Doctor Li Won-Ryang's Testament (義士 李文亮 遺言)

Doctor Li Liang-yang, the first person to report the human-to-human transmission of pneumonia (a new type of corona virus) in China, was infected with the corona virus and died 2.7 in the morning. His wife is also infected and the second pregnant woman is at risk. Li Won-Ryang sent texts to his friends at the end of December last year to report the occurrence of new corona. Even after being infected, he said in a text interview with a Chinese media outlet: “The epidemic is spreading now, and I will not be a running soldier. I will fight on the front line when I recover.” His wife, Fuchseze, summarized Lee's last message.

<Translation-Personal 私訳>

I leave. Just take a piece of admonition.


The day is not bright yet, but I leave. When I left, the pier was still dark and there were no goodbyes. There are just a few falling snow in my eyes. When I missed these snowflakes, they slipped off the snow. The night like clay is so dark that it doesn't even remind you of the light of the world. I lived for a short lifetime. I was confident that I lived brightly and did my best, but it wasn't bright at all. Thank you to those who came and took care of me last night. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have stood by all night and loved me like a beloved lover. But in this fragile world, no miracle happened. I am an ordinary and humble person. One day God chose me to tell God to spread the will of the world. I said carefully. Then, someone yelled at me, why the world was noisy, and I couldn't see the whole city full of radiance.

I had to keep my mouth shut so that I could continue to believe that the world is a warm world. Rather, I was forced to say that everything I said with a red pad in the prints was just a novel. "How can the empress wearing a crown behave in the world?" Just like that, the world is joyous and no one knows if a huge tragedy will soon envelop the city, and God's wrath will make the mountain tremble, and I am infected. My wife is also infected. We are like 10 million snowballs, and my wife is floating over there. I thought I would be able to see my wife again when the warm spring comes. At that time, we sat in the field of yellow rape flowers and counted the flowers and waited. Wait, wait so, God said tenderly to me waiting for the little snowflakes last night, touching my head. "Good, come with me, the world is not a place to live."

When I heard this, I cried like rain. Although the world was cold and painful, God was kind. I'm just afraid that I'll cross the bridge that I can't return to and sometimes miss the family that I will never see again. In fact, my body died on a single admonition. I love this world so much that I continue to live in the sun and praise life and praise the world, but now my body is also dead. Before quietly returning to the handful of soil, I thought quietly about my hometown. When I was thinking of my childhood, the wind blew heavily, and my eyes and feet were white with no flaws. How good is it to live, but I die. I will never be able to embrace my wife's face again. I will never see Dong-ho's dawn on a spring day with my child again. I can never have cherry blossom viewing with my parents again. I can no longer fly a kite high up in the low white clouds.

My child is not born yet. But I dream. The child is already born, crying and looking for me in the crowd. I'm really sorry. You just wanted one ordinary father, but this ugly dad has become a common hero! The day was bright. I have to go. With one admonition, it's the only bag in my short life. thank you. Everyone who knows me, considers me pitiful, and loves me, I know that you are all waiting for me to cross the hills over there at this dawn. But now it's too hard. In this lifetime, I don't feel like the big mountain feels heavy, nor is it trivial. My only hope is that after this tribulation, everyone will surely love the world and trust their country. When a thunderstorm sounds in one spring, if someone celebrates me, please raise a small tombstone. You don't have to stand tall. I just need to prove that I came to the world and was stupid with a name stone, but there was no fear. My tombstone just needs one verse: "He made it known for everyone in the world."

<Originally in Chinese>



还没亮,我走了!我走的候,渡口很黑,无人相送,只有几雪花落在我的眼底。我一思念,它们便滑落。黑夜黑,黑得我想不起万家灯火。我一生追求光,我自很明亮,但我拼尽全力,却什点亮。谢谢你们,昨夜冒着看我的人!谢谢你们整夜不眠,像守望人一把我守望!可是脆弱人有奇迹. 我原本平凡而渺小,有一天我被上帝中,托我他的旨意生。我小心翼翼地了,于是,有人我不要惊扰太平,他们说你没见满城繁华开得正艳吗! 全世界继续相信世安,我只好守口如鲜红的指印保——我都是,戴花冠的致命皇后从来不曾下凡作这样,天下继续熙熙攘攘,也不知道,巨大的悲把城,上帝大怒山河失色,我也病了。再后,我的家人都病了。我像千万片雪花一一片,我一片,各自零。我曾以,只待春江水暖,我和家人便能再度重相逢。到那,我就坐在鹅黄的油菜花田,把花把日一分一秒地,我只等了昨夜小雪,上帝摸摸我的怜地:乖,跟我走,人得!我一听就落如雨,然人苦寒,上帝暖。但我怕了奈何,偶尔回望吾,再也望不一家老小。其,我的骨早就被拍死在一证书上。我继续阳光朗照地活着,歌生命,美松柏,那是因对这土地 得深沉。而今,我的肉身也死了。在我成一粒埃之前,我又静静怀想了一遍故的黑土白云。多想回到小舞的,雪是白无瑕的。活着好,可我死了。我再也无法人的脸庞再也无法孩子去看湖春,再也无法陪父母去看武大花,再也无法把风筝放到白云深我曾依稀梦见未出世的孩子,他()一出生就眼含热泪,在人潮人海中把我找。不起,孩子!我知道只想要一平凡父,而我却做了一平民英雄。天快亮了,我要走了,着一证书那是我此生唯一的行囊。谢谢所有我怜我我的人,我知道你们都在黎明等候,等我越山丘!可是,我太累了。此生,我不想重于泰山,也不怕鸿毛。我唯一的心愿,就是希望冰雪消融之后,生依然热爱大地,依然相信祖等到春雷滚滚,如果有人念我,请给我立一小小的墓碑!不必岸,只须证明我曾来过这个世界,有名有姓,无知无畏。,我的墓志只需一句:他为苍说过话

Now, the world is overwhelmed by the death of a righteous physician. Looking at Lee's last message, organized by his wife, there are verses suggesting that he is Christian. “God chose it,” “God's wrath,” and so on. God tried to spread the epidemic outbreak to the world through doctor Li Won-ryang. Like many persecuted prophets, he is oppressed. The Bible says that the cause of the plague is the fault of the people or the fault of the leader. 1 Chronicles 21 records the event of God killing 70,000 people for three days in order to punish David's pride. The Christian worldview finds the primary cause of natural disasters in God's will. In this regard, significant events have been taking place in the world in recent years. Religious oppressors have largely oppressed Christianity around the world, and the degree is increasing. Amen.


Ⅳ. Conclusion: Westminster creed's theological significance and its application to reality

