Biblical Linguistics - 6. The Sumerian Languages' Origin

The claims of where the Sumerians come from are usually divided into three categories. The first is that it is from Anatola, Turkey, the second is from Asia, and the third is that it is an alien. The claim that it came from Turkey would be true if some of Noah's descendants, who settled there after the Ark arrived on Turkey's Ararat mountain after the flood, descended back to Lower Mesopotamia. However, considering that the language is an agglutinative language, it seems more convincing to claim that it came from the Asian region, mainly in the Tianshan Mountains and the Altai Mountains. Analysis of the Bible reveals that Noah's eldest son Shem's fourth generation, Belek and Jokdan, was scattered around the world by race and race. Belek and Joktan were descendants of Shem, and the fact that the world had been split from this point would mean that Shem's descendants were divided into two. The Tower of Babel happened around this time. According to the Bible, Nimrod, Ham's second grandson, was the first man to promote the Tower of Babel as the world's first warrior. Given that his country originated in Babel, Erek, Akgad, and Galet, it is likely that Ham's descendants remained in Babel and formed an urban state. At this time, Belek and Yoktan were also divided, so Belek may have remained or moved to another region.

Some say that the origins of Sumer are 'mer' (country of Shem), while others say that Shem is the origin of Sumer's. To argue this, a more logical explanation of the language transition process is needed. Sumer, pronounced Sumer in English, seems more plausible from an etymological origin of the Hebrew word "shamar"(remain, keep). The active participle of "shamar" is the "somer", but in the grammatical rules of the Hebrew grammar, the ‘u’ and ‘o’ in the vowel triangle are often compatible. Then, the meanings of Somer and Sumer are'remnants' or'the keeping people'. So, the Sumerians weren't the people who stayed in the Altai Mountains and descended to Mesopotamia, where the descendants of Joktan settled down? In this way, some of the descendants of Jokdan who lived in the'mountain east of Mesa to Svalle' may have descended back to Mesopotamia and become'remnants'. It is also said that the old name of Seoul has evolved into Sval ---> Svual ---> Seoul. Svual should write'ㆍ', the missing Korean alphabet. The etymological analysis of Seoul will make it more accurate at the next opportunity. Recently, some historical scholars in Korea presume that Jokdan is “Dangun,” the ancestor of the Korean people, and they agree with the claim that their country occupied a large portion of the Chinese continent, including India from the Tianshan Mountains.

The basis for this claim is that there are the following'Summer's eight Korean elements': ① racially dark hair, small height, flat head  ② using lunar calendar ③ using the 'sunjang'(burial of the living with the dead) system ④ using agglutinative language ⑤ cuneiform ⑥ sexagesimal system ⑦ color No pottery use ⑧ Sharing of the tomb system. In addition to this, you can add ⑨ a a game of yut culture ⑩ counting ⑪ topnot culture ⑫ Korean wrestling. Among them, the most important factors for distinguishing the same race or ethnicity are'linguistic similarity' and'number counting', and there must be a convincing common factor in these two points. There are two common elements in Sumerian culture and Korean culture. As an agglutinative language, Sumerian and Korean have the same meaning and are pronounced the same or more than 500 words. Among them, the verb is said to be over 300 words. There is also a vowel harmony phenomenon. Not only are the two languages ​​the same, given the word order, the object, and the verb, but also the incomplete nouns (dependent nouns) such as'~thing' and'~only' in Korean. In the Samguksagi of Kim Boo-shik, there are records of the old numbers that remain in the central part of Korea today.

These theories are still a hypothesis. And some theories have a biblical basis, and some are unfolded theories. This paper will comprehensively organize these achievements to date and analyze them step-by-step and systematically based on the Bible, and will make good suggestions for related academics. Based on these studies, it is hoped that a more accurate analysis of language and history will be made.

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