What is theology? --- 1​

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 7. 14. 02:52 Posted by forest38

What is theology? --- 1​

Theology is a combination of theos and logos. In other words, it means to study God logically and academically. Theology has a proper calling for each age. It serves Christians to accurately and profoundly address their callings and to set and shape historically responsible tasks. Christians should always meditate on how to serve the kingdom of God. We study theology in order to know accurately and correctly the Bible, which is inspired by God. In general, theology is divided into biblical theology, historical theology, organizational theology, and practical theology. Awe the righteousness of the evangelicals who shouted, "Only as the Bible." I am grateful for their insight. Until one point and one stroke, you will not be able to understand the emotions and life changes through the Bible without believing that the entire Bible is written by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible records the revelation of God, which cannot be understood by human power, as the results of recent scientific research reveal that the verses that have not been reasonably understood scientifically and reasonably for thousands of years since the Bible was written. It is compelling to believe that this is not a solution to human curiosity, but a message of human salvation to restore a right relationship with God.

Simaqian, a historian in the prehistoric era of China, was imprisoned and accused of shame and punishment for Lee's incident of subduing the Xiongnu when he was 49 years old. At this time, he cried out, "Where is the justice of the sky?" Afterwards, he devoted himself to writing the best historical book "History" in history by collecting data from all over the country. It is the so-called'History of Simaqian'. What he wanted to know is to speak as a Christian,'Is there a God? Is God righteous?' If Simaqian knew our God, he would have known that God, the great premise of theology, exists, and that God is a just and unique God who governs history by revealing himself in God's divine Word. Of course, the times are different, but if he had read and studied the Bible, he would have been greatly comforted by Romans 5:3-4. " “And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” (Romans 5:3–4, NRSV)

When I was a student, I remember that the topic that always appeared when the debate over religious issues with friends was Trinity. It is only to distinguish between orthodoxy and heresy at a kind of political conference in relation to the Trinity theory being recognized as the Orthodoxy by proclaiming the full divinity of Christ at the Council of Nicea in AD 325 and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit at the Council of Constantinople in AD 381. They thought that problems could not be the essence of religion.

It seems that the Bible was written by God's inspiration, and even such a council was the result of failing to understand that it was God's providence. It is true that it is still difficult to establish a clear conception of the Trinity theory, but it is representative of the Genesis 1:26 “Revenge of Us,” John 14:26, “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name. I think it is important to accept the words recorded in the Bible as it is to remind you of everything I have told you. Particularly with regard to the divinity of the Holy Spirit, we must understand the God of the Holy Spirit in the economical Trinity, the plan of salvation and salvation, and if the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Saints is not actually the Spirit of God, we will participate in the Holy Spirit. If we don't believe in sharing the essence, our religion will not stand on it. The Bible reveals that God created heaven and earth in the beginning, which proves that it is God's free will and transcends even from the created world. In other words, the doctrine of creation comes from the Bible. Creation is the work of the Triune God and can be explained by God the Father, accomplished by the saint, and completed by the Holy Spirit. “Voltmann” emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in particular. Creation doctrine distinguishes Christianity from other religions and can be said to be the most important part of our faith, and through faith in creation doctrine we can understand many other parts of the Bible. Amen

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