Christian Ethics- ⑧ Sexual Disorder

Recently, sexual disorders of Christians (pastors) have been increasing in the mouth of people around the world. Perhaps the most problematic is the affair between pastors and female believers. You may have seen a lot of large sexual disturbances explode in pseudo or heretical religions. In fact, most of the pseudo and heretical sects are expected corruption, such as financial corruption and sexual confusion. Because their doctrine, in the first place, deceives people and leads them in the wrong way, and consequently takes property and leads to physical corruption. However, seeing these problems occur in the churches belonging to the Orthodox denomination is no different from heresy. We reviewed various problems and measures held at various seminars related to pastoral sexual ethics.

It is said that pastoral positions are the most common cases of sexual ethics and sexual crimes among professional occupations. Nevertheless, the main point is that education and the like are not enough. It is said that prevention and follow-up measures are not properly equipped. Some argue that the "binary out system" (if you go wrong twice, you get out of it) should be introduced. Pastors also have weaknesses as human beings, so they can be seduced or derailed by themselves, but if such actions are repeated, they should be seen as a habit and disease. . However, the reality is not as easy as it sounds, so it will be difficult to leave the pastoral ministry as a long-standing ministry at once, and the denomination seems to be failing to pay strict punishment considering various circumstances.

However, it will be difficult to deny that no one can escape the desire for sex, which is deeply rooted in human nature. All of us should see that there is no guarantee that we have already committed a crime in our hearts, either before or after conversion, and that we will not do so in the future. The Apostle Paul sees this dilemma as "I see another law in my body fight the law of my heart and captivate me with the law of sin in my body" (Romans 7:23). In the end, it seems that the key to solving the problem of pastoral sexual ethics should be equipped with a system rather than entrusted to the pastor's ethics. The strengthening of preventive education along with a healthy relationship between the pastor and avoiding the place where the pastor can derail and fall will be a common preventive measure, and above all, recognize that the pastor himself is always a sinner. The earnest prayer through self-reflection will be the only inner solution.

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