The Westminster General Assembly was convened during the civil war, which was in fact a religious war and a war of faith, and created a creed amidst the dangers that come every moment. The General Assembly attempted to create three creeds to embody a religion and faith in England, Scotland and Ireland. Among these five creeds of the Reformation, the distinctive attitude to glorify God is very powerful and is buried every moment. However, God's glory does not damage human freedom. If we confess God's purpose by following the five slogans of the Reformation, we do not need to fall into fate. As a free man who keeps the commandments while praying for the help of the Holy Spirit through prayer by receiving the redemption of Christ, we can live an active life of fighting and winning against sin. Experience this in worship at the church, train and go out into the world to verbalize as a co-worker of the kingdom of God for the name and glory of God. This is the glory we will receive at the same time. The Westminster creed passed on to the Korean Church is a grace based entirely on God's purpose and providence. When the church is declining due to the corruption and corruption of the whole church after revival and growth, through the creed of the Reformed Church, we will return to the Bible and receive the power of the Holy Spirit who uses the Bible. I hope.[4]
The Westminster Conference provided doctrine, worship, discipline, and politics to the English-speaking Christian community, and also brought this benefit to the churches where they were missionary. Our Korean church belongs to this. God used the missions of English-speaking missionaries to bring the gospel to Korea. The Korean church learned denominations from the start, but far from it, it also inherited the integrity and the ecclesiality of the true church that the representatives of the Westminster Conference had longed for. The principles of life are God-centered, Bible-centered, and church-centered. This Code and Principles of Life well represent the unity and communion of the true church that the Westminster Conference and its fruitful creed, among the prominent kings of denomination. In the aftermath of revival and growth, the Korean church is being challenged by many heresies that preached the Bible and doctrine, not to mention chaos of doctrine and ecclesiology, worship and politics. Only at this time, the Korean church should be established and led immediately while maintaining the identity of the Reformed and Presbyterian churches according to Westminster doctrine standards and management standards. And the ultimate purpose of all of this is to glorify the Triune God on earth.
There is a difference between learning Christian truth with the confession of faith, the standard document of the public church, and with the doctrine of one person (systematic theology). Of course, a lot of time has passed since the confession was written, and some themes that were not sufficiently covered at the time or that need to be addressed later need to be dealt with through theological books. But a healthy church should have common confession and doctrine. For this reason, we must first learn and learn the confessions of faith and doctrines and questions that have been historically and religiously recognized, and believe in and worship God correctly. Then we can receive in one faith the essential and important doctrines taught by the Bible without great confusion. Learning with accredited confessions and catechisms saves us time and reduces unnecessary debate. It is still valued for us today because it has been refined and survived in numerous challenges and persecutions.[5]
With the help of the work of seniors at the pious Westminster conference, pastors and elders are to serve and carry out these important offices, and to fulfill the mission of the preaching and the critical governance of the Baptist and the Eucharist. For this, not only the confession, but also the Great Catechism will be of great benefit. Doctrine study is also useful in adult education and occupational education. One of the reasons heresy was polarized was that there was no systematic or mature education in the church, or it was not enough. Armed members of the church with doctrine will not be able to step heresy. Doctrine should be a guide when caring for members. Catechism for the next generation should be strengthened as well. The small catechism is an excellent textbook for church education. In particular, it would be good to teach and discuss this question and answer every week in the church and memorize the next generation of protagonists. It has been a long time since school education eroded church education, which means that the risk of them falling out of faith and leaving the church has increased. Even though they are members, it is common to ignore all Bible studies or catechism studies while going all-in to their children's school education. If you learn and recite the catechism that summarizes God's Word, the Bible, the wisdom God has promised will overflow. Then, with the faith to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, we will succeed in school education with clear life coordinates. The emergence of talented people who are faithfully educated in church and who will change the world into the kingdom of God is more desperate than ever. In this regard, teaching and teaching teachers with the help of our creeds and this commentary in the teaching of the church will reward the nurturing of healthy believers. If the officer and all members of the church are armed with the Bible and doctrine, a healthy Presbyterian church will take root and reap fruit, and the entire Korean church will stand strong.[6] Amen.
[1] Kim Joong-rak, "The Historical Background of the Westminster Standard Documents" in British History (G District: Kyungpook National University College of Education)
[2] Park Yun-sun and Jo Joo-seok, "Westminster Confession of Faith" (Suwon: Book Publishing Yeongumsa, 2012), 5.
[3] Yum Moo-moo, "Constitutional Commentary: Westminster Confession of Faith / Questionnaire of Great and Small Doctrine" (Seoul: Presbyterian General Conference, 2015), 243–244.
[4] Harmlessness,, 250.
[5] Westminster General Assembly, "Westminster vs. Catechism Notes" (Suwon-si: People in the Book, 2017), 27–30.
[6] Hee-gu Yoon, Hee-chan Seong and 5 others "Constitutional Commentary: Westminster Confession of Faith / Questionnaire of Great and Small Doctrines" (Seoul: Presbyterian General Conference of Gods, 2015), 3–75

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Ⅲ. Main subject

3. Relevance and singularity of Westminster Confession of Faith (C) vs. Doctrine (G) and Small Doctrine (S)

1) Integrative consideration among the three creeds

Westminster's creed begins with a biblical first in the creed history. The criticism of the text from the early 17th century, especially the original text of the Old Testament, was also the reason why the confession of the Bible was first. As God's revelation, the Bible is complete, complete, and sufficient (C 1,1). The confession of God's direct inspiration for the Old Testament in Hebrew (C 1,8) bears in mind that some scholars claim that the later collection of the original Hebrew text was not inspired. The Westminster creed refers to the duality of God's self-revelation: general revelation and special revelation (C 1,1; G 2). The confessional book reveals the ecclesiological and soteriological character of the Bible. God revealed Himself in many ways besides the general revelation through the light and creation and providence of nature, and gave the people who wrote it the Bible and the way of salvation (C 1,1; G 4). Trust in the Bible is given by the Holy Spirit. The arguments presented by the Confession include the celestial nature of the content, the validity of the doctrine, the majesty of the style, the unity of all parts, the numerous excellence and the complete integrity of the Bible. In addition, the Bible's authoritative support of the Bible's authority is the complete development of the only way of salvation and the intention of giving all glory to God (C 1,5). This is the sufficiency of the Bible because the Bible explicitly records God's will for everything we need for our salvation, faith, and life. This is because God directly inspired 66 books of the Old and New Testaments (C 1,8) and made them the laws of faith and life (C 1,2). In other words, the Bible is the only law of new conduct (C 1, 4, 6, 7). And the Bible is the final court in all debates of religion (C 1,8). In the background of this confession there is a lot of controversy and persecution that the representatives of the conference experienced at that time and before. They wanted the Bible to be the only law and lived according to the Bible and were persecuted for insisting on translating the Bible, but now they publicly attend this meeting and boldly write this confession.
The Bible is the law of faith and life (C 1,2). Following these confessions, the two questionnaires treat the laws of faith (G 6–90; S 4–38) and the laws of life (G 91–196; S 39–107) in turn. The confession does not strictly follow this turn, but the laws of faith are only partially covered in confessional chapters 1–18, 25–33, and the laws of life in chapters 19–24. Confession books take the form of dividing the laws of faith by covering only a part of the laws of life. Most creeds from the Reformation present and comment on the Apostles' Creed in the Law of Faith and the Ten Commandments and the main prayer in the Law of Life. The Bible is the law of faith and life (C 1,2). Following these confessions, the two answer sheets deal with the laws of faith (G 6–90; S 4–38) and the laws of life (G 91–196; S 39–107). The confession does not strictly follow this turn, but the laws of faith are only partially covered in confessional chapters 1–18, 25–33, and the laws of life in chapters 19–24. Confession books take the form of dividing the laws of faith by covering only a part of the laws of life. Most creeds from the Reformation present and comment on the Apostles' Creed in the Law of Faith and the Ten Commandments and the main prayer in the Law of Life. It is a good way to learn the law of faith based on the confession, and the law of life by comparing the two doctrine questions and answers.

