Bible Linguistics – 8. The Bible is a treasure house of linguistics

The Bible talks a lot about language. Although the Bible is not a linguistics book, it is explained by devoting a lot of space to language and language-related stories. The origin and derivation of language, the relationship between God and language, and even tongues as a foreign language, are in many ways directly and indirectly related to God's human redemptive work. The 400 years of the Middle Ages of the New Testament and the Old Testament were periods when God prepared Jesus Christ, and through the rise and fall of the 5th Empire, we can realize the providence of God who made Greek as a world language. Mark 7:31–35 says that when Jesus healed a deaf and stutterer at Lake Galilee, “Jesus put his fingers in the sick ears, spit his hands on his tongue, and said to him,'Evada'. His tongue was released and the words became clear.” The Greek word for “closed” here is “demos,” meaning “bondage, noose.” When Jesus released bondage, his mouth was opened. This suggests that our language, including foreign languages, can eventually be opened by God.

Dialect as a foreign language is, of course, the gift of God. The apostle Paul himself was an intellectual who studied at the highest level of the Pharisees of his day, and, as he himself said, was a man with "a gift of good foreign language." However, in the apostolic era, there were a lot of foreign tongues. There are 4 instances in Acts alone. The apostle Paul also positively describes such dialects on the premise that there are tongues in foreign languages ​​in 1 Corinthians. The foreign language ability has the foreign language ability at the intellectual level acquired through one's own efforts, and the foreign language ability at the spiritual level obtained by the Holy Spirit. In the case of Paul, there is strong evidence presumed to be fluent in dozens of languages ​​with intellectual acquisition and spiritual language skills.

In 1 Corinthians 12, the Holy Spirit gives nine gifts (wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, translation) for the common good. The four uses of 1 Corinthians 12 “tongues”, namely 12:10(x2), 28, 30, are all used in plural, making it apparent that they are “tongues as gifts” as in Acts. . By analogy with this, it should be considered that the foreign tongues used in plural in 1 Corinthians were more than just “the ability to speak a foreign language well”, but rather the ability to “learn not at all” as a gift of the Holy Spirit. However, given that Paul in 14:18 says, "Thanks to God for speaking more tongues than anyone else," Paul's brilliant foreign language ability was largely due to his excellent level of knowledge. It may have been learned through learning, but it suggests that some foreign languages ​​were given as gifts and would have been used in his extensive missionary work. In addition to this, there are many other stories about language in the Bible. In the Biblical Linguistics Series, we'll talk about these in turn. I encourage you to dive into the abyss of linguistics through the Bible.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Christian ethics - ② Justice and injustice

It is not advisable to see pastors or Christians in their pulpits or denominations, forcing their political views on others in official positions. I am neither myself nor a pastor or professor, but for a long time political debate has been intentionally avoided. Any faction pretends to have pure enthusiasm for the country during the campaign period, but after it comes to power, it reveals its nature, and only focuses on maintaining political power. As the days go by, more and more cynical voters do not even vote.

Now the world has entered a new era. In response to the paradox of pandemic caused by the worldwide epidemic, the political landscape was forced to change. Humanity recognizes democracy as the best political system through long experience and realizes this ideal through an agreed election system. However, few seem to recognize that half of the world still suffers from totalitarianism. What's more, attempts to establish a world unity by a group of people with doubts, the advent of the Antichrist, and religious integration will push the world under the control of the Big Brothers. A dark shadow is being cast upon the freedom we enjoy.

Those who experienced military dictatorship in Korea and who lived in college before and after the 1980s have lived a rapidly changing industrialized society. Discussing the regime's lessons economically at that time was the second issue, and at the time, students were usually politically one side inclining thinking. However, with God's help, we had the luck of catching two rabbits: democratization and economic growth. Although not perfect, I think Korea's democracy has been settled to some extent, but there are still many threats to democracy. Efforts to defend democracy, the highest political system chosen by mankind, must be continued.

