Christian ethics - ② Justice and injustice

It is not advisable to see pastors or Christians in their pulpits or denominations, forcing their political views on others in official positions. I am neither myself nor a pastor or professor, but for a long time political debate has been intentionally avoided. Any faction pretends to have pure enthusiasm for the country during the campaign period, but after it comes to power, it reveals its nature, and only focuses on maintaining political power. As the days go by, more and more cynical voters do not even vote.

Now the world has entered a new era. In response to the paradox of pandemic caused by the worldwide epidemic, the political landscape was forced to change. Humanity recognizes democracy as the best political system through long experience and realizes this ideal through an agreed election system. However, few seem to recognize that half of the world still suffers from totalitarianism. What's more, attempts to establish a world unity by a group of people with doubts, the advent of the Antichrist, and religious integration will push the world under the control of the Big Brothers. A dark shadow is being cast upon the freedom we enjoy.

Those who experienced military dictatorship in Korea and who lived in college before and after the 1980s have lived a rapidly changing industrialized society. Discussing the regime's lessons economically at that time was the second issue, and at the time, students were usually politically one side inclining thinking. However, with God's help, we had the luck of catching two rabbits: democratization and economic growth. Although not perfect, I think Korea's democracy has been settled to some extent, but there are still many threats to democracy. Efforts to defend democracy, the highest political system chosen by mankind, must be continued.

Ideological ideas are not of great value unless it is an extreme totalitarian politics. Rather, shouldn't it be considered freedom as the value we should defend? Justice or freedom must be interpreted in God in the Bible. Righteousness in the Bible is said to be faith in God. Political choice as a Christian should be a choice that guarantees freedom to believe in God, in which this righteousness is embodied. In this regard, religious oppressors who are putting the world at risk are the greatest enemies of religious freedom. When the problem of justice and injustice is put into reality, Christians should be united to ensure freedom of faith. Historically, religious purity has been exploited and trampled by political forces. Believers need to be smarter.

In fact, there are more believers in this world than we think, who are imprisoned in torture camps, tortured by torture, and suddenly lost their lives because of the sin of believing in God. The events of the Antichrist's manipulation to disturb our faith are revealed in various contexts. It is not a mistake. By making a hundred concessions, even if this is not their manipulation, the crimes that continue to be committed against hundreds of millions of believers should be punished as vicious criminals. In addition to the North Korean human rights issue, how long should the world face religious oppressors? Whether Christian or not, the cost of silence will be paid before God.

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