2) Doctrinal emphasis and singularity to watch

The most noteworthy part of the Westminster Confession of Confession is the section on “About the Bible,” especially in Chapter 1. First, the Bible reveals that it is the only special revelation of God. In general, organizational theology starts with ‘theology’, whereas creed starts with the Bible. The best and final authority is given to the Bible. This is a great declaration of the “Bible Only” that faces the challenge of corrupt Roman Catholicism. Through this, we can discern where God's will is and prevent abuse.
One of the characteristics of modern church members is that they often believe that faith grows when they receive direct revelation from God. The Westminster creed clearly states that there is no more direct revelation after the canon has been clearly established from the beginning (C 1,1). The Bible is the only special revelation of God, and the way God revealed to his people through angels, dreams, and prophets in the past has ended. Many heresies of the present time warn of seeking a target. In addition, the Bible is written in 66 books, all of which were given by God's inspiration to be the norms of faith and life (C 1,2), and the books called Apocrypha are non-biblical works in general. (C 1,3) is specified. In contrast, the Catholic Bible compels the Trent Council to include awe. The Bible is nothing more than the Word of God, so we must believe and obey the Bible itself (C 1,4). In this regard, among the theological theories, there are cases in which human reasoning is given priority to the interpretation of the Bible and forcing it to believers. That is why the creed guarantees the unity, completeness, and utility of the Bible (C 1,5). In short, the Bible is an infallible norm (C 1,9), and it is confirmed that the best judge for everything related to faith and the Church is the Holy Spirit (C 1,10) speaking in the Bible.

3) The connection between Westminster creed and King James Bible (KJV)

The three Westminster creeds have many citation footnotes that are based on the Bible, with a total of 16 footnotes in one set and an average of six. The scriptures in the footnotes of the three creeds are usually thousands. However, the reason to pay special attention to this footnote is that all of the quoted Bibles are King James Bible (KJV). The KJV Bible debate is one of the most intense debates in the modern Korean church as much as the debate over prayer of glosssolalia. Along with the controversial controversy between those who should encourage and encourage the prayer of the dialect (glossolalia) and those who say that the prayer of the dialect (glossolalia) is not from the Holy Spirit, those who adhere to the KJV and those who do not recognize the KJV on the basis of manuscripts It is an argument. It is not meaningful for us to support one side unilaterally from the standpoint of the student studying, but it is clear that it would be contrary to the Westminster creed if we asked for a target and refused to acknowledge KJV. I want to point out the reason.
First, when it comes to praying in tongues (glossolalia), “prayer with thanksgiving is a special part of religious worship. (Omitted) When praying out loud, you must speak in a well-known language.” (C 21,3). In 1 Corinthians 14:4, the apostle Paul affirms the personal utility of the glosssolalia itself. However, when it comes to praying in tongues (glossolalia), it seems like a negative nuance, but it is confusing to later generations with unclear expressions (1 Cor. 14:14). It must be done in a known language."
On the other hand, it relies on the first footnote of Confession 2:3, related to the verse that proves the Trinity, “There are three who testify in heaven, the Father and the Word and the Holy Spirit” (1 John 5:7). How many ranks do you have in your personality? The answer is (G 9, S 6), and in manuscripts, KJV is said to be unreliable, claiming that this passage was intentionally inserted in later generations. On the other hand, with regard to the world after death, KJV clearly defines hell, while clearly distinguishing it into two types, heaven and hell, while revising the Korean translation into three. The Westminster creed clearly supports KJV's position. (G 29).
Meanwhile, the Westminster Creed's commentary on the Ten Commandments and the main prayer is renowned for its excellence. Of these, it is noticeable that the translation of the revised version is incorrect in relation to the main prayer. In "As We Forgive Us Those Who Sinned", most versions are interpreted as'debts' as'wrong' or'debt', whereas the amendment and NLT are translated as sins. . The creed makes it very clear that the basis of prayer for apology is not our apology. We must confess that we are sinners who are not entitled to forgiveness. In this commentary of origin, we honestly admit that we owe us to God's justice for original sin. We have already been freed from sin, guilt, and punishment because of Christ's ransom obedience. Therefore, we should rely on the intercession of Jesus, not our merits, to ask God to forgive every day's crimes, and with confidence, we can enjoy peace and joy in fullness. Those who are forgiven in this way can forgive their neighbor's faults. The explanation of our creed is quite just. Just as our faith is not a condition or basis for apology, forgiveness of our neighbors is not a basis for our forgiveness.[3](G 194, S 105)

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Ⅲ. Main subject

1. Westminster Confession of Faith

1) Significance

The Westminster conference produced outstanding works of theologians of the day, despite both internal and external conflicts. In addition to confession and doctrinal answers, church milestones, church politics, and post offices have set milestones in the Presbyterian Church, and have pursued the unity and communion of the Church without following denominationalism. The Puritans' concern at the Westminster conference was to unify the church and society without falling into the selfish spirit. On the one hand, they sought true freedom of faith beyond the control of the Anglican Church, the source of numerous persecutions, and on the other hand, they sought a true Christian society based on this belief. Many Puritans in England left England from the 1620s and headed to the Americas to practice freedom of living and living faith. It is a constant desire of true Christians to know and believe right in God's Word, the Bible. And systematically confessing that belief is also a figure of a grown believer. The Westminster Confession of Faith has a doctrinal reformist character. This confession of faith was adopted as the basic doctrine of the Presbyterian Church and requires that the presbyterian church members accept it as biblical doctrine.[2]

2) Overview of structure and contents

In the confession, the essential truths of the Bible to be preached and taught throughout life are systematically organized. It consists of a total of 33 chapters, the main contents of which are the Bible, God and the Trinity, God's eternal purpose, creation and providence, corruption and sin and punishment, free will, justification, adoption, saint's traction, sacrament and baptism, and the sacrament , The church's discipline, the sacraments and baptisms, the sacrament, the church's discipline, the resurrection and judgment of the dead, etc., and summarized the contents of the very important truths in the Bible. In particular,'believing in the Bible' at the beginning of the Westminster Confession of Faith is very important for those who want to believe according to the Bible. The first of the five principles of Reformation is the Sola Scriptura. The Medieval Catholic Church claimed that the authority to teach salvation was the Bible and the holy tradition, and the Pope was a successor to Peter and had the final authority to interpret the Bible. It has been declared.
3) Change of Westminster Confession
As mentioned earlier, the Westminster Confession is a Presbyterian Confession of Faith during the Westminster Assembly (1643.7.1. -1649.2.22.). It was created for the purpose of connection with the family, and was made in 33 chapters in 1643-1647. It was subsequently accredited in Scotland (1647) and the British Parliament (1648). This confession was heavily influenced by the Confession of Faith by the Scottish Reformer John Knox (1514-1572) and the Geneva Confession of Confession. The Presbyterian Church (USA) does not partially accept Chapters 20 and 23, and decides to revise Chapters 20 and 31 and amend the bill in 1788. Later, in 1842, the American Presbyterian Church added Chapters 34 about the Holy Spirit and Chapter 35 about the Gospel and Mission of God's Love. In 1903, the American Presbyterian Church also accepted it. This process of revision reflects the principle of sophistication, which was largely lacking when it was written in England. The Korean Church adopted the newly revised chapters 20, 23 and 31 of the Confession, and the newly attached chapters 34 and 35 from the beginning.

2. Westminster Large and Small Catechism Questionnaire

1) Significance and Purpose

Catechism, which is often translated as “doctrinal question and answer,” may be more appropriate to translate as “faith education.” The Church used several teaching methods to teach the Church members the Christian doctrine well and have them learn because all of them were called Catechism. However, because many Catechisms are in the form of educationally effective questions and answers, we naturally think of Catechism as a catechism. The ancestors of our faith wrote several confessions and catechisms. Christians and believers had to organize ‘who believes in (object)’ and ‘what they believe in (content)’ for various reasons. The Westminster Confession was also written for similar reasons. It was created to seek and declare the rigors of Christian truth, but to respect diversity in that rigor, to believe and worship rightly and to live holy. It was also built to deal more abundantly with the Christian system of truth than with previous confession of faith. Westminster v. Catechism was created to better teach and learn the content of these Westminster confessional statements in the Church. It is deeper, more accurate, and more abundant compared to other previous catechisms. It was intended to deliver the full and in-depth themes of the whole Bible, including well-organized catechisms written up to that time, but not fully covered by previous catechisms. However, the great and abundant content of the great catechism was small, making it a burden for children, adolescents, and people who just believe in to understand and learn. So, the Westminster General Assembly would write a small catechism briefly summarizing the content of the great catechism. The Great Catechism Questionnaire was completed prior to the commencement of the Small Catechism Questionnaire. The popularity of the catechism was good. In particular, the small doctrine questionnaire was greatly welcomed and made a great contribution to the spiritual and spiritual training of the Scottish people.