Ideological ideas are not of great value unless it is an extreme totalitarian politics. Rather, shouldn't it be considered freedom as the value we should defend? Justice or freedom must be interpreted in God in the Bible. Righteousness in the Bible is said to be faith in God. Political choice as a Christian should be a choice that guarantees freedom to believe in God, in which this righteousness is embodied. In this regard, religious oppressors who are putting the world at risk are the greatest enemies of religious freedom. When the problem of justice and injustice is put into reality, Christians should be united to ensure freedom of faith. Historically, religious purity has been exploited and trampled by political forces. Believers need to be smarter.

In fact, there are more believers in this world than we think, who are imprisoned in torture camps, tortured by torture, and suddenly lost their lives because of the sin of believing in God. The events of the Antichrist's manipulation to disturb our faith are revealed in various contexts. It is not a mistake. By making a hundred concessions, even if this is not their manipulation, the crimes that continue to be committed against hundreds of millions of believers should be punished as vicious criminals. In addition to the North Korean human rights issue, how long should the world face religious oppressors? Whether Christian or not, the cost of silence will be paid before God.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Christian Ethics - ① Roots of Sin

Regarding the problem of overcoming the sinful nature within us, “We are trying to cover the sinful nature with grace alone, and this cannot be solved. There is a saying that unless I am aware of myself and try to change, sinfulness cannot be resolved. That's a lot of thought. If we connect this issue with Christian ethics, we can see that it is most closely related to the “pastor's sexual ethics”. It is difficult to answer that anyone can be confident about whether they can overcome the sinful nature in themselves by faith. In this regard, however, there is a passage in Romans 1:23–26 that seems to have a sexual connection with idolatry. There seems to be a correlation between idolatry and sexual depravity. The Bible mentions in several places the events where men and women combine to become one body. “The secret is great, because a man will leave his parents and join his wife, and the two will become one flesh” (App 5:31-32). do. It is testifying that a secret that we do not know is hidden in the relationship between man and woman. Karl Barth says that "the image of God" means this "man and woman relationship" itself. It seems worth meditation. In this regard, we need to find a biblical answer to why Adam and Eve, who sinned in good and evil in the Garden of Eden, covered the lower body with shame and fear. Isn't it the mouth that actually sinned? If so, they should have covered their mouths with shame and fear. This is known to be raised by the heretical denominations, but it is also a subject of study on how to respond to the clear refutation logic with orthodoxy. When we consider the relationship between spiritual adultery and physical adultery, God seems to see spiritual adultery as a greater crime. Of course, there may be controversy here, but it is a logic within the limits that presuppose idolatry as spiritual adultery. Imagine that in the previous verse of the Romans, a man who committed spiritual adultery was thrown into physical depravity. In this passage, spiritual adultery is the cause of physical corruption. In addition, in light of the phrase “according to the passions of their hearts,” the original human being can be interpreted as “primarily sinning being”. Therefore, human beings have no choice but to sin physically, but if they do not commit spiritual adultery, that is, if they look at only one God, hope for the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and thoroughly reject the idolatry, they will not be physically corrupted. As the gift of the Holy Spirit, it can be interpreted that only the gift of the Holy Spirit can prevent the physical fall of man. In other words, the root of all sin is in wrong lust, and treatment for it is possible only by the Holy Spirit.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Bible Linguistics - 7. What is it for?

If there is no doubt in the Bible, the language of mankind after the Flood (or even before) is one. Of course, because they are descendants of Noah, they are one race. The language and race that were one of them are divided and divided to form countless world races and language of the world. Through the analysis of Sumerian, the first character of mankind, it was confirmed that Sumerian, Korean, and Japanese have something in common, but it is still difficult to determine whether Sumerian is the root of Korean, Japanese, or whether Korean and Japanese are the roots of Sumerian. It is also said that Proto-Indo-European became the root of the European language. What is the relationship between this language and Sumerian? Considering that Sumerian became the root of the Sanskrit language and Indo-European language was the root of the Sanskrit language, the roots of all languages ​​are still considered to be the Sumerian language that invented the first human character. In other words, the language closest to one language (the first language) used before the language was changed after the Flood was considered Sumerian. There may be another language that is the root of Sumerian. It is also true that recent studies have claimed that the Sumerian civilization was derived from the ancient civilizations near the Tianshan Mountains and the Altai Mountains. However, the biblical linguistics we study is considered the first civilization of the Sumerian civilization because the Garden of Eden, which the Bible says, is located near Mesopotamia. Even if we admit that there was another civilization that was at the root of the Sumerian civilization, it was viewed as being built by a primitive race (perhaps a Semitic or Hamra) in Mesopotamia.

