1. Western ecclesiastical heresy

Western theologians emphasized one divine essence or reality rather than the emphasis on the Trinity, which was characteristic of the Eastern Church's perception. They understood the Trinity as related in one reality. Expressed by the triangular axis of existence, knowledge, and will, the fundamentally relevant Western Church's Trinitarianism led theologians to highlight the cooperative ministries in creation and salvation. Western theologians were concerned that the Eastern Church had fallen into tritheism, and saw that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son. The Western Church's model declares that the foundation of the inner life of the Divine Trinity lies in the relationship between the Father and the Son, which is the Holy Spirit in connection with both other persons. adoptionisrn: Monarchian, Byzantine Theodotus, Paul of Samosata / Jesus is a person with only humanity and no divinity. It is also called'dynamic monarchy'. / Modalism: Sabellius, Semina's Neotus, and Proxeus /Modalism Heresy appeared in the second half of the second century, claiming that God appeared by changing his shape with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are also called “Patripassianism” because they claimed that God the Father came to the earth in the flesh and that God the Father was crucified and died.

2. Eastern church heresy

The theologians of the Eastern Church emphasized the emancipation (the emergence of the Holy Spirit) from within the Divine, and viewed the Father as the source of the Divine, who gave birth to the saint in the eternal movement and released the Holy Spirit. There was a tendency to emphasize the special and individual ministries of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the divine acts of creation and salvation, focusing on the three separate members of the Trinity, and the Eastern Church was in between the work of the Holy Spirit and the work of Christ. Since the relationship was not strictly defined, there was no need to bind the work of the Holy Spirit only to the salvation of mankind through the church. / Subjugation: Origen-Logos ''Eternal Generation' was the first to explain the relationship between the father and the Son, but he insisted on subjugation with the Son under the father and the Holy Spirit under the Son. The'everlasting occurrence' he claimed was authentic, but the'subordinate theory' was heretical. / Arianism: Arius In the early 4th century, Arius, the elder of Alexandria, inherited the theory of subjugation, and the Father was alone and created the Son, and then created the world in the Son, and the Father and the Son claimed that it was "similar essence."


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