2) Overview of structure and contents

The following is an overview of the catechism.
a. Great catechism
Questions 1–5. People's Purpose and the Bible
〈What should a person believe in God〉
Questions 6–8. Who is God / 9–11. Trinity God /12–14. God's Plan / 15–17 questions and answers. Creation / 18–20 questions and answers. Providence / 21–23 questions and answers. Human Fall / 24–27. Sin and misery as a result of the fall / 28–29. The consequences of sin / 30–35 questions and answers. Covenant of Grace / 36–42. Jesus Christ, the mediator of the covenant of grace / 43–56 questions and answers. Working with the office of Christ / 57 questions and answers. Other benefits of the covenant of redemption and grace / 58–64. The Church Participating in Redemption / 65–90 questions and answers. The grace of the church participating in redemption
(The lyric of salvation: effective calling, justification, adoption, sanctification, traction, movies)
〈What are God's mandates for mankind〉
Questions 91–101. Man's Obedience and the Ten Commandments / 102–121. Our Duty to God (1st-4th Commandments) / 122–148. Our obligation to man (5th-10th commandment) / 149–152. The Ten Commandments and Our Limits / 153 questions and answers. External means of conveying the benefits of faith, repentance, and intercession / 154 questions and answers. Words, sacraments, prayers, external means / 155–160 questions and answers. Words / 161–164. Sacrament / 165–167 questions and answers. Baptism / 168–175 questions and answers. Holy Communion / 176–177 questions and answers. Baptism and the Eucharist / 178–185 questions and answers. Prayer / Questions 186–196. The Lord's Prayer
b. Cow catechism
Questions 1–3. People's Purpose and the Bible
〈What should a person believe in God〉
Questions 4–12. Coming to God / 13–19. Man's Fall / 20–28 questions and answers. Christ, working with the office / 29–38. The lyric of salvation with the Holy Spirit
〈What are God's mandates for mankind〉
Questions 39–84. Man's Obedience and the Ten Commandments / 85–107 questions and answers. Faith, Repentance, Word, Sacrament, Prayer


This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

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. Preface

Four standard documents produced by the Westminster Assembly of Divines held at the Westminster Abbey in London, England, from 1643 to 1649: Confession of Confession, Catechism of the Great and Small, Worship Model, Presbyterian Politics (government) can be said to be the most precious standard of faith created by the church throughout church history. In particular, the previous two documents, "Westminster Confession of Faith" and "Westminster Large and Small Catechism," are arguably the most complete creeds and doctrines of education, and today many Protestant churches accept it or use it with some modifications. However, this does not mean that Westminster standards are not perfect or that standards of better faith cannot appear. Just as the Bible was inspired by the historical and author's background, these Westminster standards were also created in a historical, spatiotemporal environment. Therefore, to understand the Westminster Standards correctly, an understanding of the historical background of the holding and process of the General Assembly must be given priority. 

The Presbyterian Church, which accounts for about 80% of Korean churches, adopts the Westminster creed as a doctrine on the joint side, and the constitution and doctrine on the side of the consolidation and instead. Congregational Baptist churches have adopted some of their amendments. The Westminster creed is the most prestigious symbol of the Reformed Church except the Bible and can be seen as the culmination and result of the Reformation that began in the Middle Ages. The members of the Presbyterian Church in Korea often hear about Westminster standards since they first attended church. Nonetheless, the Korean Presbyterian Church today lacks education and understanding of these standards, and lacks understanding of the Westminster General Assembly that created them or the process by which they were created. Therefore, here, the Westminster General Assembly was convened under what circumstances, and how the standard books were created, its meaning and limitations were examined, and the significance, structure, and peculiarities of confession of faith and catechism were examined and applied to the present age. 

. Understanding of historical background 

1. Reformation in England and Scotland 

Understanding Westminster's three creeds requires an understanding of the church and royal unity of England and Scotland, which were independent kingdoms in the early 17th century. As is well known, the Church of England began in 1534 when Henry VIII was not allowed to divorce the Pope. He declared a break with the Roman Catholic Church and became the head of the English Church himself. However, the English national church did not achieve a complete reform. Those who were dissatisfied with the appearance of the English National Assembly and wanted to reform the National Church more fully were Puritans (Puritans). Puritan is a very broad spectrum concept, but it is mainly people who wanted to introduce Presbyterian organization and Calvinist doctrine to England. 

The Church of Scotland, on the other hand, was founded in 1560 when John Knox, who was led by Calvin during Geneva's exile, returned. The Scottish Parliament, led by Knox and Protestant aristocrats, carried out reforms and created the Scottish National Church. This Presbyterian political theory, also called the Two Kingdoms Theory, is central to the fact that the church and the government cannot directly intervene in each other's sphere. However, the church could criticize or warn the government if it does not rule according to the word of God. 

2. The Regal Union of England and Scotland and the Westminster General Assembly


In 1603 Queen Elizabeth of England handed over the crown of England to James VI of Scotland. When he went to England and became King James I as a unified king, he gained a strong kingship. In his reign, the Bible was translated into English. It is the very Bible that the Authorized Version calls. It is also called the King James Version after his name. However, he hated the Scottish Presbyterian Church, who refused to rule the king over the church. During his reign, the Scottish Church was contaminated, and some Puritans crossed the United States on the Mayflower for freedom of faith. 

His son, Charles I, was a completely Catholic worshiper. Charles' policy of the Church provoked anger not only by the Scottish Presbyterians and the Puritans in England, but also by the majority of the people who were satisfied with the Church of England. However, the king punished the opposers relentlessly. In 1638, all the people of Scotland made a National Covenant and revolutionized their Presbyterians. The Scottish, who had defeated the king's army twice, gained full religious freedom in 1640, but faced with the king's stubborn opposition between England and the parliamentarians trying to fully reform the British Anglican church to preserve the traditional English congregation. Civil war broke out. In the early days of the civil war, when the charter returned against the parliament, the Puritan leaders in England and the Presbyterian leaders in Scotland signed a “solemn alliance and covenant.” The content of the solemn alliance and covenant was to convene the General Assembly to reform the English parliamentary conference. This summit was called the Westminster General Assembly. 

3. The nature and agenda of the General Assembly of Westminster 

The Westminster Assembly was legally a subordinate to the English Parliament. However, the General Assembly of Scotland sent a total of eight envoys on behalf of the Scottish Church, who were all armed with the Presbyterian theory. And the Scottish General Assembly delegated them full power. During the course of the General Assembly, Scottish envoys played an active role. And one more thing to note is that whenever the four standard documents were made, the Scottish Church held the General Assembly and accepted it as their standard document. This is the concept by which the Scottish Church held the Westminster General Assembly in England (England and Scotland combined). ) It is also clear evidence of acceptance into the General Assembly. As mentioned earlier, the Westminster standard documents are Confession of Faith, “Date and Mind Doctrine”, “Example of Worship”, and “Government of the Presbyterian Church”. The Westminster Assembly's creation of these documents can also be attributed to Scottish influence. The role of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland in the preparation of the Westminster creed was crucial. 

