
'성경과 언어 다언어 성경연구소 다언어성경연구소 성경과언어학 히브리어 헬라어 라틴어 영어 중국어 신학일반 신학에세이 북리뷰 선교 신학논문 북한선교 중국선교 미종족언어'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2020.06.04 威斯敏斯特坦白纲要及其在当今时代的应用-第2部分
  2. 2020.06.04 ウェストミンスター信条概観と現時代への適用 - 第2部
  3. 2020.06.03 Westminster Confession and Its Application to Today - Part 2

Ⅲ。主要科目 ①





在信仰告白中,一生传讲和教导的圣经基本真理井井有条。它共有33章,主要内容是圣经,上帝与三位一体,上帝的永恒目的,创造与天意,腐败与罪恶与惩罚,自由意志,称义,通过,圣人的牵引,圣礼与洗礼以及圣礼。 ,教会的纪律,圣礼和洗礼,圣礼,教会的纪律,死者的复活和审判等,并总结了圣经中非常重要的真理的内容。尤其是,威斯敏斯特信仰告白之初的“信仰圣经”对于那些想按照圣经信仰的人来说非常重要。改革的五个原则中的第一个是《圣经》。中世纪天主教会声称,传授救赎权的是圣经和神圣的传统,教皇是彼得的继任者,并拥有解释圣经的最终权力。已经宣布。





问题6-8。谁是上帝/ 9-11问答。三位一体的神/ 12-14问答。上帝的计划/ 15-17个问题和答案。创作/ 18–20个问题和答案。普罗维登斯/ 21–23问题与解答。人类摔倒/ 24-27问答。秋季和28-29个问答环节导致的罪恶和痛苦。罪恶的后果/ 30-35个问题和答案。恩典之约/ 36-42问答。耶稣基督,恩典之约的调解人/ 43-56个问题和答案。在基督的办公室工作/ 57个问题和答案。救赎与恩典之约的其他好处/ 58-64问答。参与救赎的教会/ 65-90个问题和答案。参加救赎的教会的恩典
问题91-101。人的顺服与十诫/ 102-121问答。我们对上帝的责任(第1至第4条诫命)/ 122-148问答。我们对人的义务(第5-10条诫命)/ 149-152问与答。十诫和我们的极限/ 153个问题和答案。传达信仰,悔改和代祷利益的外部手段/ 154个问题和答案。外部手段:言语,敬拜,祷告/ 155-160问题和答案。单词/ 161–164问答。敬拜/ 165–167问答。洗礼/ 168-175问题和答案。圣餐/ 176–177问题和答案。洗礼和圣体圣事/ 178-185问题与解答。祷告/问题186–196。主祷文
问题4-12。来到上帝面前/ 13-19问答。人的秋天/ 20-28个问题和答案。基督在办公室工作/ 29-38问答。用圣灵拯救的抒情诗
问题39-84。人的顺服与十诫/ 85-107问答。信仰,悔改,言语,敬拜,祈祷