Prior to the invention of the Sumerian script, the first chacrater of humanity, it would have been very difficult to discover commonalities between languages. This is because, in the later days, even though the meaning and pronunciation of the same word was found to be the same or similar, in the days when there were no letters, it would have been thought that it was a different language due to the difference in fine pronunciation of each language or different word order. However, since the characters were invented, these characters influenced many languages ​​and were used as a method of recording the languages, so it would gradually find common denominators among languages. This development process has now come to the backtrack that all languages ​​had one root. In other words, the hypothesis that humans after the Flood, which started in one language, started from one language and race will continue to be revealed as the development of archaeology, history, torology, etymology, cultural anthropology, including biblical linguistics. Through our specialized field of study of biblical linguistics, we will not only help establish theories in this field, but also find out what modern language is closest to the original language.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Biblical linguistics is not an academic argument or a theological theory. Its purpose is to study the Bible more in depth by comparative study of the Bible in the original language or in multiple languages, and further to grasp the original meaning of God's Word, the Bible. In this process, if you learn the multi-languages ​​including English and the roots of human language to establish the right historical consciousness, you will be one stone triad (catching three birds with one stone).

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

What is theology? --- 3​

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 7. 14. 22:57 Posted by forest38

What is theology? --- 3​

John Wesley's theology, centered specifically on soteriology, is thought to depend on how Jesus Christ is defined. Wesley emphasized divinity more than Christ's humanity by emphasizing that Jesus Christ acts as a'mediator' between God and man. This view differs from that of Lutheran or Calvinism, and I would like to know whether it is possible in light of evangelical orthodoxy to put more importance in the distinction between the humanity and divinity of Christ. Looking at the "sin" of Romans 7, which preached "freedom from the law" in relation to soteriology, "While we were living in the flesh, our sinful passions, aroused by the law, were at work in our members to bear fruit for death.” (Romans 7:5, NRSV) To understand this part, I tried to analyze and meditate on several Bibles, including the original Greek text. Part of'Let the passions of sin through the law work among our members' It seems to be correct to translate, "What sin is going to do, by using the law in our members." The God of the Governing Trinity works for the salvation of mankind. In the process, the Holy Spirit works in the salvation of each human person, and what we need to know is that the ultimate goal of this soteriology is deeply related to the community role.

Man had no sin in the Garden of Eden, and there was no alienation due to sin, but since man became a slave of sin because of the sin of one man, he has brought alienation among people and alienation in relation to God. The Church of Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, is in charge of most of the role in healing this alienation from God.

The church should be interpreted as a dynamic perspective such as a contract, a sign of the kingdom of God, and a community, rather than just a static relationship of a building or people. The church is a community that is currently living and changing, and leads people in special covenant relationships to the end. In other words, the church is an eschatological contracting community. In the kingdom of God, God rules. The covenant people who love and be loyal to God are essential. God's rule must be decided in establishing the concept of the church. Humans have the same temporal order as the past, present, and future, but God has a thousand years as a day and a day as a thousand years, and there is no past, present, or future. God has already entered the human world in supernatural ways. He has penetrated into our present existence. Therefore, the kingdom of God is already present to us and we are invited to enter. The present life in the church is a training ground and preparation for the eternal world to come. In eschatology we can see God's grand plan for the redemption of mankind. Where is God leading history? Meditate on where the present world is located in God's plan. Amen.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


Christian ethics - ② Justice and injustice  (0) 2020.07.16
Christian Ethics - ① Roots of Sin  (0) 2020.07.15
What is theology? --- 2  (0) 2020.07.14
What is theology? --- 1​  (0) 2020.07.14
The attributes of the great God  (0) 2020.07.10