4. Results of the Westminster General Assembly 

Of the four standard documents, the most influential document afterwards is, of course, the Westminster Confession of Faith. There was little conflict between the worship section and the creed issue. The Worship Model emphasized public worship, which consists of reading the Bible, praying, and preaching, and includes baptism, communion, marriage, funeral, fasting, and thanksgiving. Confessions of faith have been written without difficulty, thanks to the work of many Puritan pastors and Scottish envoys. The Doctrine and Questionnaire was divided into two volumes, ``The Great Catechism for Adults'' and ``The Small Catechism for Children''. Unlike the Catechism of the Great Catechism, the Catechism of the Small Catechism did not follow the order of the confession of faith, which seems to have nothing to do with the fact that Scottish envoys did not participate in the draft process of the Catechism of Catechism in preparation for returning home. 

The Westminster General Assembly, which had a total of 1163 meetings for more than five and a half years, ended on February 22, 1649. Today, almost all Presbyterian churches adopt the results of the Westminster Assembly as a constitution. In particular, the Westminster Confession of Faith provides the standard of Protestant faith in that it provides answers to problems that all existing confession cannot solve. The legacy of the General Assembly can be seen as the result of the sacrifices and efforts of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Whenever these presbytery standards were made, the General Assembly of Scotland accepted them as the standards of the Scottish Church in accordance with the covenant with England. For the Church of England, documents written by the English pastors' decisions in the land of England were accepted by the Scottish Church, not the English Church. It was the irony of history and a mystery that God had fulfilled. In 1660, the Church of England, together with the Royal Restoration, discarded Westminster standard documents. However, the Scottish Church embraced them and spread them with the Gospel all over the world. It is a blessing that the Korean church has become a part of this mystery of God. [1]


This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

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Let's take a look at the reality of North Korean underground church members through the words of Hebrews 11:35-40. Hwang Jang-yeop, who devised the North Korean Juche idea, testified that the Juche idea is a Christian heretical theory based on the theory that there is no error in leader. There are more than 30,000 statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in North Korea. In North Korea, the edeification of Kim Il-Sung was instilled in the people during the time of eating, but in the 1990s, more than 3 million people died of starvation during the suffering march. After Kim Il-sung died, Kim Jong-il spent more than $700 million on the body. People's illusion of Kim Il-sung is broken. From this point on, underground church members are said to be exploding. If they are caught in a secret rally, they are taken to political prison camps and forced to work until they die, and the number of these martyrs is estimated at thousands per year. It is imperative that Korean churches and the world religious circles unite and rescue them. So what do we do for them? We need to report to the world the crackdown on underground church members. The international community should pressure and monitor the North Korean government to ban confinement and execution. We need to actively support the North Korean missions group and send relief supplies to alleviate hostility toward Christianity. We need to traverse and testify of underground Christians who have escaped North Korea and spread their testimony to the whole world. This will protect North Korean underground members. And if it is known to the world that their martyrdom surpasses the Roman persecution of Christianity in the early church, the spiritual awakening of the Korean church will happen and the world church will repent. Also, the cursed Jews will be converted for their responsibility for killing Jesus Christ. When I hear about someone in Israel who is doing missionary work, it is said that Jews never try to hear anything else about Christianity. However, when I tell them that North Korean underground believers are being executed and martyred for believing in Jesus Christ, they suddenly become stupid and tearful. It is a point to infer that North Korean martyrs are being used to bring Jews back to Christ. The Bible testifies that there will be Jewish conversion before the new creation begins. Amen.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

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Book Review: Knowledge of God (James Packer)

ENGLISH EDITION 2020. 6. 2. 02:46 Posted by forest38

Book Review: Knowledge of God (James Packer)

Summary :  Part 1 Know Jehovah

1. Study of God

For the study of God, five basic truths, the five fundamental principles of Christians, will determine this course from beginning to end. The five basic principles are: ① God spoke to humans, and the Bible is God's word given to us to have wisdom to salvation. ② God is the Lord and King of the world He created. God rules everything for his own glory, showing perfection in everything he does. Because of this, humans and angels worship and praise God. ③ As the Savior, God actively shows sovereign love through the Lord Jesus Christ to save believers from guilt and the power of sin. And they make them children and give them a proper blessing. ④ God is the Trinity. There are three Persons in the Divine, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the work of salvation is the work of these three Persons. That is, the Father decides to redeem, the Saint fulfills the redemption, and the Holy Spirit applies it. ⑤ Godliness means responding to God's revelation with trust and obedience, faith and worship, prayer and praise, obedience and service. do. Life must be revealed and operated under the word of God. This is true religion.

2. People who know their God

How does knowing God affect people? We will answer this through Daniel. ① Those who know God have great passion for God ② Those who know God have great thoughts about God ③ Those who know God show boldness for God ④ Those who know God have great satisfaction in God Get If we want knowledge of God, first we must recognize the lack of knowledge of God and ask the Lord to understand us. Second, we must seek the Savior. Only those who have found the Lord Jesus can testify before the people of the world that they know their God. It is Jesus' promise that if we search for Jesus with all our heart, we will surely find Him.

3. What you know and what you know

What were we created for? To know God. What goals should we set in life? It is knowing God. What is Jesus' eternal life? It is a knowledge of God. “Eternal life is to know the only true God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he has sent” (John 17: 3). As we listen to God's Word, we find it very low. Because God speaks of your sins, guilt, weakness, ignorance, and foolishness, making you compel yourself to despair and helpless and cry out for forgiveness. When you listen to God's Word, you will realize that God actually opens your heart, makes you a friend, and makes you a companion and covenant partner in Barth's words. It is grace to know God. We are not dating God, but God is making us acquainted with God by making us know His love. God's knowledge of his people is related to the whole purpose of compassionate salvation. That knowing means God's personal affection for those who know him, the act of redemption, covenant faithfulness, and provident care. In other words, it is the salvation that is given forever from now on, as we have suggested earlier.

4. Only the true God.

The images damage God's honor. Because it covers the glory of God. The key reason to forbid paintings and images is that they inevitably hide most of the truth about the personal nature and qualities of the divine beings they describe—not all. Also, images lead us in the wrong way. Because they convey the wrong concept of God. Historically, people used to put the statue of Jesus on the cross as an aid to prayer, putting them at risk of thinking godliness as a reflection of Christ's physical suffering. This led to unhealthy thoughts about the spiritual value of physical suffering, and to fail to know the risen Savior. Any speculative theology in which the Bible relies on philosophical reasoning rather than revelation is wrong in this regard. Paul tells us how this theology of the Lord will eventually happen. “Because this world does not know God through his wisdom” (I Corinthians 1:21). To follow your mind's imagination in the field of theology is to remain ignorant of God. This is the way to worship idols, which are false images of God, made with your own guesses and imaginations. In light of this, the positive aspect of the second commandment is clear. A passive look at this commandment is a warning of religious practices and worship practices that discourage God's honor and distort God's truth. On the other hand, actively looking, the Creator God is transcendent, mysterious, incomprehensible and ordered to recognize that we are beyond all imaginative and philosophical thinking categories we can. Therefore, God's view must be taken from the Bible.

5. Incarnate God

The most difficult part of preaching the gospel is how to explain the incarnation to unbelievers. There are two mysteries here: “The Word became flesh” (John 1:14). God became human. This is the real stumbling block of Christianity. But once the incarnation is properly understood, these difficulties disappear. First of all, the baby born in Bethlehem was a real God. John knew that the word Son of God was defiled in the minds of readers with misleading associations. From the beginning, he tried to make it clear that Jesus was the claim and that Christians are the sons that Jesus believes to be in Jesus, to speak of divinity and nothing else. That is why the famous John Preface (John 1: 1-18) came out. There is nowhere in the New Testament that clearly explains the meaning and nature of Jesus being the Son of God. Also, the baby born in Bethlehem is God who became human. He was not the one who subtracted some elements of divinity from God, but was the one who added all things that made humanity his own by taking personality by himself. Moreover, it was not the new relationship created by the incarnation, but the eternal relationship between the saint in heaven and the Father's eternal continuation in time, that the saint, the newcomer, obeyed the Father when he was in the world. As in heaven, on earth, the saint was wholly dependent on the will of the Father. Likewise, the saint did not consciously know all that could be known, but only what the Father God meant to know. The saint's knowledge, like his actions, was limited by the will of God the Father.

