Bible Linguistics – 3. The language of the world was originally one

In order to proceed with the series on the subject of biblical linguistics, we need to first organize the etymology. In Greek,'etym' means'true' and its origin is derived from the meaning of'God's original intention.' Etimology is a study that reveals the original meaning and history of words. When searching for origins in English, French, or German, the concept of “Proto-Indo-European” comes out. It is unclear when and where people speaking this language lived. There is a theory that it is towards the Caucasus Mountains, and it is said that he lived in Turkey. However, from a biblical point of view, it seems correct to see them living in Turkey and gradually moving to regions such as Mesopotamia. The philology, the study of the process of language change, is called linguistics and literature. For example, looking for the origin of'Father' results in Latin'Pater', Greek'Pater', and original Proto-Indo-European'Pəter'. It was Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) who academically systematized this, and this law is called Grimm's Law. William Jones (1746-1794) found that the Western European language was similar to the ancient Sanskrit language of India. He spoke dozens of languages ​​as a genius of language and was the first scholar to establish the concept of the Porto language by studying Sanskrit in earnest.

However, there is a point to be noted regarding'Proto-Indo-European'. Since scholars who developed and succeeded in linguistics were all Western scholars, they would only realize the connection between Sanskrit and European languages. However, much of the Sanskrit language remains in Korean (especially the southern dialect). This fact also provides important clues regarding the controversy over whether the people who invented the Chinese characters were ancient Chinese or ancient Korean. This is because Chinese and Korean are somewhat different in how they read Chinese characters, and some pronunciations are completely different, but the way Koreans read is the original Chinese pronunciation. Since research on this part is ongoing, it will be treated as a separate item. It is interesting to note that many Chinese characters reflect the Genesis narrative as it relates to the invention of Chinese characters. For example, the characters such as 船,造,禁 are related to 'Genesis'. There are numerous examples of these letters. It is evidence that the ancient Korean people who made Chinese characters were people who served God. It is interesting to note that Sanskrit is the root of the Indo-European and also the roots of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese characters. Therefore, it is possible that the language that Europeans call “Proto-Indo-European” was the first human language since the Flood.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Bible Linguistics – 2. The Tower of Babel

According to Genesis 11, humanity was originally unified in one language, but since the Tower of Babel, the language has become congested and scattered everywhere. Biblical genealogy, starting with Belek, Noah's eldest son Shem, and Joktan, his younger brother, divided their families and languages ​​(Genesis 10). This is probably the time when the tribe has changed since the Tower of Babel. Subsequently, as they spread all over the world, they developed into groups and languages. The Bible reveals twice that the world has been divided from Belek (meaning'Sharing') and Yoktan.
The Bible specifically lists the genealogy of Jokdan (meaning “He will be small”) twice with 1 Chronicles. Belek and Joktan descended from Shem, the brothers of Ham and Japheth. Apart from Peleg, where the world is divided, the fact that the genealogy of Joktan was mentioned twice appears to suggest that Joktan's genealogy will play an important role in the future. From this time on, the Bible explains that the tribe and language have been divided. It is said that the descendants of Joktan were the mountain east of the road from Mesa to Sval. Archeology thinks this is the Pamir Plateau, the Cheonsan Mountains, and the Altai Mountains, but this is a problem that needs to be studied further etymologically.
In this regard, we should pay attention to the Sumerian culture, and the Sumerian civilization is an ancient civilization that flourished around Mesopotamia. It will be covered later in this chapter to reveal where the Sumerians come from. We see the origin of human culture as Mesopotamia and start the discussion. Looking at the archaeological achievements of the region, from B.C 5,000 to 3,000, the region has a mixture of Stone Age and Bronze Age. Amazing culture was already in bloom at this time. With the development of irrigation agriculture and commerce, the prosperity of urban states, etc., the invention of characters was made, and what we are interested in is the existence of primitive characters at this time.
During the time of Belek and Joktan, the peoples scattered all over the world continued to speak different languages. On the other hand, each language evolved into each character, and the Sumerian (cuneiform, wedge), known as the first character, influenced the Semitic (Phoenician, Hebrew) characters and the Indo-European (Sanskrit, Tamil) characters. It seems to have affected. From this Sanskrit script, it has been developed into Greek/Roman, French/German, and English. This part belongs to etymology, which we will focus on in other parts. A recent study revealed that these languages ​​are roots of Korean and Japanese roots through the analysis of Sanskrit and Tamil. Since Sanskrit also forms the root of the Indo-European family, Sanskrit also serves as a common denominator for East and West languages, as it also serves as the basis for Chinese characters related to Korean. It is expected that the Sanskrit etymology study will prove that the language before the Tower of Babel was originally the same language.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