What is theology? --- 2

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 7. 14. 09:21 Posted by forest38

What is theology? --- 2

The reason for human dignity can be found in the fact that the holy God created creatures to praise him. Since God created the world, there are connections and similarities between creation. Therefore, we must live together in a beautiful community while respecting each other, and reveal the fragrance of Christ and go together in the way of salvation. Providence can be defined as “an example of the order of things toward the end”. God ultimately wants to build a community with creatures. Even though it may seem that you have not punished evil, God will heal all evil and injustice in your life at the completion of history through providence. We believe in God, who is the source of the goal for all creation and leads all history toward the completion of that goal. It is to understand the history of this world as an eschatological redemption history. We all have a common identity by being built from one God. In order to grasp our own identity, we need to grasp for what purpose God created us. Each person must rely on God, and it is contradictory that the body, soul, and spirit rely separately. It should be understood that whether or not the three have different functions, the “unified whole” depends on God. Even if a person has fallen and has lost the image of God, as Martin Luther said, it is possible to recover with “the Word and the Holy Spirit”. After all, the image of God is Adam and Christ before the Fall. Calvin elaborated on Luther's theory that through the process of sanctification, which resembles Christ, God's image is gradually restored in us. Reformers, however, conclude that the restoration of the perfect image does not take place in reality, and that it is only completed in another life.

In the light of the eschatological purpose of God's image, it must be viewed as a community in Christ, and it is a church. We belong to the church community to practice the love, the nature of Christ. Our Lord Himself said, "If anyone wants to save his life, he will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will find it" (Matthew 16:23). . This is a reminder of the apostle Paul's martyrdom to wash away his sins. We must restore God's image by living in obedience to the purpose of God's creation, by working the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Triune God, within us. In Christianity we have to admit that Jesus is the one who has the complete divinity and the complete humanity and discovers two perfect natures in one person. In other words, the concept of'Jesus as Logos' emphasizes the creative and revelatory aspects of God, and the concept of'Jesus the Son' highlights the historical aspect of Jesus. Not only that, we learned from the Bible's evidence that Jesus Christ is the only Son, the divine Son of God and the incarnation of the virgin birth, not the result of human lust. This mission of Jesus Christ was human salvation through the ransom death, and we can see that soteriology is based on Christianity.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

What is theology? --- 1​

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 7. 14. 02:52 Posted by forest38

What is theology? --- 1​

Theology is a combination of theos and logos. In other words, it means to study God logically and academically. Theology has a proper calling for each age. It serves Christians to accurately and profoundly address their callings and to set and shape historically responsible tasks. Christians should always meditate on how to serve the kingdom of God. We study theology in order to know accurately and correctly the Bible, which is inspired by God. In general, theology is divided into biblical theology, historical theology, organizational theology, and practical theology. Awe the righteousness of the evangelicals who shouted, "Only as the Bible." I am grateful for their insight. Until one point and one stroke, you will not be able to understand the emotions and life changes through the Bible without believing that the entire Bible is written by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible records the revelation of God, which cannot be understood by human power, as the results of recent scientific research reveal that the verses that have not been reasonably understood scientifically and reasonably for thousands of years since the Bible was written. It is compelling to believe that this is not a solution to human curiosity, but a message of human salvation to restore a right relationship with God.

Simaqian, a historian in the prehistoric era of China, was imprisoned and accused of shame and punishment for Lee's incident of subduing the Xiongnu when he was 49 years old. At this time, he cried out, "Where is the justice of the sky?" Afterwards, he devoted himself to writing the best historical book "History" in history by collecting data from all over the country. It is the so-called'History of Simaqian'. What he wanted to know is to speak as a Christian,'Is there a God? Is God righteous?' If Simaqian knew our God, he would have known that God, the great premise of theology, exists, and that God is a just and unique God who governs history by revealing himself in God's divine Word. Of course, the times are different, but if he had read and studied the Bible, he would have been greatly comforted by Romans 5:3-4. " “And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,” (Romans 5:3–4, NRSV)

When I was a student, I remember that the topic that always appeared when the debate over religious issues with friends was Trinity. It is only to distinguish between orthodoxy and heresy at a kind of political conference in relation to the Trinity theory being recognized as the Orthodoxy by proclaiming the full divinity of Christ at the Council of Nicea in AD 325 and the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit at the Council of Constantinople in AD 381. They thought that problems could not be the essence of religion.