6. He will testify

The Gospel of John tells us that it is God the Father who will send the Holy Spirit. It is the same as the Father who sent the Son. According to the Lord, the Father “will send the Holy Spirit in my name, that is, as the agency of Christ, who does the will of Christ, acts as His agent, and has His authority. Just as Jesus came in the name of the Father, acted as the Father's agent, preached the words of the Father, did the Father's work, and testified to the end of God who sent Himself as a messenger, the Holy Spirit came in the name of Jesus, in the world He will act as Jesus' agent and witness. Spiritism is like a jewel buried in ashes in the Christian doctrine, and few people are interested in it. We should not think that Christian truth can be proved by our arguments. No one can prove the truth of Christianity without the omnipotent work of the Holy Spirit renewing the blind mind. It is the sovereign privilege of the Spirit of Christ to make man's conscience a reality of the gospel. Those who testify of Christ must learn that the basis of their hope for success is not in their presentation of the truth, but in the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest it. If there is no Holy Spirit, there will be no Christians in the world.

7. God who does not change

We can say that the Bible is the word of God, the lamp of my feet and the light of my way, but we have doubts that it does not match the times when the Bible was written. We don't know how this story applies to us now, nor how to overcome it. From the standpoint of space, time, and culture, it is true that the people and their times are very far from us. But we need to find a connection with God from those people. In order to dispel this doubt, we must first start talking from the immutability of God. We must know that God's life does not change, and that God's character does not change. Likewise, God's truth does not change, and God's ways do not change. God's purposes do not change. Likewise, the Son of God does not change. Jesus Christ “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13: 8), and His hand still has the same power as it used to be. This fact brings great comfort to all of God's people.

8. God's Majesty

The Bible tells us two things about how to have the right concept of God's greatness. The first is to remove the limitations that would dwarf God when thinking about God. In Psalm 139, the journalist meditates on the infinite and unlimited nature of God's presence, knowledge, and power in relation to people. The psalmist says that we are always in God's presence. You can break your relationship with fellow humans. But you can't run away from the Creator. Even the darkness that hides me from human sight cannot be covered by God's eyes. The God who sees through all things is also the Almighty God. Here is the first step in understanding the greatness of God. It is to recognize how infinite God's wisdom, presence, and power are. The second is to compare God with the power or power we deem great. In Isaiah 40, God tells us to look at the work he has done, and the Prophet keeps telling us to look at the nations and the world. Think of the world's size, diversity, and complexity, and think of the 7 billion people living there and the sky above it, how little we are compared to the whole of our planet! But what about this huge whole planet compared to God? Look at the great ones. God is greater than the greats of this world. Finally, look at the stars. It is impossible to add scientific knowledge of the number of millions of stars or the distance of a few billion light years. When we try to think of the innumerable depths of the universe, we become paralyzed and dizzy mentally. It is all in God's hands and is subject to God's will. Look at your God!

9. Wise God

The wisdom of the Bible is not merely clever or subtle. Wisdom is the ability to see the best and best goals and the surest means to achieve them, and the tendency to choose them. Wisdom is a practical aspect of moral good. There is no frustration because God's wisdom is combined with omnipotence. Infinite wisdom and infinite power are combined together in God, and this makes God worthy of full trust. God's omnipotent wisdom is always active and never fails. All of God's creation and ministry of providence and grace show wisdom, and we see them properly only when we can see the omnipotent wisdom of God in them.

We will be able to see as much of what Paul saw in his fleshly thorns (whatever it was) in relation to God's wisdom. Paul says it came to him as “Satan's messenger” and tempted him to think bad things about God. Paul resisted this temptation and sought the face of Christ three times, asking for thorns to be removed. The only response Paul received was, “My grace is sufficient for you. This was a burden because my power was weak and it was complete. ” After contemplation, Paul realized the reason why he should suffer such suffering. It was so that he would continue to be humble, “to make him not too proud because he received so many revelations. With this thought and the words of Christ, he was enough. “Therefore I will boast of my weaknesses in great joy, that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12: 7-9)

10. God's wisdom and our wisdom

When dealing with the attributes of God, the old Reformed theologians divided them into two groups: non-shared attributes and shared attributes. Wisdom is a shared attribute. As God was originally wise, God imparts wisdom to creation. Where can we find wisdom? What should we do to get this gift in our hands? According to the Bible, there are two prerequisites for this. First, we must learn to honor God. It is anxious that many Christians spend their entire lives too proud and proud to receive wisdom from God. There is a reason in the Bible to say that the humble man has wisdom ”(Prov. 11: 2). Second, we must learn to receive the Word of God. You can do this by immersing yourself in the Scriptures that make you “have wisdom to salvation” through faith in Christ and have the power to do all good (2 Tim. 3: 15-17). When God guides us by applying principles, we sometimes confirm such guidance through a different providence that we immediately recognize as a signal. But in fact, the gift of wisdom has nothing to do with this ability and presupposes that we are incapable of it. Ecclesiastes says the optimistic expectation of discovering a divine purpose for everything will ultimately lead to this pessimistic conclusion.

11. Your word is truth

The two facts about the Triune God in the Bible are the fact that the first God is the absolute king of the universe who controls all things in the universe and fulfills his will in everything that takes place in it, and the second is that God will do his will. In order to do that, you are saying that you express the meaning. We will look at the second word of God here because God's sovereignty must be understood in light of what the Bible says about God's Word. The ‘Tora’ from God, the King, has three characteristics. Some of them are laws (narrow orders or bans with sanctions attached). Some of them are promises (favorable or unfavorable). Some of them are proclamation (God's information about Himself and people, their actions, purposes, essence, and expectations). God's Word is absolute and it must be. Looking at this in two contexts, first, God's commandments are truth. Sexual indulgence does not make it more human, but less human. It makes humans like animals and tears the soul apart. It happens everywhere that ignores God's commandments. We live a truly human life just as much as we try to keep God's commandments. Second, God's promises are true. Because God keeps those promises. How does God's integrity appear? It appears to be fulfilling the promise. God is the covenant keeper.

12. God's Love

The daily and general ministry of the Holy Spirit shows much more interest in the gifts of healing and tongues than the daily work of the Holy Spirit, which gives peace, joy, hope and love by pouring knowledge of God's love into our hearts. (1 Corinthians 12: 28-30). The best that Paul could have hoped for the Ephesians in connection with the Holy Spirit was that the Holy Spirit continued to be more powerful toward them, and as Romans 5: 5 ministered, they gained a deeper understanding of God's love in Christ. Now pondering on God's love, we look into God's heart. We will stand on a holy land. And to step on the land without sinning, you need the grace of awe. Because we know that 'God is love', we can apply to ourselves the promise that all things work together and do good to those who love God and are called according to God's will (Rom 8:28). have. Every thing that happens to us expresses God's love for us one by one and promotes God's purpose for us. James Orr said, “Love is a principle that generally allows one moral being to rejoice in the hope of another moral being. It is a personal relationship in each person's life. "It is the best form of personality that we discover." Romans 8:32 says, "You have not spared your son ... Will you not give everything to us? "

13. God's grace

Paul said, “I am made of God by grace” (1 Corinthians 15 ”10), and their rule of life is“ I do not destroy the grace of God ”(Gal. 2:21). Along with this, we must realize God's retributive justice, but the Bible claims that this world created by the good God from beginning to end is a moral world. If God does not punish sin, it is against His cause. And unless a man knows and feels this fact, that there is no hope for evildoers, and must be judged by God, he can never trust God's grace. Paul asserts, "There is no body that will be justified before him by the act of the law" (Romans 3:20). No one can improve the relationship with God by regaining it once God's grace is lost. And in order to have biblical faith in God's grace, we must know this and lean forward. Grace and salvation are united as cause and effect. “You are saved by grace” (Ephesians 2: 5,8). “The grace of God, which gives salvation to all, appears” (Titus 2:11). The Gospel says, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16), “Christ died for us while we were still sinners. God has confirmed His love for us ”(Romans 5: 8), how the“ spring is opened ”according to the Prophets (Zech. 13: 1), and washed away sins and filthy things. To the listener “… Come to me all. I declare that I will give you rest ”(Matthew 11:28).

