An Interpretation of "γλῶσσα" written in the 1 Corinthians

- Focusing on Chapter 14 of the 1 Corinthians

CHAPTER 1. Raising a Problem

. Necessity and Purpose of Research

A. Necessity of research

The debate over “tongues” (γλῶσσα) in modern churches is easily overheating. They don't talk to each other and talk well, but once the discussion begins, they turn into intense debate. This will continue in the future. Why is it overheating? First of all, it is because the Bible, especially the concept of “tongues” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians, does not mean one thing but has many meanings and difficult to interpret. As a result, they have different understandings and uses in the same words, thus with different concepts, the discussion is so entangled that they cannot know what it is later.[1]

I attended church at a later age, became interested in Christian theology as I read the Bible, and entered seminary for some reasons. In the process of Bible study after my first baptism, I have seen many people say "an unknown tongue" when they pray in modern churches. I came to know that this is called “tongue (s)” and that there is each view of every church, believer, and pastor. As I studied theology in progress, I came to think that the “tongue (s)” of modern churches occupies an important position that they can control our Christian worldview itself. Thus, I wrote this thesis to analyze this with the conviction that it is necessary to stand on the right way of faith.

Christianity is clearly a religion of mystical God. We only speculate God by revelation, and no one can answer the spiritual world with certainty. Only God can know what the “tongue(s)” (γλῶσσα) of the modern church is. However, considering the position of “tongues” (γλῶσσα) in Christian history, it is worth studying sincerely. Particularly in the 20th century, the Pentecostalism, which emphasized the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, emerged, creating a tremendous revival that struck the world. Protestantism in the United States was divided into liberal and fundamentalist classes, and formed new denominations, old liberalism which opened up neo-orthodox and neoliberalism, and promoted the Ecumanical movement. Even conservative Protestantism is divided into fundamentalism and neo- evangelicalism. The most influential movement in the recent Christian society of the United States is the charismatic revival movement, especially the New Pentecostalism, which emphasizes healing and tongue (s). Therefore, it is the duty of every Christian to know the fundamental nature of this and to examine it on Scripture.[2]

This Pentecostal movement has revolutionized Christian history since the 20th century. It is well known that many of Korea's largest churches, once the largest congregations in the world, were supported by the Pentecostal movement. On a scale, something that is comparable to growth of the explosive cults of the early churches and tsunami of human consciousness change due to the Reformation was actually being done around the world, especially in Korean churches. In the base of this enormous wave lies the "tongue (s)" of the modern church. Whether we admit it or not, think positively or negatively, this is why we must study and decide how to look at the "tongue (s)" of modern churches, which have a tremendous influence on all believers.

Those who advocate the Pentecostal Movement (Pentecostalism) claim that the "tongue (s)" phenomenon is called "baptism of the Holy Spirit," even claiming that "people will not be saved unless they receive tongue (s)." The opposing side argues that the "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” is not based on the Bible or the Holy Spirit. The question of how to interpret this "tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) is not just a matter of which denomination has a doctrine, but it is a matter of distinguishing whether believers are living with right faith or wrong faith. Therefore, it might be necessary to first check how the Bible interprets this.

Moon Hyosik emphasized the influence of the Pentecostal movement in modern Christianity and the necessity of the study of the Holy Spirit movement like below;

Pentecostalism finds the basis of "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” in 1 Corinthians 14. Whether this is on a biblical basis or not is very important. This is because the core of the Pentecostal movement, which has swept Christianity all over the world since the 20th century, is the "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the reality of this to identify the body of the Pentecostal movement, the so-called Holy Spirit movement, which affected all Christians including Catholicism.[3]

B. Purpose of research

In the meantime, numerous opinions and books have been published on whether to affirm or deny "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” at home and abroad. In general, those who claim that “tongue (s)” experiences have a positive impact on their life of faith have found that “tongue (s) prayers” can make prayer long and passionate. However, some papers and minority opinions oppose “tongue (s)” for the following reasons: ① The New Testament's “tongue (s)” is a foreign language and people can recognize it. ② The "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” is not on biblical evidence. In the midst of these two extremes, some argue that the "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” does not have biblical grounds (or their biblical grounds are weak or difficult to discern), so it is not necessary for people to do prohibit “tongues” (γλῶσσα) because they are actually helpful to believers.

But the question of whether the "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” is from the Holy Spirit or not might be known only to God. We will identify whether the "tongue (s) phenomenon of the modern church” is a positive or negative phenomenon, or a mixture of both. We will then see if it has a biblical basis. In particular, we will interpret the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians 14, which is the center of controversy. This interpretation can be divided into three theories; ① theories as “an unknown sound” ② theories as “foreign languages” and ③ theories that the two meanings are mixed. We will also provide a basis for how to view this phenomenon by analyzing previous studies by scholars.[4] If the “tongue (s)” of the modern church is the true “tongue (s)” of the Bible, we should look for it and ask for it, and those who have already received it should further develop, analyze the merits, and encourage other believers. If the modern church's “tongue (s)” is not based on Scripture, it must first be discerned whether it is from the Holy Spirit or not. It may also be a mixture of the Holy Spirit and other spirits. That is why the apostle John warns, "Do not believe in all spirits, but discern whether they are of God" (1 John 4: 1).

Nevertheless, the interpretation of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in the Bible is never easy but controversial. For the Bible leaves room for many different interpretations. In addition, it is difficult to distinguish between a foreign language and a kind of extatic utterence (an unknown tongue) because there are many cases in which each copy or translation is interpreted differently. Therefore, this paper first examines the historical, cultural, and socio-economic situation surrounding the Corinthian church, and examines the purpose of writing the apostle Paul's letter. Also, by comparing and examining the usage of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in the New Testament, we will analyze key texts including “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians and identify related contexts to grasp and draw conclusions about Paul's point of view.   

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