It seems that the Bible was written by God's inspiration, and even such a council was the result of failing to understand that it was God's providence. It is true that it is still difficult to establish a clear conception of the Trinity theory, but it is representative of the Genesis 1:26 “Revenge of Us,” John 14:26, “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name. I think it is important to accept the words recorded in the Bible as it is to remind you of everything I have told you. Particularly with regard to the divinity of the Holy Spirit, we must understand the God of the Holy Spirit in the economical Trinity, the plan of salvation and salvation, and if the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Saints is not actually the Spirit of God, we will participate in the Holy Spirit. If we don't believe in sharing the essence, our religion will not stand on it. The Bible reveals that God created heaven and earth in the beginning, which proves that it is God's free will and transcends even from the created world. In other words, the doctrine of creation comes from the Bible. Creation is the work of the Triune God and can be explained by God the Father, accomplished by the saint, and completed by the Holy Spirit. “Voltmann” emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in particular. Creation doctrine distinguishes Christianity from other religions and can be said to be the most important part of our faith, and through faith in creation doctrine we can understand many other parts of the Bible. Amen

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Reform the Reformation!

ENGLISH EDITION/RELIGIOUS REFORMATION 2020. 7. 14. 01:46 Posted by forest38

Reform the Reformation!

Ⅰ. Introduction

In general, tradition is understood as historically transmitted material culture, thought and behavior patterns, impressions of people or events, and various groups of symbols, and reform is understood as a rehabilitation of institutions or institutions. In English, reformation is a concept that contains the nuances of'change'. In this paper, we will examine the value judgment of tradition and reform within the framework of religious reform.

Ⅱ. Main subject

In the literal sense of tradition, it means historically inherited material culture, thought and behavior patterns, impressions of people or events, and various symbol groups. Tradition implies subjective re-evaluation of the culture passed down from the past. Therefore, it is not meant to be a simple convention or practice. We develop a good tradition of ancestors. However, in bad traditions, we must boldly escape. The most representative example of the discussion of tradition and reform is the good example of the Reformation against Catholicism. In the midst of the renaissance of the Reformation, Roman Catholics responded to their own changes and held the Trent Council (1545~1563, 19th Ecumenical Council) to pursue reform in their own way. However, the result was only a reactionary decision on the Reformation. Roman Catholics instituted seven sacraments and held religious reforms that were largely tied to form, but they were attacked by Reformedism, but the form remains unchanged even today. It was the Reformed faith that reformed the tradition, but the Reformed faith also changed in the future, and the model of Reformedism in the 16th century also became a tradition when viewed by the theological thoughts afterwards. Therefore, tradition should be viewed as any idea or idea belonging to a constantly changing culture or institution, rather than being determined in any age or region. Therefore, the idea of ​​a desirable tradition that we should have should be not only to successively inherit a good tradition, but also to put it into reality and boldly reform and discard it. In the history of Christianity, recognition of the sacraments was a very important value judgment. Although there were many negative aspects, Roman Catholics established their own traditions of the apostolic era and created rituals, which were seen as a shame in the eyes of the Reformers. In Protestantism, there was a strong perception that it was a practice. In the end, Luther and Zwingli's interpretation of the Lord's Supper also became a struggle for another tradition and reform. Therefore, we can say that we need a more appropriate standard of reference than a divide between tradition and reform. Calvin emphasizes the equality of positions (one position does not dominate another) and the uniqueness (one position does not invade another) in ‘Christianity’. The key to office is in'roles and functions', not in rank. It is also said that the Presbyterian tradition means that a pastor or teacher also selects the right person from among the members of the congregation and entrusts the position. There are, of course, strict selection criteria in this case as well, but it would be the premise that one of the ordinary believers is an ordinary human. Is the modern Korean church keeping this Presbyterian tradition? The reality is that it is not at all. Tradition is criticized and corrected by new reforms. However, the reform is only an effort to return to tradition, the original unmodified tradition. Luther's idea of ​​reform, which turned the 16th century upside down, was actually an effort to return to the tradition of the Early Church. Eventually, his reform theory results in being exploited by real political forces. Reform refers to the reformation of new institutions or institutions. Especially in Christian history, it often means reformation. Reformation was a revolutionary movement of faith that took place in Europe in the 16th century to correct errors and ethical corruption in Roman Catholic doctrine. At that time, the reformers' reform movement was a challenge to put their lives on and challenge, as the phrase “the Bible in one hand and the sword in one hand” means. What they wanted to reform was not to mean a new religion, but to return to the original faith of the early church. The term “reform” in the Reformation should be understood as “recovering the first right thing.”

