The biggest hail in history is said to be hail with a weight of 1.7 Kg and a diameter of 7.2 cm, which fell to India on 4.30 in 1880. The heaviest hail in history was a hail weighing 4 kg, which came to southern Spain in January 2000. Analyzing the book of Revelation, the great hail is clearly related to the 7-year tribulation. The order of the apocalyptic tribulation in Revelation proceeds in the order of ① seven seals ② seven trumpets ③ seven treats wine of wrath. When the seventh seal was opened, the angel poured fire on the censer to the ground, causing a thunder, voice, lightning, and earthquake (Rev 8: 1-5). After the last seventh trumpet of the tribulation of the seven trumpets immediately following, the temple of God in heaven is opened, the ark of God's covenant in the temple is visible, and there are lightnings, voices, thunders, earthquakes, and great hailstones (Rev. 11: 15- 19). The tribulation of the great hail and the climax of the Last Judgment appear after the seventh of the seven wines of wrath is poured over the “Armageddon” battlefield. “The seventh angel poured the bowl into the air… There are lightnings, voices, thunders, and the largest earthquake since history, the big castle splits, each island disappears, and the mountains disappear. Also, a great hailstone weighing one talent came down from heaven to the people (Rev. 16: 17-21). The first great hail in Revelation appears after the seventh trumpet blow, and the second great hail after the seventh wine bowl. The second largest hailstone weighs one talent. One talent has a theory of 35 kg, and another has a weight of 60 kg. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail. Hail that is about 10 times the hail of Spain, the heaviest hail in history. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail.

This wine of wrath judges the great harlot. The big harlot seems to be religious unityists. Revelation 17:4 hints who the great harlot is. "The woman is dressed in purple and red, decorated with gold, jewelry and pearls, and has a gold cup in her hand, full of abominable things and dirty things in his fornication," she said. If you think about it, you will guess who it is. The current state of affairs seems to have come to the final stage of religious integration. Another force judged by the winery of anger is Babylon, the great city. The book of Revelation leaves the city of Babylon and warns us not to participate in his sins or to receive the plagues he will receive. His sins were buried in heaven, and God remembers his unrighteousness, giving it to him as he gave it, repaying doubles according to his deeds, and even mixing his cups with doubles and giving them to him (Re 18: 4-6) . Who is Babylon, the great city? Indeed, it is said that hail in the form of a corona... Jesus is coming after all these things have been accomplished. In conclusion, in order for Jesus to return, naturally, there must be an unprecedented big earthquake in history and ② a hailstone weighing one talent must fall. Also, in world history, ① the Catholic-led religious integration is almost achieved, and ② the powers of extreme pride must be destroyed. Those who believe the Bible to be “error-free truth” must face reality, repent quickly, and turn to God.