaven, and God remembers his unrighteousness, giving it to him as he gave it, repaying doubles according to his deeds, and even mixing his cups with doubles and giving them to him (Re 18: 4-6) . Who is Babylon, the great city? Indeed, it is said that hail in the form of a corona... Jesus is coming after all these things have been accomplished. In conclusion, in order for Jesus to return, naturally, there must be an unprecedented big earthquake in history and ② a hailstone weighing one talent must fall. Also, in world history, ① the Catholic-led religious integration is almost achieved, and ② the powers of extreme pride must be destroyed. Those who believe the Bible to be “error-free truth” must face reality, repent quickly, and turn to God.

Hail pours along with showers with thunderstorms throughout the Beijing area, according to the Beijing Weather Service. These large hailstones are said to resemble the form of the corona virus. Corona means'crown' in Latin. In fact, the virus is crowned. While the world is still terrified by the corona crisis, it is the epicenter and recently concerned about the re-expansion from Beijing. The reason for the hail is that the water vapor in the cloud grows in the process of rising and falling because of the rising and falling air, and then falls when it cannot bear the weight. Hail occurs when the atmosphere is very unstable and causes a strong ascent, but it occurs mainly in the afternoon when the ground is very hot, and it is said that the damage is likely to increase due to unpredictability. It is rare to see rain in a dry area of ​​Beijing, but it is an unexpected sign of heavy hail in late June.

In the Bible, the expression “big hail” coincidentally appears only in the prophetic books of Ezekiel and Revelation. Quoting the expression from Ezekiel, “I, the Lord, the LORD, say,  “When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, “Where is the whitewash you covered it with?” “ ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury. I will tear down the wall you have covered with whitewash and will level it to the ground so that its foundation will be laid bare. When it falls, you will be destroyed in it; and you will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 13:12–14, NIV) It must be a terrifying prophecy. Storms, heavy rains and large hailstones are all happening now. Subsequently, chapter 38 foretells a more serious situation. “I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him.” (Ezekiel 38:22)

It is difficult to conclude that these prophecies represent the present China. However, in the light of various circumstances, God's justice is fulfilled by considering the disastrous human rights that the Communist Party of China has committed, including religious persecution, organ harvesting, and oppression and persecution of ethnic minorities against the living. It can be easily inferred. Chinese intellectuals must face this situation. Frequently, China understands that these natural disasters occur during the period of dynasty replacement. There are many examples of history as a great country. At this opportunity, they must settle the democratic system. We must ensure the autonomy of minority peoples and create a world where everyone can live together. It is time to awaken the Chinese people and a massive uprising.

Yangtze sturgeon disappearing bloodied

China's Sansha Dam(the Three Gorges Dam) project wasn't suddenly conceived by Jiang zhe min. This was the beginning. When discussing the construction of the Sansha Dam at the Chengdu Conference of the Communist Party of China in March 1958, Joo Eun-Rae was against seven reasons for rushing the dam construction. However, Mao Zedong tours the area of ​​Gezhou dam (葛洲壩: located in Yichang) by boat. In the following decades, despite the desperate opposition of experts, it was the first time to stop the waters of the Yangtze River by building the Gezhou dam in 1981.1.4. Subsequently, in 2006, the Sansha Dam was finally completed, causing numerous ecological disturbances.

I have been studying language in Beijing, China two years before the Three Gorges Dam is completedAt that time, the Chinese government was spurring the construction of the Sansha Dam, and after that time, it was impossible to travel from Chongqing to Shanghai. As I wandered around the rivers of the Yangtze River before submerging, I stopped by Yichang and ate at a restaurant. At that time, I had a chance to tell a story about the Yangtze sturgeon from a fisherman. The Yangtze sturgeon was once said to have been a major source of income for fishermen because of its enormous population. The upper sturgeon, along the Yangtze River, travels through Yichang to Shanghai to reach the sea. The sturgeon downstream must go back upstream through Yichang to spawn. In January 1981, when the waterway was blocked by the Geozhou Dam, giant sturgeon attempted to go upstream through the water storm. They say that they hit the dam, burst their heads, bleed, and often suffer bruises on the whole body or be swept away by an electric turbine. He had seen their horrible scenes every year during the spawning season. At some point in time, they became invisible. It is in extinction. Chinese sturgeon, like salmon, is a fish that travels between the sea and the upper Yangtze River, and is an ancient rare fish native to China. They have lived from the dinosaur era to the present, and are now disappearing in our time. The Chinese government is trying to tackle the situation, including issuing a ban on fisheries lately, but experts are now predicting the collapse of the Sansha Dam.