14. God the Judge

If you look at the Old Testament, you can see that the theme of God's action as a judge is clearly recorded. Nothing can escape God. You can fool humans, but you cannot fool God. God knows us as it is and judges us as it is. Paul says, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.” The existence of God's judgment must have a direct impact on our view of life. If we know that the retributive judgment awaits us at the end of life, We will live differently than we do not, and the final judgment will be made according to our actions.Paul warns the Corinthians to be careful about what kind of lifestyle they will build upon Christ. If you stand on the ground with stones, jewels, trees, grass, or straw, each achievement will appear, and that day will reveal the achievement, which will be represented by fire, and the fire will test what each man's achievement is. If it stays there, you will receive a reward, and if anyone accomplishes it, you will be harmed, but you will be saved, but you will be saved in the fire ”(1 Corinthians 3: 12-15). You will find it ”), and then you will know that“ Never is condemned to those who are in Christ Jesus ”(Rom. 8: 1), and you will look forward to the joy of meeting with Jesus in the future.

15. God's wrath

One of the most surprising things about the Bible is that the New Testament and the Old Testament strongly emphasize the reality and fear of God's wrath. But what God is doing is simply ratifying and corroborating the judgments already imposed on them by the way He “punishes” those who choose to follow themselves. This appears in the account of God's first act of wrath against man in Genesis 3 There we find that even before God kicked Adam out of the Garden of Eden, Adam had already chosen to hide from God and avoid His presence. The same principle applies throughout the Bible. The New Testament argument for God's wrath is concentrated in Romans. God's wrath is God's response to our sin, and “the law makes it wrath” (4:15). This is because the law arouses the sins lurking in us and makes the crime—an act of wrath—fulfilled (5:20; 7: 7-13). If you want evidence that God's wrath revealed in fact in your conscience is already acting as a force in this world, Paul says you just need to look at the lives of those around you and see what God has “leave them alone” to.

16. Be kind and rigorous

People are confused about God's character. At its roots, ① people are in the habit of following their religious intuition rather than learning about God from the Word of God, and ② modern people think that all religions are equal, and not only Christian sources but also pagan sources. It leads to the concept of God, ③ with the fact that people no longer acknowledge the reality of their sins. ④ Today's people have a habit of separating the concept of God's Son from the concept of God's strictness. We must make the following efforts to eliminate the causes of this analyzed confusion. ① You must help people base their beliefs on what they say in the Bible. ② You must strive to show people the uniqueness and finality of the Lord Jesus Christ, the final word God gave to man. ③ Be willing to believe in yourself and be willing. At the same time, you need to correct yourself with the words of Christ, and at the same time, you must change your habit of separating the concept of God's Son of Man from the concept of God's Sternity. Paul says in Romans 11:22, "Behold the kindness and strictness of God." Strictly literally means 'cut off', which denotes the resolute reaping of the Son of Man from those who have rejected God's Son of Man. Paul means that behind all the expressions of God's kindness, there will be strict judgment if that kindness is despised.

17. Jealous God

The Bible makes it clear that God is a jealous God. “Jehovah is a God of jealousy, called jealousy” (Exodus 24:14). Thus, there are two things to keep in mind about God's jealousy. ① God's jealousy should be understood as a new person dynamic. God's jealousy is not a complex of frustration, envy, and resentment, like human jealousy, because God created us in his own image, yet a person of existence and no fallen nature. It appears hard. ② There are two kinds of human jealousy, and only one of them is evil. This kind of jealousy is the mad madness of rejected or pushed suitors, often called sexual jealousy. Another kind of jealousy is the zeal to protect a relationship between love or to revenge when it is broken. God's jealousy is like the latter. God's jealousy urges us to be zealous toward God. Paul had a heart for the Lord and was an eager person to make the most of it. In the face of prison and suffering, Paul affirms that “I do not value even my life in the least to finish the way I will run and the mission I have received from the Lord Jesus, to testify of the gospel of God's grace” (Acts 20:24). did. God's jealousy also threatens churches that are not zealous for God. It means to be cold or hot.

Summary 3 : Part 3-If God is for us

18. The heart of the gospel

At the heart of the gospel is the concept of 'reconciliation'. In the New Testament, there are four texts related to harmony. ① “Now, besides the law, a righteousness of God has appeared… In other words, there is no discrimination because it is God's righteousness to all believers through faith in Jesus Christ. With his blood he made a peace offering through faith ... To be righteous ”(Romans 3: 21-26) ②“ Therefore, he deserves to be like brothers in all things. This is a merciful and faithful high priest in the work of God, and the people are to redeem their sins ”(Hebrews 2:17). ③“ If anyone commits a sin, we have a prophet before the Father, who is righteous Jesus Christ. He is a peace offering for our sins ”(1 John 2: 1-2). ④“ God is love. God's love has been revealed to us in this way, and God is sending his only-begotten Son into the world to save us. Love is here, and we did not love God, but God loved us and sent His Son as a peace offering to atone for our sins ”(1 John 4: 8-10). In this way, harmony in the New Testament faith is central. Reconciliation, in addition to signifying the Atonement, also represents the calming of the wrath of God. The key to reconciliation is that Christ calmed the wrath of God by the sacrificial death of our sins. God's wrath is as personal and effective as God's love.

19. Children of God

A Christian can be defined as a person who has God as Father. The gift of being a son of God is ours, not by being born, but by being born again. “To those who receive it, those who believe in its name, are given the power to become children of God, because they are not of the lineage or flesh, nor of the will of man, but those born of God” (John 1: 12-13). The central idea in 1 John is the best gift God gives with love (1 John 3: 1), the love of Heavenly Father (2: 9-11), the principle of sonship, and the Heavenly Father, the privilege of sonship. And fellowship (2:13), avoiding righteousness and sin as evidence of sonship (2:29), seeing Jesus, the hope of sonship, and becoming like Jesus (3: 3). Being adopted is the highest privilege the gospel offers. It is even higher than justification. Being adopted is because it involves a richer relationship with God. Also, adoption is a lasting blessing. Parents are completely wise and good, and their children are permanently secured. The concept of quantum being itself is the 'traction of the saints' and is a guarantee. Also, the entire Christian life must be illuminated by adoption. Being a son should be the dominant idea in all respects, that is, the normative category. This is a natural conclusion in the nature of the matter, and is confirmed by the fact that the Lord has always taught Christian discipleship in this respect. In addition, the Holy Spirit is given to Christians as the “spirit of the quantum” and acts as the spirit of both in all ministries related to Christianity.