The biggest hail in history is said to be hail with a weight of 1.7 Kg and a diameter of 7.2 cm, which fell to India on 4.30 in 1880. The heaviest hail in history was a hail weighing 4 kg, which came to southern Spain in January 2000. Analyzing the book of Revelation, the great hail is clearly related to the 7-year tribulation. The order of the apocalyptic tribulation in Revelation proceeds in the order of ① seven seals ② seven trumpets ③ seven treats wine of wrath. When the seventh seal was opened, the angel poured fire on the censer to the ground, causing a thunder, voice, lightning, and earthquake (Rev 8: 1-5). After the last seventh trumpet of the tribulation of the seven trumpets immediately following, the temple of God in heaven is opened, the ark of God's covenant in the temple is visible, and there are lightnings, voices, thunders, earthquakes, and great hailstones (Rev. 11: 15- 19). The tribulation of the great hail and the climax of the Last Judgment appear after the seventh of the seven wines of wrath is poured over the “Armageddon” battlefield. “The seventh angel poured the bowl into the air… There are lightnings, voices, thunders, and the largest earthquake since history, the big castle splits, each island disappears, and the mountains disappear. Also, a great hailstone weighing one talent came down from heaven to the people (Rev. 16: 17-21). The first great hail in Revelation appears after the seventh trumpet blow, and the second great hail after the seventh wine bowl. The second largest hailstone weighs one talent. One talent has a theory of 35 kg, and another has a weight of 60 kg. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail. Hail that is about 10 times the hail of Spain, the heaviest hail in history. According to the premillennial theory, the seven bowls of wine of wrath are terrible plagues upon the world after the rapture of believers after the seven trumpets. Evidence of this catastrophe is an unprecedented big earthquake in history and one talent hail.

This wine of wrath judges the great harlot. The big harlot seems to be religious unityists. Revelation 17:4 hints who the great harlot is. "The woman is dressed in purple and red, decorated with gold, jewelry and pearls, and has a gold cup in her hand, full of abominable things and dirty things in his fornication," she said. If you think about it, you will guess who it is. The current state of affairs seems to have come to the final stage of religious integration. Another force judged by the winery of anger is Babylon, the great city. The book of Revelation leaves the city of Babylon and warns us not to participate in his sins or to receive the plagues he will receive. His sins were buried in heaven, and God remembers his unrighteousness, giving it to him as he gave it, repaying doubles according to his deeds, and even mixing his cups with doubles and giving them to him (Re 18: 4-6) . Who is Babylon, the great city? Indeed, it is said that hail in the form of a corona... Jesus is coming after all these things have been accomplished. In conclusion, in order for Jesus to return, naturally, there must be an unprecedented big earthquake in history and ② a hailstone weighing one talent must fall. Also, in world history, ① the Catholic-led religious integration is almost achieved, and ② the powers of extreme pride must be destroyed. Those who believe the Bible to be “error-free truth” must face reality, repent quickly, and turn to God.

