Biblical Linguistics – 5. The Sumerian Origins and Civilizations

We study the history of the nation of Israel in order to study the Bible, and we cannot ignore Israel's pre-history beginning with Abraham and Isaac. In fact, the appearance of the Hebrews took place long after human civilization began. It may be difficult to realize, but the time interval from the beginning of civilization in the Near East to the beginning of Israel is farther than the time interval from Abraham to our time. Israel's pre-history is still a presumption, not a sure theory. Therefore, we want to define through biblical reasoning based on the Bible.

We are not archaeologically and biologically trying to trace prehistoric history. It is beyond the scope of this paper. Developing discussions in the Biblical archaeological scope will fit the subject. However, the chronology of biblical archeology itself is already controversial. For example, the controversy over whether the seven days of Genesis is actually seven days or a certain period is symbolically described as one day. Judging from geological data, Noah's Flood would be between 4,000 and 3,000 years B.C. The question then becomes how to get the period from Adam to Noah. Therefore, we will begin the discussion based on Noah's Flood.

The Sumerian civilization is at the heart of Israel's history. They founded civilization in the lower part of Mesopotamia, and they are one of the mysteries of human history that led to brilliant civilization. The advanced civilization has continued to lead the absurd claim that the Sumerians are aliens. It is only possible to guess what race they came from and where they came from. In the inscriptions excavated in the ruins, they are described as "a short-beard, short, flat-headed people." It can be inferred that it looks similar to the Asian.

Also, the language used is agglutinative language, which can be found only in Korean and Japanese, including the Altai. In the meantime, in Western linguistics, the Sumerian deadlock was considered a language unparalleled. On the other hand, the origin of Korean and Japanese was not known in the East because there were no languages ​​worldwide that used agglutinative languages ​​such as Korean and Japanese. However, it has been argued that the Sumerian wedge character is deciphered, and that the Sumerian is an ancient Korean family and that the Sumerian is related to the Korean language.

In Mesopotamia there were not only Sumerians, but also Semitic inhabitants called Akkadians. These were semi-nomads who had lived in the northwest of Sumer from an early age. They used Semitic (Akkadian) languages ​​that were completely different from Sumerian, but used wedge syllables to describe the language. It was impossible to distinguish between Sumerian and Semitic elements in Mesopotamia religion because these two races were mixed around B.C.3,000. Subsequent thesis examines the origins of the Sumerians, the Sumerians who have been racially and linguistically followed.

[1] Also called an affixing language. It has an intermediate characteristic between isolated words and inflected words, and the affix is combined with the root to indicate the function of each word in the sentence. Also, unlike in the case of inflected words, there is no change in language in the stem.

[2] John Bright, "Israel History", Translated by Moon Jae Park (Paju: Christian Digest, 2016), 41.

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