Doctor Li Won-Ryang's Testament (義士 李文亮 遺言)
Doctor Li Liang-yang, the first person to report the human-to-human transmission of pneumonia (a new type of corona virus) in China, was infected with the corona virus and died 2.7 in the morning. His wife is also infected and the second pregnant woman is at risk. Li Won-Ryang sent texts to his friends at the end of December last year to report the occurrence of new corona. Even after being infected, he said in a text interview with a Chinese media outlet: “The epidemic is spreading now, and I will not be a running soldier. I will fight on the front line when I recover.” His wife, Fuchseze, summarized Lee's last message.
<Translation-Personal 私訳>
I leave. Just take a piece of admonition.
The day is not bright yet, but I leave. When I left, the pier was still dark and there were no goodbyes. There are just a few falling snow in my eyes. When I missed these snowflakes, they slipped off the snow. The night like clay is so dark that it doesn't even remind you of the light of the world. I lived for a short lifetime. I was confident that I lived brightly and did my best, but it wasn't bright at all. Thank you to those who came and took care of me last night. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have stood by all night and loved me like a beloved lover. But in this fragile world, no miracle happened. I am an ordinary and humble person. One day God chose me to tell God to spread the will of the world. I said carefully. Then, someone yelled at me, why the world was noisy, and I couldn't see the whole city full of radiance.
I had to keep my mouth shut so that I could continue to believe that the world is a warm world. Rather, I was forced to say that everything I said with a red pad in the prints was just a novel. "How can the empress wearing a crown behave in the world?" Just like that, the world is joyous and no one knows if a huge tragedy will soon envelop the city, and God's wrath will make the mountain tremble, and I am infected. My wife is also infected. We are like 10 million snowballs, and my wife is floating over there. I thought I would be able to see my wife again when the warm spring comes. At that time, we sat in the field of yellow rape flowers and counted the flowers and waited. Wait, wait so, God said tenderly to me waiting for the little snowflakes last night, touching my head. "Good, come with me, the world is not a place to live."
When I heard this, I cried like rain. Although the world was cold and painful, God was kind. I'm just afraid that I'll cross the bridge that I can't return to and sometimes miss the family that I will never see again. In fact, my body died on a single admonition. I love this world so much that I continue to live in the sun and praise life and praise the world, but now my body is also dead. Before quietly returning to the handful of soil, I thought quietly about my hometown. When I was thinking of my childhood, the wind blew heavily, and my eyes and feet were white with no flaws. How good is it to live, but I die. I will never be able to embrace my wife's face again. I will never see Dong-ho's dawn on a spring day with my child again. I can never have cherry blossom viewing with my parents again. I can no longer fly a kite high up in the low white clouds.
My child is not born yet. But I dream. The child is already born, crying and looking for me in the crowd. I'm really sorry. You just wanted one ordinary father, but this ugly dad has become a common hero! The day was bright. I have to go. With one admonition, it's the only bag in my short life. thank you. Everyone who knows me, considers me pitiful, and loves me, I know that you are all waiting for me to cross the hills over there at this dawn. But now it's too hard. In this lifetime, I don't feel like the big mountain feels heavy, nor is it trivial. My only hope is that after this tribulation, everyone will surely love the world and trust their country. When a thunderstorm sounds in one spring, if someone celebrates me, please raise a small tombstone. You don't have to stand tall. I just need to prove that I came to the world and was stupid with a name stone, but there was no fear. My tombstone just needs one verse: "He made it known for everyone in the world."
<Originally in Chinese>
天还没亮,我走了!我走的时候,渡口很黑,无人相送,只有几朵雪花落在我的眼底。我一思念,它们便从眼眶滑落。黑夜真黑,黑得让我想不起万家灯火。我一生追求光,我自诩很明亮,但我拼尽全力,却什么也没点亮。谢谢你们,昨夜冒着风雪来看我的人!谢谢你们整夜不眠,像守望亲人一样把我守望!可是脆弱人间,没有奇迹. 我原本平凡而渺小,有一天我被上帝选中,托我将他的旨意转告苍生。我小心翼翼地说了,于是,有人劝我不要惊扰太平,他们说:你没看见满城繁华开得正艳吗! 为了让全世界继续相信现世安稳,我只好守口如瓶,还用鲜红的指印保证——我说的话都是童话,戴花冠的致命皇后从来不曾下凡作乱。就这样,天下继续熙熙攘攘,谁也不知道,巨大的悲伤即将把城门深锁。后来,上帝大怒山河失色,我也病了。再后来,我的家人都病了。我们像千万片雪花一样,你一片,我一片,各自飘零。我曾以为,只待春江水暖,我和家人便能再度重相逢。到那时,我们就坐在鹅黄的油菜花田,把花儿一朵一朵地数,把日一分一秒地过。等啊等啊,我只等来了昨夜小雪,上帝摸摸我的头,爱怜地说:乖,跟我走吧,人间不值得!我一听就泪落如雨,虽然人间苦寒,上帝温暖。但我怕过了奈何桥,偶尔回望吾乡,再也望不见一家老小。其实,我的风骨早就被拍死在一纸保证书上。我继续阳光朗照地活着,歌颂生命,赞美松柏,那是因为我对这土地 爱得深沉。而今,我的肉身也死了。在我成为一粒尘埃之前,我又静静地怀想了一遍故乡的黑土白云。多想回到小时候啊,风是尽情飞舞的,雪是洁白无瑕的。活着真好,可我死了。我再也无法抚摸亲人的脸庞,再也无法带孩子去看东湖春晓,再也无法陪父母去看武大樱花,再也无法把风筝放到白云深处。我曾依稀梦见我尚未出世的孩子,他(她)一出生就眼含热泪,在人潮人海中把我寻找。对不起,孩子!我知道你只想要一个平凡父亲,而我却做了一个平民英雄。天快亮了,我要走了,带着一张保证书,那是我此生唯一的行囊。谢谢世间所有懂我怜我爱我的人,我知道你们都在黎明等候,等我越过山丘!可是,我太累了。此生,我不想重于泰山,也不怕轻于鸿毛。我唯一的心愿,就是希望冰雪消融之后,众生依然热爱大地,依然相信祖国。等到春雷滚滚,如果有人还想纪念我,请给我立一个小小的墓碑吧!不必伟岸,只须证明我曾来过这个世界,有名有姓,无知无畏。那么,我的墓志铭只需一句:他为苍生说过话。
Now, the world is overwhelmed by the death of a righteous physician. Looking at Lee's last message, organized by his wife, there are verses suggesting that he is Christian. “God chose it,” “God's wrath,” and so on. God tried to spread the epidemic outbreak to the world through doctor Li Won-ryang. Like many persecuted prophets, he is oppressed. The Bible says that the cause of the plague is the fault of the people or the fault of the leader. 1 Chronicles 21 records the event of God killing 70,000 people for three days in order to punish David's pride. The Christian worldview finds the primary cause of natural disasters in God's will. In this regard, significant events have been taking place in the world in recent years. Religious oppressors have largely oppressed Christianity around the world, and the degree is increasing. Amen.
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