Holy Communion Controversy

ENGLISH EDITION/THEOLOGY GENERAL 2020. 6. 30. 09:37 Posted by forest38

Unlike baptism (baptism), which is given only once in a lifetime, our participation in repetitive sacramental rites is to reaffirm our new identity in Christ. From AD 1C to the present, there are many disagreements about the theology behind this consciousness. The issue of the Lord's presence, especially during the celebration of the sacrament during this debate, led to intense debate. It was discussed over the centuries of the early days and became a subject of intense debate, especially during the Reformation. Here we will introduce the Roman Catholic transsubstantiation, Luther's consubstantiation, Zwingli's memorialism, and Calvin's real spritual presence.​
2. Summary of various views on Holy Communion
First, looking at the view of the Roman Catholic Church, the official position was the conclusion of the Trent Religious Conference, and it was the final form of transsubstantiation by Thomas Aquinas. Transsubstantiation is the claim that when a priest prays before God, the bread and wine are transformed into the Lord's body and flesh. Behind Aquinas's account of the miraculous changes in the bread and wine is the distinction of Aristotle's quality, essence, and attributes. During the mass, the bread and wine undergo miracles. The bread and wine maintain the essence as in the normal physical process, but not only the attributes change, but the attributes remain unchanged, only the essence changes. In this way, the bread and wine became the actual body and blood of Christ, and therefore the changed nature, the actual presence of Jesus himself, is said to be'below'. Transsubstantiation provided a theoretical basis for understanding mass as a sacrifice. Through this, they provided the theological foundation for the deeply rooted belief in the Middle Ages that the celebration of the Mass itself was a merit.​
In response, the Lutherans rejected transsubstantiation and insisted that the molecules of the bread and wine are not changed by the flesh and blood of Christ, but that the Lord is with them. He claims that Christ is not with the bread and wine, but with the bread and wine. In other words, Christ is physically present in the sacrament and in the sacraments of the sacrament. The Lutherans disagreed with Roman Catholic theologians and Sudanese, but the results were basically the same. Luther's real presence was further promoted by Christian consideration. He claimed that through the'exchange of attributes', the human nature of Christ shares several attributes of his divinity. Therefore, the human Christ, who is in heaven and nowhere else in all things, is localized through the bread and wine of the sacrament. These elements reveal Christ's presence here for us.
Zwingli, a contemporary of Luther, insisted on memorialism, and it was important to commemorate and recall the death and resurrection of Christ as recorded in the Bible as a commemoration of Jesus who died for us. In other words, form is not a problem, it is important to do it, and it is important to accept it by faith as well as remembering and recalling the Lord's presence in it. He proposed transsubstantiation and a more radical disconnect, emphasizing the subjective dimension of the sacrament. It was argued that our participation in the sacraments of the sacrament does not convey the real communion of the flesh and blood of Christ, and that Christ's presence is never in bread and wine.​
By introducing the Holy Spirit, Calvin took a neutral position with Luther and Zwingli. He insisted on a real spiritual presence, saying that Christ was present spiritually in the sacraments, agreeing that the presence of Christ in the sacrament focused on the sacraments of the sacrament. Christ in heaven meets believers through bread and wine, which is done by the Holy Spirit. It was said that the Holy Spirit made us one with the Lord across a great gap between us on earth and the presence of the Lord sitting at the right hand of God. It is said that God's grace comes spiritually when Christ accepts by faith the power to unite the Holy Spirit. It is said that God gives spiritual grace when participating in the Lord's Supper with strong faith, not mechanically.​
3. How to see the Holy Communion
Thus, various theological views related to the sacrament were examined. Roman Catholicism put church traditions above the Bible, creating a variety of miscellaneous formal ancestors apart from essence. The representative of them is Holy Communion as a transsubstantiation. Luther and Zwingli, who tried to reform this, parted forever due to differences in the doctrine of the Eucharist. Fortunately, it was said that by reaching a level of eclecticism, the Reformed Church could no longer be divided. The Eucharist should be understood with the concepts of'communication' and'thank you'. Because through this ritual we symbolically realize the fellowship of Christ and believers within the community of faith. Therefore, whatever you do, you must be sacred with a true sense of commitment based on our faith.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Hail pours along with showers with thunderstorms throughout the Beijing area, according to the Beijing Weather Service. These large hailstones are said to resemble the form of the corona virus. Corona means'crown' in Latin. In fact, the virus is crowned. While the world is still terrified by the corona crisis, it is the epicenter and recently concerned about the re-expansion from Beijing. The reason for the hail is that the water vapor in the cloud grows in the process of rising and falling because of the rising and falling air, and then falls when it cannot bear the weight. Hail occurs when the atmosphere is very unstable and causes a strong ascent, but it occurs mainly in the afternoon when the ground is very hot, and it is said that the damage is likely to increase due to unpredictability. It is rare to see rain in a dry area of ​​Beijing, but it is an unexpected sign of heavy hail in late June.

In the Bible, the expression “big hail” coincidentally appears only in the prophetic books of Ezekiel and Revelation. Quoting the expression from Ezekiel, “I, the Lord, the LORD, say,  “When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, “Where is the whitewash you covered it with?” “ ‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my wrath I will unleash a violent wind, and in my anger hailstones and torrents of rain will fall with destructive fury. I will tear down the wall you have covered with whitewash and will level it to the ground so that its foundation will be laid bare. When it falls, you will be destroyed in it; and you will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 13:12–14, NIV) It must be a terrifying prophecy. Storms, heavy rains and large hailstones are all happening now. Subsequently, chapter 38 foretells a more serious situation. “I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him.” (Ezekiel 38:22)

It is difficult to conclude that these prophecies represent the present China. However, in the light of various circumstances, God's justice is fulfilled by considering the disastrous human rights that the Communist Party of China has committed, including religious persecution, organ harvesting, and oppression and persecution of ethnic minorities against the living. It can be easily inferred. Chinese intellectuals must face this situation. Frequently, China understands that these natural disasters occur during the period of dynasty replacement. There are many examples of history as a great country. At this opportunity, they must settle the democratic system. We must ensure the autonomy of minority peoples and create a world where everyone can live together. It is time to awaken the Chinese people and a massive uprising.

Bible Linguistics - 1. Concepts and Definitions


The Bible teaches that God is completely separate from us, but we can speak about Him in common language. The reason God gave us language is because we want to speak to God Himself through language rather than talking about the world and communicating with each other, but through the Bible. The Bible's language about God has a clear meaning.

Biblical linguistics can be said to study the etymology on the basis of the Bible to reveal the history of the nation and language to uncover the truth of the past. In addition, multi-lingual acquisition will be obtained. I am Korean. There are many languages ​​I can speak. For example, English, Modern Chinese, Old Chinese, Japanese, Old Korean, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Punishment And Classical Latin. Currently studying Aramaic, Sanskrit and Sumerian. In the future, it is aimed to expand these languages ​​to the surrounding languages ​​to explore the biblical etymology to reveal the origin and branch of the nation and language.

The Bible is not a book about the etymology itself, but indirectly tells us how people and languages ​​are divided. This is based on the premise that the Bible is an error-free truth. So far, it should be called biblical etymology, but the name of biblical linguistics is because this biblical linguistics presents a methodology to facilitate the acquisition of modern languages. For example, English is not a semantic character like Chinese characters, so it is difficult to learn without knowing the etimology. The difference in pronunciation for each word is different from that of Latin and German. Although the use of cataclysm and verbs is simpler than that of Greek and Latin, English is a very demanding language, compared to Greek and Latin. However, if you memorize the Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek words that are the roots of about 1,000 words each, the English words are mostly covered etymologically. Readers who want to reach advanced levels of English are encouraged to read the Bible language (lecture).

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


2. Reviews

Unlike the concept we had superficially known as the Reformation, we found that there were various forms of Reformation and this diversity is reflected in modern theology. The important thing is to understand how these paradigms are connected and connected to the gospel of God. Therefore, it is important how they progressed the reforms, what are the differences and commonalities, and in which attitude we should continue to develop their ideas. First of all, it became possible to learn more closely the commonalities and differences between Lutherans and Calvinism, which are the two major successes of the Reformation. Luther's initial challenge to the Pope's authority was to correct wrong beliefs, and he probably did not want things to grow that way. Subsequently, Luther had to face the Roman Catholics on the one hand and the radicals on the one hand as he went through the Reformation. However, Calvinism seems to have made bolder reforms with the conviction that they were already “scheduled before the creation”. As a result of Luther's overemphasis on "being justified by faith" as he advocated the banner of the Reformation, there was a criticism that he was not interested in the act of love or the holy life, and that he claimed to be saved only by faith. By emphasizing justification and sanctification through holy living at the same time, it emphasized that Protestant theology was never a biased teaching, but a balanced idea. However, this emphasis on sanctification leaves a task to study further theologically because there is a logical disposition from the'predestination theory' he claims. However, it must be regarded as a great contribution that Calvinism relied on the Holy Spirit and boldly reformed and repaired everything with Christian conviction with the conviction that salvation was scheduled. Calvinism gave more theological meaning to reality. In particular, it is necessary to closely examine the enormous influence of the Anabaptist and mysticisms, which are historically classified as minorities, and there are positive aspects that theological thoughts have been enriched through them, but that many hereticals originated from these theories. It should not be overlooked. After all, this selective ability is to extensively explore these good books to cultivate knowledge.​

Reformer of the author Roland Bainton (R.H.Bainton) is a condensed lecture that he taught for decades, and the history of the Reformation is melted. It is certain that it gives an insight into the period, but it is unfortunate that it does not deal with the deepening process and comparison of Lutheranism and Calvinism that are important in this course. Therefore, it was necessary to supplement with other textbooks. Although the results of the conflict between the Lutheran and the Calvinist have historically occurred, Luther's position was to face the corruption of Roman Catholics at the time with bold courage. It may not matter. We must appreciate his excellent eyes and life-saving beliefs that come from the faith of salvation. Calvinism was not only a church and a school, it was a reform movement that spanned all fields of society such as politics, economy, and culture. Particular attention was paid to the equal distribution of wealth to those in economic difficulties, and he emphasized that God-given wealth should be used for the poor. Calvin's “occupational vocation” also seems to be based on this position of active social participation. Calvin talks of'discretion', not determinism or destiny, allowing human freedom and accountability and being in a dialectical relationship with this freedom and accountability. The theory is that the believers are already saved, but they must continue the process of sanctification. This process seems to be preaching the logic of systemic theology, right before death. His Christian compulsion must be clear and prominent in today's theology. Perhaps at that time, it was a novel theological theory at the time, but it quickly established a theological theory clearly and became the theoretical basis for an institutionalized church organization. The Geneva Academy, which he ran, was the cradle of spreading the ideas of Reformation, especially the Reformed Church tradition, to all Europe. Leaders from each European country were educated at the Geneva Academy and returned to their home countries to realize the ideals of the Reformed Church. Through this, the tradition of the Reformed Church gained a definite international status. It is said that one of the outstanding features of the academy was the emphasis on humanities and liberal arts. It would mean that not only special revelation but also general revelation are important.

It is the irony of history that overcomes the corruption of Roman Catholicism and that the newly-formed Reformed theology still suffers from sectarianism. It is the conflict within Christianity that makes the preaching of the gospel still hesitant. It is necessary to consider how to overcome a number of debates that are not unified even within the Orthodox denomination and how to make a voice externally. This question is also skeptical about whether attending church can help with personal faith. What role does the church play in the development of personal faith? However, Christian theology clearly defines “community salvation”. As we can see from the Reformation History, in order to actually reform the modern church, it requires a lot of meditation, learning, and practical life. We who are lacking and sinful must fill in our shortcomings, look back on our conduct, check our qualifications and calling to see if we can do it. In addition, there is a question still unresolved at the theological level. Calvin insists on a'scheduling theory', but also emphasizes a practical'sanctification process'. As the professor explained in the lecture, this is a dialectical logic and does not mean determinism, but this part is difficult to think about. When I read Romans 7:8, I meet the leap of logic again. What kind of link is needed to solve this question? You are saved by the grace of God even though you cannot escape the bondage of sin. It is not completed in the end, but it is explained only by the logic that human efforts should be made to the end. “I can't achieve it, but I have to work hard until I die.” Here, I feel the need to study philosophy and theology more. It is said that Western philosophy is a comment on Plato and modern theology is a comment on Augustine. It means that philosophy and theology cannot go beyond Plato and Augustine, and that their influence is so great, and that there is no philosophy or theology without Plato and Augustine. As I read Reformation, I think I should study Augustine. Amen.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute


[Geneva Reformed Church: Calvinism] ​

Calvinism originated in Geneva, a French-speaking Switzerland, stinging in terms of using external means for religion, rejecting images, and limiting use of music. The concept of the Divine Community was understood on a larger scale, and the understanding of the Eucharist as a channel of spiritual communion was similar to that of the Lutheran, and the Calvinist psalmist was not so different from the Lutheran chant. And the Anabaptist ecclesiastical view of the church as a community of confident believers, and their attitude of demanding strict governance to be more pronounced, had a significant impact on Calvinism. Calvinism was active. This is because the Calvinists had the necessity to act and the capacity to act. This was different from the case of Lutherana, where religious tensions were released as they enjoyed a stable position after the Augsburg gunpowder in 1555, and the Anabaptists who were in a hurry to survive because they were pushed to the edge of Europe. Calvinism combined the previous ideas and made independent claims. His Institutes of the Christian Religion for centuries played a role in a significant part of Protestantism as did the Sentences of Petrus Lombardus in the Catholic world. Even Thomas Aquinas' Summa cannot be compared to this because it is too verbose and complicated. His handwriting was concise, comprehensive and clear. Calvin's Christian compulsion describes theology, anthropology, and ecclesiology, which explains why Calvinism is bound to be the most active denomination. The driving force of Calvinism stems from the optimism of God, despite the pessimism of man. Calvin's view of humanity is as dark as that of the Lutheran or Anabaptist, and even more destructive. He describes humans as fallen beings. Although there is no compelling reason for a Christless world to be like a pig cage, it can never be a paradise. The Anabaptist derived the logic that the church must inevitably come out of the world from a similar analysis, and Luther only allowed sneaky participation. However, Calvin is adamantly calling for action within the social sphere.

In his courage, optimism called'scheduling theory' was in place. The great verse of the Bible for Luther was "Your sins are forgiven." The great verse from the Bible for Calvin said, “If God is for us, who will be against us? Luther used it to emphasize the miracle of apology, and Calvin understood it as a source of conviction in the robustness of the divine plan. As a result, the Christian compulsion puts God's sovereignty prior to this. Rejected people's expectations of the Lord's prompt return and put off the final tribulation as an unclear future, Luther was eager to expect the end of the phases to come before his death, and rebaptists often set a date. However, Calvin replaced the Lord's great and imminent day with the dream of a divine community to be realized on earth, the establishment of which is done through humans, the chosen people, the tools of God's choosing, the Israelites failed to keep the great commandments and God Instead, he chose a new Israeli Christian society, but the church was also disorganized, and now only a small number of chosen groups, or evangelists, were called, and once again the question of how to discern the chosen ones again. Luther did not pretend to know this: Muncher said he knew by the spirit, Zwingli said he knew by faith, and the Anabaptists said they could know by life. He didn't want to build a church with only wheat, like that, and he accepted Zwingli's and Anabaptist standards, and he added a third criterion (participation in the Sacraments), which brought him closer to Luther and even the Catholic side. The sacrament, as Calvin thinks, is a spiritual communion with Christ and an expression of communion with Christ and believers, as in Luther's case.The main purpose of man is not to save himself or to confirm his salvation. It's about glorifying God, anyway, whether humans have already been saved or forsaken, it's of no use to worry about it, because for Calvin the doctrine of choice was an indescribable consolation, because it eliminated any anxiety. and It is because it frees humans from their worries and makes them devote all their energy to the indomitable service for God the Sovereign.​

[Free Spirits]

Reformation in the 16th century took another form different from the Lutheran, Reformed, and Baptist types, characterized by mysticism and rationalism. The numbers weren't very large, but their importance was that they led to ideas that were incredibly popular in later generations. Both the mysticism and rationalism supported by these free spirits were rooted in the Christian tradition and proved to be a great achievement and derailment. If you see mysticism as simply a warm personal experience of faith, it is indispensable to vital Christianity. However, if mysticism is viewed from a more professional point of view as a type of religion whose divinity and humanity are aimed at unity, the possibility of strengthening and jeopardizing Christianity coexists. The concept of human participation in divinity can be found in II Peter, and the apostle Paul favorably quotes a pagan poet who said that we are living and maneuvering by him. Guillaume Postel began studying the Hebrew language with a desire to find out the secret of the mysterious knowledge of the ancient Eastern vision. Along the way, he discovered the Gospel of James in awe and learned Arabic, Syriac, and Aramaic. The Renaissance faith, which seeks the unification of all truths and the ultimate harmony of all faiths, made him determined to achieve unity in all religions. Those who pursued mysticism were often suspected of heresy at the time, but because of the enormous influence they had on the future, they occupy a position that cannot be ignored in theology. Poland became a stronghold for groups of diverse combinations of anti-trinitarianism and rebaptism. The movement that took place in Nara became known as Sojini by the name of Faustus Sochinus or Sogenie. Apparently the favor of the Polish Queen Bona Sforza, who was from Italy, facilitated the migration of Italians. Even though the Liberal Democrats left little in the form of organized movements, they nevertheless left their mark on other Protestant groups in critical inquiry, mystical piety, and freedom of faith. The era of Enlightenment was clearly taking their place, though they hardly recognized them as their ideological predecessors. 

참여만을 허용하였다. 그러나 칼빈은 사회 영역내에서 활동하도록 단호하게 요청하고 있다.