Apostle Paul's worldview ②

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 6. 14. 20:02 Posted by forest38

2. Understanding the Christian worldview
1) What is a worldview and why is it important

The worldview is a question of how one person views and perceives all the problems related to his life. James W. Sire said, “In the form of the story of the world, or as a set of premise (partially right or completely wrong) we have (whether consciously or unconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the underlying composition of reality. As expressed, it is a determination and a fundamental mind orientation that provides the foundation upon which we can live, move and engage.” Is defined as Looking specifically at this: ① Who has the ultimate absolute sovereignty ② What is the nature of the universe ③ What is human being ④ What happens after death ⑤ Where does knowledge come from ⑥ What is ethics based on ⑦ Where is history flowing?
      The worldview is a very real thing, the sum total of our beliefs in the world, and a big picture that directs our daily decisions and actions. So understanding the worldview is very important. It not only shows how to establish the Christian values ​​that save the world in an era of unbelief, but also how to establish a practical attitude to it, and sustains it.
      The worldview serves to guide our lives. Human beings cannot live without this sense of direction or guidance, and they need a perspective that guides life more than appetite or sexual desire. Our worldview must be shaped and checked by the Bible. Christians should always check their worldview based on the Bible. The teachings of the Bible also include so-called secular problems such as labor, social groups, and education. It is to expand and relate to all areas of culture as well as religious ones.
2) The structure and direction of the Christian theistic worldview
When analyzing the Christian worldview, it can be divided into three categories. Creation, corruption, and redemption are those that Albert M. Wolters brings up the topic of'structure and direction' and refers to structure as “the direction intended by the creator,” that is, to be closer to the creator's original creative intentions. It needs to be restored. It is said that he learned this two-point view from his master. In other words, the structure can be called the original structure of creation, and the direction is distorted and can be understood as a teaching word that teaches everything that needs to be restored in Christ.
      The biblical worldview provides a way to ask questions, which is very unique and biblical. Approaching the world's phenomena from the point of view of structure and direction means seeing reality through the corrective lens of the Bible, which tells the story of the good creation everywhere and the Creator's restoration in Jesus Christ.
3) Practical assignment into our lives
The worldview serves to guide our lives. Human beings cannot live without this sense of direction or guidance, and they need a perspective that guides life more than appetite or sexual desire. Our worldview must be shaped and checked by the Bible. Just as light passes through a triangular prism and reveals its color, Christians should always check their worldview in the light of the Bible. The teachings of the Bible also include so-called secular problems such as labor, social groups, and education. We need to relate to all areas of culture, not just religious ones.