We now classify all existing theological tendencies as traditions and understand the present and the future direction as reforms. What is doctrinally wrong and wrong must be reformed in the Bible and changed every day. I think that most of our reform thinking is to be tested by the church community, with each Christian establishing his theology and constantly checking whether it is correct in the light of the Bible. Beginners or believers with a low level of faith should be guided by the pastor's guidance, but those who have studied theology to some extent should try to establish the correct theology. Reform from the Christian should be understood as the process of dying and rebirth every day. We are human beings who have already committed crimes in their hearts, both before and after conversion. And it implies the possibility of committing a crime that cannot be done in the future. It must be gradually changed by just dying every day and being born again in Christ every day. On the one hand, the term "radical" is implied in the term reform. We can think of what we need to change to mean that we must change at once. When we think that it is our situation to make a mistake, to repent, and to make a mistake again, it means that we get great enlightenment at any moment through repeated repentance every day. That can be changed'at once'. Reform for the office in the church must first understand the Bible's words in the Word through comments and meditation, and endless study must be done. So the pastor's continued study is important. In addition, the role of elder Chiri is emphasized in the sacrament matters, and it is necessary to judge who will participate in the sacrament and baptism, and the ambition of the elder should be considered important. In fact, even today's churches often do not clearly state who can participate in the sacrament. It should definitely hold the concept. Reformers encouraged and sometimes criticized the lives of believers to establish a healthy church. This ecclesiastical tradition is true even when I read 1 Corinthians. It was clear discipline. In modern churches, this must be strictly enforced. In the end, reform may return to the original church's pure faith. In reality, what can reform mean in the Korean church? Should we reform? The Reformation was their reform in the West. Our church did not reform itself. Of course, we accepted the Protestantism they achieved very later, but we must reform it in our reality. It is necessary to reform the denomination that accepts the Gospel as a relief faith and devotes itself only to the growth of the church, prayer practices that are indistinguishable from faith or superstition.

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Reformation of the 16th century began with pure religious passion, such as Luther and Calvin, and many people were burned or hanged to keep their faith, but most should be regarded as proceeding to serve their own worldly interests. Some see the Protestant movement itself as a Tutonic resistance against the Latins, and it is said that the protests against Rome were driven by economic motives. Perhaps the Reformation was a combination of various factors.

In Roman Catholic history, it seems that from the 7th to 8th centuries, the church's neo-philanthropic passions began to deteriorate and began to decay. The punishment was that the corruption was swollen like a boil. It should be thought that the seeds of the Reformation were sown from the 4th-5th centuries. However, not all of the Middle Ages were corrupt. The representative movement is the Monastery. It should be recalled that Luther was also a monk. Reformers' reforms, such as Luther and Calvin, eventually ended up in the interests of most economic actors. True reforms will be in the minds of each individual believer. In the end, the Reformation of the 16th century was affecting the fields of politics, economy, society, culture, and the family as well as at the time. However, these were simply byproducts. Faith and godliness are all-inclusive, inner reflections that are deep inside. Only one can know who truly reforms corruption and has the right faith. Obviously the reformers went through reforms with a great spirit. We are not just succeeding in their reforms, but finding the basic principles from the legacy and adapting them in our situation.

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