God has given mankind a cultural mandate to protect creation with nature on earth. Looking at the destruction of the Yangtze River ecosystem, we are seeing how terrifying the punishment for not following this order. It is said that the massive flooding that is occurring in southern China due to the abnormal climate is caused by sulfur dioxide from the body being burned due to the corona virus. Where is the phenomenon unless one goes through the hands of the economic Trinity God? Only seek mercy from God.









Doctor Li Won-Ryang's Testament (義士 李文亮 遺言)

Doctor Li Liang-yang, the first person to report the human-to-human transmission of pneumonia (a new type of corona virus) in China, was infected with the corona virus and died 2.7 in the morning. His wife is also infected and the second pregnant woman is at risk. Li Won-Ryang sent texts to his friends at the end of December last year to report the occurrence of new corona. Even after being infected, he said in a text interview with a Chinese media outlet: “The epidemic is spreading now, and I will not be a running soldier. I will fight on the front line when I recover.” His wife, Fuchseze, summarized Lee's last message.

<Translation-Personal 私訳>

I leave. Just take a piece of admonition.


The day is not bright yet, but I leave. When I left, the pier was still dark and there were no goodbyes. There are just a few falling snow in my eyes. When I missed these snowflakes, they slipped off the snow. The night like clay is so dark that it doesn't even remind you of the light of the world. I lived for a short lifetime. I was confident that I lived brightly and did my best, but it wasn't bright at all. Thank you to those who came and took care of me last night. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have stood by all night and loved me like a beloved lover. But in this fragile world, no miracle happened. I am an ordinary and humble person. One day God chose me to tell God to spread the will of the world. I said carefully. Then, someone yelled at me, why the world was noisy, and I couldn't see the whole city full of radiance.

I had to keep my mouth shut so that I could continue to believe that the world is a warm world. Rather, I was forced to say that everything I said with a red pad in the prints was just a novel. "How can the empress wearing a crown behave in the world?" Just like that, the world is joyous and no one knows if a huge tragedy will soon envelop the city, and God's wrath will make the mountain tremble, and I am infected. My wife is also infected. We are like 10 million snowballs, and my wife is floating over there. I thought I would be able to see my wife again when the warm spring comes. At that time, we sat in the field of yellow rape flowers and counted the flowers and waited. Wait, wait so, God said tenderly to me waiting for the little snowflakes last night, touching my head. "Good, come with me, the world is not a place to live."

When I heard this, I cried like rain. Although the world was cold and painful, God was kind. I'm just afraid that I'll cross the bridge that I can't return to and sometimes miss the family that I will never see again. In fact, my body died on a single admonition. I love this world so much that I continue to live in the sun and praise life and praise the world, but now my body is also dead. Before quietly returning to the handful of soil, I thought quietly about my hometown. When I was thinking of my childhood, the wind blew heavily, and my eyes and feet were white with no flaws. How good is it to live, but I die. I will never be able to embrace my wife's face again. I will never see Dong-ho's dawn on a spring day with my child again. I can never have cherry blossom viewing with my parents again. I can no longer fly a kite high up in the low white clouds.

My child is not born yet. But I dream. The child is already born, crying and looking for me in the crowd. I'm really sorry. You just wanted one ordinary father, but this ugly dad has become a common hero! The day was bright. I have to go. With one admonition, it's the only bag in my short life. thank you. Everyone who knows me, considers me pitiful, and loves me, I know that you are all waiting for me to cross the hills over there at this dawn. But now it's too hard. In this lifetime, I don't feel like the big mountain feels heavy, nor is it trivial. My only hope is that after this tribulation, everyone will surely love the world and trust their country. When a thunderstorm sounds in one spring, if someone celebrates me, please raise a small tombstone. You don't have to stand tall. I just need to prove that I came to the world and was stupid with a name stone, but there was no fear. My tombstone just needs one verse: "He made it known for everyone in the world."

