Christian conversion

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 7. 8. 08:04 Posted by forest38

Christian conversion

1. Introduction

The beginning of personal salvation is conversion through the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the holy approach to God and the rebirth of a new life with a break from the previous fallen state. It can be defined as not only a great deal of a lifetime with the Trinity God, but also a life-changing encounter. Conversion consists of repentance and faith. Repentance is the turning of the unbeliever from sin, and faith is moving toward Christ. Here, we first look at the relationship between conversion and regeneration in the salvation process. In addition, while grasping the components of conversion, we examine how the Holy Spirit works in the conversion process from a personal and community perspective.

2. Main subject

When called by God, it goes through the process of conversion. In the salvation of individuals, whether rebirth comes first or conversion comes first is the main criterion between Calvinism (rebirth) and Arminianism (conversion). Wesleyan considers conversion to be a necessary condition for regeneration. In other words, explain that if God repents and believes in God's grace, God will save and transform him. In looking at the Bible's testimonies, there are many verses that indicate that conversion is before regeneration. The appeals of'repentance' to those who hear the gospel certainly imply that conversion leads to regeneration. You can also see that conversion precedes rebirth when judged by Paul in the Philippi prison, "Trust in the Lord Jesus, and you and your house will be saved." In any case, when we are called by God to become children of faith, and when we move our steps toward God, an important part is conversion.

Looking at the personal side of conversion, conversion has repentance and faith. Repentance is a concept that sincerely repents of sins and turns and changes behavior by returning to the one true God, while faith is a procedural concept that is finally completed through the stages of knowledge, consent, and trust. When we realize our sins and turn back, God sees us accepting Christ by faith, and passes us the righteousness of Christ to us by saying “just” to us. There are three elements of conversion. 1) True repentance involves, first of all, a knowledge of God's holiness and dignity. 2) Emotional change follows conversion, and if we go before a holy and just God, those who fear God will mourn their sins. 3) As a willing element of conversion, it means that through conversion, the purpose changes, and the inner distant from sin, while the tendency to seek forgiveness and purity appears.

If conversion is divided into aspects of external change, there are ethnic conversion, temporary conversion, and repeated conversion. Ethnic conversion appears as a moral renewal, and temporary conversion appears without any psychic change, but with some transitional change. Repetitive conversion means that a temporary conversion is repeated. A person who has been truly converted will live a life devoted to striving to live that life according to God's will. This conversion is created by God and is also our response to that grace. We must continue to repent throughout our lives in the process of sanctification. In the conversion process, there is the work of the Holy Spirit working in the whole process of salvation. It is the consistent claim of the disciples who wrote the New Testament that salvation can never be achieved by human effort alone.

The Holy Spirit gives us a sense of sin (Holy Spirit's illumination). The Holy Spirit calls us to God, even though we are sinners, illuminates the hearts of those who hear the Gospel, so that we can see the revealed truth of God, and enable us to repent and believe so we can respond to the Gospel. If the focus of the Holy Spirit's illumination ministry is on the mind, then the power of the Holy Spirit is related to our will. The individual's response to the gospel through the work of the Holy Spirit is not isolated, but in the context of a community of faith. In the process of conversion, the importance of the community of faith centered on the proclamation of the gospel cannot be overstated. The church serves as an intermediary for converting individual human beings through the proclamation of the Gospel, and also integrates them into new communities. The integration of an individual into the community of the church through conversion means the process of accepting a new frame of awareness and making the frame of awareness of the Christian community own.

3. Conclusion

God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to make us holy and unblemished before him in love (Ephesians 1:4). The Holy Spirit works in the whole process of salvation, converting us and constantly repenting and moving forward in the life of sanctification. This enables us to respond to the gospel and participate in God's grand plan, eschatological redemption history, in the community context of believers. Amen.

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