20. God our Leader

Given the problems God is leading us to, we must believe that God has a plan. The book of Acts records detailed guidance over three or four times. Guided by dreams, visions, and direct speech, even the apostles and people of the time were considered to be exceptional and not unusual, but these events show that at least God has no difficulty in revealing his will to his servants. . One of the misconceptions of India and others is to think of it as an internal impulse from the Holy Spirit, apart from the essentially written Word. The fundamental way that our rational Creator leads His rational creation is the fact that it consists of rational understanding and application of His written Word. The true way to respect the Holy Spirit as our leader is to respect the Bible, the means by which the Holy Spirit guides us. It should be noted that “guided by the Spirit of God” in Romans 8:14 is not related to the inner “voice” or such experience, but rather to restraining known sins and not living in the flesh. Only within these limits of guidance, God gives us inner impulses on the question of 'for calling'. The Holy Spirit does not transcend the Word of God, but leads it within the limits set by the Word. "he … He leads you in the way of righteousness ”(Psalm 23: 3). God does not lead us in any other way that contradicts his Word.

21. Inward Trials

When we preach the Gospel, we should not only speak of rosy fantasy. The foundation of evangelical ministry is to accept the Bible as God's promises and those promises as God's guarantees. The topics that usually appear there are justification by faith through the cross, new birth through the Holy Spirit, and new life gained in the power of Christ's resurrection. The Bible is full of truths that can heal souls. However, improper application can have unfortunate consequences. We must look at the two aspects of the Gospel without mercy. God's grace is a deeper knowledge of God and fellowship that keeps getting close to God. Grace is that God draws our sinners closer and closer to Him. God takes steps to “be eager for Jehovah” if we borrow typical biblical text that teaches the secrets of godly life in order to make us believe in God out of self-confidence. For this purpose, God uses our sins and mistakes. God does not protect us from the attack of the world, the body, and Satan, or protect us from burdensome and frustrating circumstances, or the problems caused by our own temperament and psychology. Rather, it exposes us to all this. So he deeply recognizes his deficiency and makes him more hung on God. It is the ultimate reason that God fills our lives with this kind of suffering and embarrassment.

22. God's Satisfaction

Romans is the culmination of the Bible in all respects. Luther called the Romans “the most obvious gospel.” Calvin said, “If you understand Romans, you have a clear path to understanding the whole Bible.” In connection with these two concepts in the preface to the Romans, Chindale said, “The main and most prominent part of the New Testament and the purest“ Yu Angela come, ”that is, the good news we call the gospel, and the light and way to the entire Bible. Called. All the paths in the Bible lead to each other, and every point of view presented in the Bible is most clearly seen in Romans, and no one can predict what will happen when the Romans' message captures the heart of a person. Among them, chapter 8 is the best part. The simple statement “God is for us” is actually one of the richest and most important words in the Bible. Paul says that "God" gave his son "for all of us." And this fact itself is a guarantee that “everything” will be given to us. God is faithful to you, and sufficient for you. You will never need more than God provides, and it will always be sufficient whenever God provides materially and spiritually. Those who know God will learn to win generously, and with Paul, rejoicing in the satisfaction of God, they will live like Romans 8. “When you asked to find my face, I said to the Lord with my heart,“ O LORD, I will find your face ”(Psalm 27: 8).

<Review> Part 4


James Packer, a evangelical theologian representing this century, served as a professor of Regents (systematic theology), and most of all, is known for seeking harmony and unity between biblical piety and theological understanding. It is a scholar who emphasized that the pointing Christ should be vividly revealed in the lives of individuals and churches. The author conveys systematic theological knowledge to beginners and the general public by describing the theology in a plain style through a essays in a plain and simple style. In particular, the concept of the incarnation that can be seen as a theological challenge is based on the preface of John's Gospel. The clear explanation and the like are its own advantages. The book also shows readers who have a theological foundation how to apply theological knowledge to real life, and it is a godly mind that helps to achieve the effect of systematic theology + Bible reading, especially in Romans chapter 8 in chapter 22. The author's sharp comment on the book gives a vivid shock to the reader, who wants to rush to Romans chapter 8. This book, along with the biblical insight of the author, brings us to the real kingdom of God by allowing readers to realize the love and grace of pure God, awe of the wrathful God, and preaching the heart of the gospel to impress. This is a valuable book that will help you get there.


James Packer, in the heading of "Knowing God," cited people and travelers sitting on the balcony as an example, this book is a book for travelers, and the problem in this book is a question asked by travelers, but in this book, There seems to be a lack of aspects of how'knowing knowledge' is applied empirically in real life. Although this is supplemented in the appendix 「Research and Discussion Problems」, it remains unfortunate that it would have been nice to have this content dissolved in the text because the content of the text and the appendix affect the readers differently. In addition, the book does not have a uniform composition for each chapter, so it is not easy to grasp the concept in a regular basis. For example, in some chapters, the conclusions are taken as “our reactions,” while in others, the conclusions are just continuations of the author's story, and there is no uniform form for each chapter. It would have been better if it had been constructed in a unified form. In addition, as the author himself mentioned, each chapter is compiled and edited in a series of magazines, so from a systematic theological point of view, it is inevitable that there are conceptual omissions, and some chapters have recurring and recurring themes. As for, it is inevitably deteriorated.


1. To an individual

The author unfolds our entire life centered on God with calm meditation and smooth handwriting. If you have the opportunity to read while reading, this book covers in depth many topics that you should meditate on so long as you have the desire to take this book along with the original Bible book on a long-distance train trip. We must know the majesty of God. God is sovereign, omnipotent and omnipotent. As we meditate on His majesty, we must 'wait upon Jehovah' until we gain new strength by caring about these things. The two purposes of God's wisdom are to accomplish personal sanctification and ministry and service in the lives of God's people. But how do we identify God's intrinsic purpose in a frustrating and painful situation? First, we should consider them as coming from God and ask how the gospel of God requires us to respond to them and in them. Second, we need to find God's face specifically for them. If you do both, you will fully grasp God's purpose in suffering. We should think about whether we are children of God and God as the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ as our brothers. We must live by considering what it is like to respect, obey, follow God, and please God the Father. Whether we are willing to meditate on God's wrath or reluctance to meditate is a sure means of verifying whether our hearts are truly affected by God. When we fear God's wrath, we can truly realize the grace God is trying to give us.

2. At the church

We recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church and remember that only the Holy Spirit can certify that our witness is true, and we expect and believe that the Holy Spirit will do so, and in our thoughts, prayers, and real life Must learn to glorify “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” We must believe that even in the midst of the nuclear age, God and Christ are all-powerful to save, despite all the changes and uncertainties in life. For every problem that arises in the church, we must solve it according to God's Word, including the Bible. The Bible is that the fruit of wisdom resembles Christ – peace, humility, and love (James 3:17) – and its root is faith in Christ as the manifestation of God's wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:24, 30) (1 Corinthians 3: 18; 2 Tim. 3:15). If so, we should make our efforts to seek wisdom to be an effort for these things, and seek the knowledge that we cannot have in this world and neglect the wise purpose of God by neglecting faith and faithfulness. Our church community as Christians must be people who acknowledge and live under the Word of God. The Church knows that the Word of God was not only given directly to them through the Bible, but also to create, govern and tidy things around them. Because the Bible says that everything works together to do good, the idea that God controls their environment brings us joy.

3. In society

When we preach to unbelieving believers, we must have answers to theologically difficult questions. Among them, it is necessary to theorize for themselves how to solve the doubts of non-believers about the part of the incarnation and the Trinity. Today, we are obliged to properly convey the parts that are not well understood to Christians as well as non-believers. When people hear God's word, they must teach them not to do what they feel, but to speak in the Bible as the basis of conviction. We have to show ourselves to God, and to those who live without realizing their sins, we must admonish ourselves to live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and God is not only a loving and blessed God, but a harsh disciplinary person when we do not obey. Should be informed. Amen.



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