<Originally in Chinese>



还没亮,我走了!我走的候,渡口很黑,无人相送,只有几雪花落在我的眼底。我一思念,它们便滑落。黑夜黑,黑得我想不起万家灯火。我一生追求光,我自很明亮,但我拼尽全力,却什点亮。谢谢你们,昨夜冒着看我的人!谢谢你们整夜不眠,像守望人一把我守望!可是脆弱人有奇迹. 我原本平凡而渺小,有一天我被上帝中,托我他的旨意生。我小心翼翼地了,于是,有人我不要惊扰太平,他们说你没见满城繁华开得正艳吗! 全世界继续相信世安,我只好守口如鲜红的指印保——我都是,戴花冠的致命皇后从来不曾下凡作这样,天下继续熙熙攘攘,也不知道,巨大的悲把城,上帝大怒山河失色,我也病了。再后,我的家人都病了。我像千万片雪花一一片,我一片,各自零。我曾以,只待春江水暖,我和家人便能再度重相逢。到那,我就坐在鹅黄的油菜花田,把花把日一分一秒地,我只等了昨夜小雪,上帝摸摸我的怜地:乖,跟我走,人得!我一听就落如雨,然人苦寒,上帝暖。但我怕了奈何,偶尔回望吾,再也望不一家老小。其,我的骨早就被拍死在一证书上。我继续阳光朗照地活着,歌生命,美松柏,那是因对这土地 得深沉。而今,我的肉身也死了。在我成一粒埃之前,我又静静怀想了一遍故的黑土白云。多想回到小舞的,雪是白无瑕的。活着好,可我死了。我再也无法人的脸庞再也无法孩子去看湖春,再也无法陪父母去看武大花,再也无法把风筝放到白云深我曾依稀梦见未出世的孩子,他()一出生就眼含热泪,在人潮人海中把我找。不起,孩子!我知道只想要一平凡父,而我却做了一平民英雄。天快亮了,我要走了,着一证书那是我此生唯一的行囊。谢谢所有我怜我我的人,我知道你们都在黎明等候,等我越山丘!可是,我太累了。此生,我不想重于泰山,也不怕鸿毛。我唯一的心愿,就是希望冰雪消融之后,生依然热爱大地,依然相信祖等到春雷滚滚,如果有人念我,请给我立一小小的墓碑!不必岸,只须证明我曾来过这个世界,有名有姓,无知无畏。,我的墓志只需一句:他为苍说过话

Now, the world is overwhelmed by the death of a righteous physician. Looking at Lee's last message, organized by his wife, there are verses suggesting that he is Christian. “God chose it,” “God's wrath,” and so on. God tried to spread the epidemic outbreak to the world through doctor Li Won-ryang. Like many persecuted prophets, he is oppressed. The Bible says that the cause of the plague is the fault of the people or the fault of the leader. 1 Chronicles 21 records the event of God killing 70,000 people for three days in order to punish David's pride. The Christian worldview finds the primary cause of natural disasters in God's will. In this regard, significant events have been taking place in the world in recent years. Religious oppressors have largely oppressed Christianity around the world, and the degree is increasing. Amen.




Let's take a look at the reality of North Korean underground church members through the words of Hebrews 11:35-40. Hwang Jang-yeop, who devised the North Korean Juche idea, testified that the Juche idea is a Christian heretical theory based on the theory that there is no error in leader. There are more than 30,000 statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in North Korea. In North Korea, the edeification of Kim Il-Sung was instilled in the people during the time of eating, but in the 1990s, more than 3 million people died of starvation during the suffering march. After Kim Il-sung died, Kim Jong-il spent more than $700 million on the body. People's illusion of Kim Il-sung is broken. From this point on, underground church members are said to be exploding. If they are caught in a secret rally, they are taken to political prison camps and forced to work until they die, and the number of these martyrs is estimated at thousands per year. It is imperative that Korean churches and the world religious circles unite and rescue them. So what do we do for them? We need to report to the world the crackdown on underground church members. The international community should pressure and monitor the North Korean government to ban confinement and execution. We need to actively support the North Korean missions group and send relief supplies to alleviate hostility toward Christianity. We need to traverse and testify of underground Christians who have escaped North Korea and spread their testimony to the whole world. This will protect North Korean underground members. And if it is known to the world that their martyrdom surpasses the Roman persecution of Christianity in the early church, the spiritual awakening of the Korean church will happen and the world church will repent. Also, the cursed Jews will be converted for their responsibility for killing Jesus Christ. When I hear about someone in Israel who is doing missionary work, it is said that Jews never try to hear anything else about Christianity. However, when I tell them that North Korean underground believers are being executed and martyred for believing in Jesus Christ, they suddenly become stupid and tearful. It is a point to infer that North Korean martyrs are being used to bring Jews back to Christ. The Bible testifies that there will be Jewish conversion before the new creation begins. Amen.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: