
'성경과 언어 다언어 성경연구소 다언어성경연구소 성경과언어학 히브리어 헬라어 라틴어 영어 중국어 신학일반 신학에세이 북리뷰 선교 신학논문 북한선교 중국선교 미종족언어 Bible and Languag'에 해당되는 글 11건

  1. 2020.06.05 Westminster Confession and Its Application to Today - Part 3
  2. 2020.06.02 ウェストミンスター信条概観と現時代への適用 - 第1部
  3. 2020.06.02 Save North Korean underground church members!

Ⅲ. Main subject

3. Relevance and singularity of Westminster Confession of Faith (C) vs. Doctrine (G) and Small Doctrine (S)

1) Integrative consideration among the three creeds

Westminster's creed begins with a biblical first in the creed history. The criticism of the text from the early 17th century, especially the original text of the Old Testament, was also the reason why the confession of the Bible was first. As God's revelation, the Bible is complete, complete, and sufficient (C 1,1). The confession of God's direct inspiration for the Old Testament in Hebrew (C 1,8) bears in mind that some scholars claim that the later collection of the original Hebrew text was not inspired. The Westminster creed refers to the duality of God's self-revelation: general revelation and special revelation (C 1,1; G 2). The confessional book reveals the ecclesiological and soteriological character of the Bible. God revealed Himself in many ways besides the general revelation through the light and creation and providence of nature, and gave the people who wrote it the Bible and the way of salvation (C 1,1; G 4). Trust in the Bible is given by the Holy Spirit. The arguments presented by the Confession include the celestial nature of the content, the validity of the doctrine, the majesty of the style, the unity of all parts, the numerous excellence and the complete integrity of the Bible. In addition, the Bible's authoritative support of the Bible's authority is the complete development of the only way of salvation and the intention of giving all glory to God (C 1,5). This is the sufficiency of the Bible because the Bible explicitly records God's will for everything we need for our salvation, faith, and life. This is because God directly inspired 66 books of the Old and New Testaments (C 1,8) and made them the laws of faith and life (C 1,2). In other words, the Bible is the only law of new conduct (C 1, 4, 6, 7). And the Bible is the final court in all debates of religion (C 1,8). In the background of this confession there is a lot of controversy and persecution that the representatives of the conference experienced at that time and before. They wanted the Bible to be the only law and lived according to the Bible and were persecuted for insisting on translating the Bible, but now they publicly attend this meeting and boldly write this confession.
The Bible is the law of faith and life (C 1,2). Following these confessions, the two questionnaires treat the laws of faith (G 6–90; S 4–38) and the laws of life (G 91–196; S 39–107) in turn. The confession does not strictly follow this turn, but the laws of faith are only partially covered in confessional chapters 1–18, 25–33, and the laws of life in chapters 19–24. Confession books take the form of dividing the laws of faith by covering only a part of the laws of life. Most creeds from the Reformation present and comment on the Apostles' Creed in the Law of Faith and the Ten Commandments and the main prayer in the Law of Life. The Bible is the law of faith and life (C 1,2). Following these confessions, the two answer sheets deal with the laws of faith (G 6–90; S 4–38) and the laws of life (G 91–196; S 39–107). The confession does not strictly follow this turn, but the laws of faith are only partially covered in confessional chapters 1–18, 25–33, and the laws of life in chapters 19–24. Confession books take the form of dividing the laws of faith by covering only a part of the laws of life. Most creeds from the Reformation present and comment on the Apostles' Creed in the Law of Faith and the Ten Commandments and the main prayer in the Law of Life. It is a good way to learn the law of faith based on the confession, and the law of life by comparing the two doctrine questions and answers.

2) Doctrinal emphasis and singularity to watch

The most noteworthy part of the Westminster Confession of Confession is the section on “About the Bible,” especially in Chapter 1. First, the Bible reveals that it is the only special revelation of God. In general, organizational theology starts with ‘theology’, whereas creed starts with the Bible. The best and final authority is given to the Bible. This is a great declaration of the “Bible Only” that faces the challenge of corrupt Roman Catholicism. Through this, we can discern where God's will is and prevent abuse.
One of the characteristics of modern church members is that they often believe that faith grows when they receive direct revelation from God. The Westminster creed clearly states that there is no more direct revelation after the canon has been clearly established from the beginning (C 1,1). The Bible is the only special revelation of God, and the way God revealed to his people through angels, dreams, and prophets in the past has ended. Many heresies of the present time warn of seeking a target. In addition, the Bible is written in 66 books, all of which were given by God's inspiration to be the norms of faith and life (C 1,2), and the books called Apocrypha are non-biblical works in general. (C 1,3) is specified. In contrast, the Catholic Bible compels the Trent Council to include awe. The Bible is nothing more than the Word of God, so we must believe and obey the Bible itself (C 1,4). In this regard, among the theological theories, there are cases in which human reasoning is given priority to the interpretation of the Bible and forcing it to believers. That is why the creed guarantees the unity, completeness, and utility of the Bible (C 1,5). In short, the Bible is an infallible norm (C 1,9), and it is confirmed that the best judge for everything related to faith and the Church is the Holy Spirit (C 1,10) speaking in the Bible.

3) The connection between Westminster creed and King James Bible (KJV)

The three Westminster creeds have many citation footnotes that are based on the Bible, with a total of 16 footnotes in one set and an average of six. The scriptures in the footnotes of the three creeds are usually thousands. However, the reason to pay special attention to this footnote is that all of the quoted Bibles are King James Bible (KJV). The KJV Bible debate is one of the most intense debates in the modern Korean church as much as the debate over prayer of glosssolalia. Along with the controversial controversy between those who should encourage and encourage the prayer of the dialect (glossolalia) and those who say that the prayer of the dialect (glossolalia) is not from the Holy Spirit, those who adhere to the KJV and those who do not recognize the KJV on the basis of manuscripts It is an argument. It is not meaningful for us to support one side unilaterally from the standpoint of the student studying, but it is clear that it would be contrary to the Westminster creed if we asked for a target and refused to acknowledge KJV. I want to point out the reason.
First, when it comes to praying in tongues (glossolalia), “prayer with thanksgiving is a special part of religious worship. (Omitted) When praying out loud, you must speak in a well-known language.” (C 21,3). In 1 Corinthians 14:4, the apostle Paul affirms the personal utility of the glosssolalia itself. However, when it comes to praying in tongues (glossolalia), it seems like a negative nuance, but it is confusing to later generations with unclear expressions (1 Cor. 14:14). It must be done in a known language."
On the other hand, it relies on the first footnote of Confession 2:3, related to the verse that proves the Trinity, “There are three who testify in heaven, the Father and the Word and the Holy Spirit” (1 John 5:7). How many ranks do you have in your personality? The answer is (G 9, S 6), and in manuscripts, KJV is said to be unreliable, claiming that this passage was intentionally inserted in later generations. On the other hand, with regard to the world after death, KJV clearly defines hell, while clearly distinguishing it into two types, heaven and hell, while revising the Korean translation into three. The Westminster creed clearly supports KJV's position. (G 29).
Meanwhile, the Westminster Creed's commentary on the Ten Commandments and the main prayer is renowned for its excellence. Of these, it is noticeable that the translation of the revised version is incorrect in relation to the main prayer. In "As We Forgive Us Those Who Sinned", most versions are interpreted as'debts' as'wrong' or'debt', whereas the amendment and NLT are translated as sins. . The creed makes it very clear that the basis of prayer for apology is not our apology. We must confess that we are sinners who are not entitled to forgiveness. In this commentary of origin, we honestly admit that we owe us to God's justice for original sin. We have already been freed from sin, guilt, and punishment because of Christ's ransom obedience. Therefore, we should rely on the intercession of Jesus, not our merits, to ask God to forgive every day's crimes, and with confidence, we can enjoy peace and joy in fullness. Those who are forgiven in this way can forgive their neighbor's faults. The explanation of our creed is quite just. Just as our faith is not a condition or basis for apology, forgiveness of our neighbors is not a basis for our forgiveness.[3](G 194, S 105)

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute



1643年から1649年の間、英国ロンドンのウェストミンスター修道院で開催されたウェストミンスター総会(Westminster Assembly of Divines)が作成された4つの標準的な文書、すなわち、「信仰告白」、「大教理問答と小教理問答」、「礼拝模範」 、「長老会政治(government)」は、教会史全般を通じて、教会が作り出した最も貴重な信仰の標準と言える。特に前の二つの記事「ウェストミンスター信仰告白」と「ウェストミンスター大文字教義問答」は、議論の余地なく最も完全な信条と教義教育互いに知られており、今日の多くのプロテスタント教会がこれをそのまま受け入れるか、一部修正して使用している。しかし、これは、ウェストミンスター標準書が完全であるか、より良い信仰の標準書が表示されることがないわけではない。聖書が歴史的背景と著者の背景の中でインスピレーションされたように、これらのウェストミンスターの標準も、歴史的、すなわち、時空間的な環境の中で行われた。したがってウェストミンスター標準書を正しく理解するには、総会の開催とプロセスの歴史的背景の理解が優先されるべきである。




ウェストミンスターの三信条を理解するためには、17世紀の初め、当時、それぞれ独立した王国であったイングランドとスコットランドの教会と王室統合への理解が必要である。よく知られているように、イングランド国教会(the Church of England)は、1534年ヘンリー8世法王から離婚を許されないのに開始される。彼はローマカトリック教会との断絶を宣言し、自らイングランド教会の首長となった。しかし、イングランド国教会は完全な宗教改革を成し遂げた。このようなイングランド国交会の様子に不満を持っている国教会をより完全に改革しようとした人がピューリタン(清教徒)であった。ピューリタンは、スペクトルが非常に広い概念であるが、主にイングランドに長老組織とカルヴァン主義の教義を導入しようとし、人々とすることができる。

一方、スコットランド国教会(the Church of Scotland)は、1560年には、ジュネーブ亡命中カルヴァンから地図受けたジョン・ノックス(John Knox)が帰国し成立した。スコットランド議会はノックスと新教貴族の主導で、宗教改革を断行し、スコットランド国教会を誕生させた。 「二つの王国の理論」とも呼ばれるこの長老政治理論は、教会と政府がお互いの領域に直接関与することができないことが重要である。ただし、教会は、政府が、神の御言葉の通り統治していない場合、批判や警告をすることができた。

2.イングランドとスコットランドの統合(the Regal Union)とウェストミンスター総会の開催

1603年イングランドのエルリジャベドゥ女王はイングランドの王冠をスコットランド王ジェームズ(James)6歳に譲った。彼は英国のに行って統合王としてジェームズ1世され、強力な王権を持つようになる。彼の治世に、聖書が英語に翻訳された。欽定訳(the Authorized Version)が呼ばれるまさにその聖書である。彼の名前を取って欽定訳(the King James Version)とも呼ばれている。しかし、彼は教会の王の統治権を拒否しているスコットランド長老を非常に嫌悪した。彼の治世にスコットランド教会は、汚染され、いくつかのピューリタンは信仰の自由のためにメイフラワー号に乗って米国に渡った。

彼の息子チャールズ(Charles)1世は完全にカトリック的な礼拝に陥った人物だった。チャールズの教会の方針は、スコットランド長老教徒とイングランドのピューリタンたちだけでなく、イングランド国教会に満足していた大多数の国民からも怒りを買った。しかし、反対するこれらの王は容赦なく処罰した。 1638年にスコットランド全国民は、国民の契約(the National Covenant)を結んで、彼らの長老を守るために革命を起こした。二度にわたり国王の軍隊を破ったスコットランド人は1640年に完全な宗教の自由を得て、しかし、国王の頑固な反対にぶつかりながらイングランドでは、伝統的なイングランド国教会の姿を守ろうとする王党派とイングランド国教会を完全に改革しようとするウイフェパ間内戦が起こった。内戦初期のチャーターウイフェパに不利に戻ろう、1643年イングランドのピューリタンの指導者とスコットランドの長老の指導者は「厳粛同盟と契約」を結んだ。 「厳粛同盟と契約」の内容は、イングランド国交会議の改革のために総会を招集することだった。このように招集された総会は、すぐウェストミンスター総会である。




4つの標準的な文書の中で以後、最も大きな影響を及ぼした文書は、言うまでもなく「ウェストミンスター信仰告白書」である。礼拝部分と信条の問題についての議論はほとんど対立がなかった。 「礼拝模範」は、聖書朗読、祈り、説教で構成されているボール礼拝を強調し、洗礼式、聖餐式、結婚、葬儀、断食日、ありがとうございましたことなどが含まれています。多くのピューリタン牧師とスコットランド特使らの活躍で信仰告白書も無理なく作成された。教義ムンダプソは二冊つまり、大人のための「大教理問答」と子供のための「小教理問答」に分けた。 「小教理問答」は「大教理問答」とは異なり、信仰告白書の順に従わなかったが、これスコットランド特使が帰国準備で「小教理問答」の草案過程に関与していなかったことと無関係ではないようだ。

5年半以上の期間の合計1163会議のウェストミンスター総会は1649年2月22日の会議を最後に閉会した。今日、ほとんどすべての長老教会がウェストミンスター総会が作成された結果を、憲法に採用されている。特にウェストミンスター信仰告白書は、既存のすべての信仰告白が解決できない問題への回答を提供しているという点でプロテスタント信仰の標準を提供している。これらの総会の遺産は、スコットランド長老会議の犠牲と努力の結果だと見ることができる。この長老会標準が1つ作成されるたびに、スコットランド総会は、イングランドとの契約に基づいて、これらスコットランド教会の標準に受け入れた。イングランド教会のためにイングランドの地でイングランド牧師の決定に作成された文書をイングランド教会ではなく、スコットランド教会が受け入れた。歴史の皮肉であり、神が行わ道の謎であった。 1660年イングランド教会は王政復古とウェストミンスターの標準文書を廃棄した。しかし、スコットランド教会は、これら収容し、これ福音と全世界に伝播された。韓国教会は、これらの神の神秘の一部になったのは、祝福に違いない。[1]



この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。





Let's take a look at the reality of North Korean underground church members through the words of Hebrews 11:35-40. Hwang Jang-yeop, who devised the North Korean Juche idea, testified that the Juche idea is a Christian heretical theory based on the theory that there is no error in leader. There are more than 30,000 statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il in North Korea. In North Korea, the edeification of Kim Il-Sung was instilled in the people during the time of eating, but in the 1990s, more than 3 million people died of starvation during the suffering march. After Kim Il-sung died, Kim Jong-il spent more than $700 million on the body. People's illusion of Kim Il-sung is broken. From this point on, underground church members are said to be exploding. If they are caught in a secret rally, they are taken to political prison camps and forced to work until they die, and the number of these martyrs is estimated at thousands per year. It is imperative that Korean churches and the world religious circles unite and rescue them. So what do we do for them? We need to report to the world the crackdown on underground church members. The international community should pressure and monitor the North Korean government to ban confinement and execution. We need to actively support the North Korean missions group and send relief supplies to alleviate hostility toward Christianity. We need to traverse and testify of underground Christians who have escaped North Korea and spread their testimony to the whole world. This will protect North Korean underground members. And if it is known to the world that their martyrdom surpasses the Roman persecution of Christianity in the early church, the spiritual awakening of the Korean church will happen and the world church will repent. Also, the cursed Jews will be converted for their responsibility for killing Jesus Christ. When I hear about someone in Israel who is doing missionary work, it is said that Jews never try to hear anything else about Christianity. However, when I tell them that North Korean underground believers are being executed and martyred for believing in Jesus Christ, they suddenly become stupid and tearful. It is a point to infer that North Korean martyrs are being used to bring Jews back to Christ. The Bible testifies that there will be Jewish conversion before the new creation begins. Amen.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities:, YouTube: