Preaching other religions-Islam

Born in Mecca in the Middle East in the late 6th century, Muhammad founded Islam with Mecca as a holy land in the early 7th century. The Islamic law of'Sharia' consists of the four elements of the Koran, Hadith, Dias and Izma. The planned and explosive growth poses the greatest threat to the Christian world. In their scriptures, the Koran, you can find that “all who do not follow our religion will be killed”, verses that legalize abuse or sexual crimes against women, or that are full of contradictions. Because of this wrong religion, good Muslims who cannot count are being oppressed and suffering. We must lead them in the way of salvation through proper missionary methods.

On the other hand, we must be vigilant and deal with the threat of the destruction of Christianity through Islam. Many civilized prophets predict the Muslim occupation of the Christian state, and their active and planned missionary work is beyond imagination. For preaching, as well as marrying people from the country, they are forgiven even if they lie to the point, and they expand their power by mobilizing all kinds of methods, including cruel punishment for the apostate and 'the Koran in one hand and the cruel conquest in one hand'. We must publicize and cope with the dangers. Of course, there may be a reason why God permits this Muslim expansion. In fact, Muslims share the Old Testament with Christianity and Judaism. As the Jews are converted in the last days, Muslims are saved if they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. We need to believe in God's economic providence and keep our Christian role.

The missionary contact method is possible by awakening their wrong doctrine. First of all, the Koran's description of the basic ideas of Christianity in a passive way reveals that it is a Gnostic heresy that was practiced in the Arabian Peninsula at the time and preached that this is not a Christian orthodox faith. By doing this, we seek the way of mission, and the other way, we approach the issue of Christ's uniqueness and Christian exclusivity in an active way. To this end, the numerous prophecies of the Old Testament tell us that only through'Jesus Christ' has been fulfilled, the death and 'resurrection of the ransom.' It must be made clear that there is no one but Jesus who has proved through the promised Savior Christ. Explain that through the Bible that Jesus is the Christ, Christianity is bound to be exclusivity, and it must be said that the Bible is the only way, not the various paths to the mountain, to be saved. In fact, even in the Koran, Jesus appears as a prophet. It would also be a good way to get in touch with Muslims and start talking about Jesus Christ first.

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