Christian theological view and the theological meaning of human creation

1. Introduction

We have one identity. Because we believe that the Creator God is the origin of our personal existence and the human nature we are called to share. To this end, we will explain the theological prospects of our identity under the premise that we are open creatures to the world. We will first look at the nature of mankind, and then we will discuss our identity under the biblical and theological concept that it was built'in the image of God'. The main purpose of God's creation is to glorify God and make him happy forever. God's intention is for us to participate in the eschatological kingdom of God, the glorious community of mankind and God. Therefore, when we show God's reign to the world through life, the eschatological community God intends to become can become a present reality.

2. Main subject

[Christian view of humanity]

Human origin is God's act of creation. God made man with deliberate action. According to determinism, creative humanity is the product of any forces other than humans. The choices we make are scheduled and even decided. Humans have a dimension of eternity, so there is a starting and starting point. Human beings are made of earth, so the beginning is clear and we can see the future in God. Because God, the Creator, has given human values, human beings as creatures can be satisfied when they serve and love the Creator. God's image is inherent in human beings that no other creature has, and human beings are not human without God's image. By grasping the concept of God's image, we can infer the destiny of our humans, which God has planned.

We have the meaning of'being built in God's image' in that we have accepted God's plan and are not only fulfilling it now, but will someday realize it fully. In addition, humans have a personal relationship with God the Creator, so humans love God and must answer when God calls. The image of God is related in a special way among Christians. In other words, those who are united with Christ share God's image through that unity. However, this voluntary participation is not stagnant but dynamic. The transformation into God's image is a series of processes that begins with conversion and continues to that great eschatological renewal that will bring us a perfect match with God's image.

[Theological meaning of human creation]

The Creator God created man means that man is not an independent being. Man was created on the sixth day as part of God's creation, and the seventh day is the rest day, so the sixth day can be seen as the last day of creation. There is continuity in the creation. The creatures created from the first to sixth days of creation are ecologically connected, so everything in this world is a huge family. Because of the Creator God, man is not the most superior object in the universe. It is only creation by the Creator. Therefore, human beings are finite and cannot live for a moment without God. We must acknowledge this finiteness and live with each other to help, cooperate, and live. Humans are in a unique position in creation, and between these humans is the relationship of brothers and sisters in God.

The faith community describes the basic relationship between God and the world in two terms:'Creator' and'Creation'. As Christians, we are primarily concerned with the special relationship God wants to share with his moral creatures. Our existence itself is a testimony to God's existence. We owe our existence to the Creator God. We exist only because God has given us existence according to the free grace and the freedom to offer His grace. The confession of faith, “Our origin is in God,” means that God is the basis of human existence. Not only the personal life itself, but the meaning of our lives is not inherent to us. We take the meaning of an individual's life from reality beyond ourselves. Because God gives us meaning. And this implication is directly related to God's intended goal, destiny. Finding the right meaning is the mission of our believers.

3. Conclusion

Since God created man to interact with man in community, man's values ​​must be defined by the Creator God, serve and love him. God has chosen us in Christ before the creation of the world, and has predestined us to be His sons through Jesus Christ, to make us holy and without blemish before him in love (Ephesians 1:4-5). Thus, the image of God is related in a special way among Christians in Christ. Those who are united with Christ share the image of God through that unity and continue to the great eschatological renewal. Human beings are finite and cannot live for a moment without God. We must acknowledge this finiteness and work together to live for God's grand salvation plan, the salvation of the community. Only God can give us the value of existence.

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