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Ⅲ。本論 ①





告白書の中には生涯、説教して教えるべき聖書の重要な真理が体系的によく整理されている。全33枚のセクションで構成されているが主要な内容は、聖書、神と三位一体、神の永遠のつもり、創造と摂理、堕落と罪と罰、自由意志、正当化し、両者さ、成都の牽引、仙骨と洗礼、聖餐、教会のグォンジン、仙骨と洗礼、聖餐、教会のグォンジン、死者の復活と審判など、聖書の話をする非常に重要な真理についての内容を集約的に整理して人ゼファーさせた。特に聖書どおり信じたい聖書の信者たちにはウェストミンスター信仰告白の最初に出てくる「聖書の信仰」が非常に重要である。宗教改革の5つの原理の中の最初のが、まさに「ただ聖書」(Sola Scriptura)である。中世カトリック教会は救いを教える権威が聖書と聖伝承と主張しており、法王はペテロの後継者として、聖書を解釈する最終権限を持っていたことに対する反発として、特に同信仰告白が、聖書を重視して、最終的権威が聖書にていることを宣言したものである。
前述したように、ウェストミンスター信仰告白は、ウェストミンスター会議(Westminster Assembly、1643.7.1。-1649.2.22)期間中に作成された長老会議の信仰告白書として、元英国とスコットランドピューリタンの教義的統一とヨーロッパ大陸内の改革派教会との接続を目的として作成されたもので、1643-1647年に専門33枚で作られた。その後、スコットランド1647年)とイギリス議会で(1648年)承認を受けた。この告白書は、スコットランドの宗教改革家ジョン・ノックス(John Knox、1514-1572年)の信仰告白とジュネーブ信仰告白書の影響を多く受けており、全体的には、カルビン主義的立場をとっている。米国長老は20枚と23枚を部分的に収容せず、20枚と31枚を改正することにして1788年に改正案を可決する。以後1842年にアメリカの男装に教会が34枚<スピリットについて>と35章「神の愛の福音と宣教について>を追加し、1903年に米国の北長老教会もこれを受け入れた。これらの変更のプロセスは、概して、英国で作成されたとき微塵た政教分離の原則を反映したものだった。韓国教会は告白書20枚、23枚と31枚の改正は、新たに添付された34枚の35枚を最初から採用した。





6-8問答。神はどなた/ 9-11問答。三位一体の神/ 12-14問答。神の意図/ 15-17問答。クリエイティブ/ 18-20問答。プロビデンス/ 21-23問答。人の堕落/ 24-27問答。堕落の結果である、罪と悲惨/ 28-29問答。罪の結果/ 30-35問答。恵みの契約/ 36-42問答。恵みの契約の仲介者イエス・キリスト/ 43-56問答。キリストの職とイルハシム/ 57問答。拘束と恵みの契約の他の利点に/ 58-64問答。拘束に参加する教会/ 65-90問答。拘束に関与している教会が受ける恩恵
91-101問答。人の従順と十戒/ 102-121問答。神の私たちの義務(第1-第4命令)/ 122-148問答。人のために、私たちの義務(第5、第10の戒め)/ 149-152問答。十戒と私たちの限界/ 153問答。信仰、悔い改め、とりなしの利点を伝える外的手段/ 154問答。外的手段だと言って、礼拝、祈り/ 155-160問答。言葉/ 161-164問答。礼拝/ 165-167問答。洗礼/ 168-175問答。聖餐/ 176-177問答。洗礼と聖餐/ 178-185問答。祈り/ 186-196問答。主の祈り
4-12問答。神と意図/ 13-19問答。人の堕落/ 20-28問答。キリストは、その職とイルハシム/ 29-38問答。聖霊様と救いの叙情
39-84問答。人の従順と十戒/ 85-107問答。信仰、悔い改め、みことば、礼拝、祈り


この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。


Ⅲ. Main subject

1. Westminster Confession of Faith

1) Significance

The Westminster conference produced outstanding works of theologians of the day, despite both internal and external conflicts. In addition to confession and doctrinal answers, church milestones, church politics, and post offices have set milestones in the Presbyterian Church, and have pursued the unity and communion of the Church without following denominationalism. The Puritans' concern at the Westminster conference was to unify the church and society without falling into the selfish spirit. On the one hand, they sought true freedom of faith beyond the control of the Anglican Church, the source of numerous persecutions, and on the other hand, they sought a true Christian society based on this belief. Many Puritans in England left England from the 1620s and headed to the Americas to practice freedom of living and living faith. It is a constant desire of true Christians to know and believe right in God's Word, the Bible. And systematically confessing that belief is also a figure of a grown believer. The Westminster Confession of Faith has a doctrinal reformist character. This confession of faith was adopted as the basic doctrine of the Presbyterian Church and requires that the presbyterian church members accept it as biblical doctrine.[2]

2) Overview of structure and contents

In the confession, the essential truths of the Bible to be preached and taught throughout life are systematically organized. It consists of a total of 33 chapters, the main contents of which are the Bible, God and the Trinity, God's eternal purpose, creation and providence, corruption and sin and punishment, free will, justification, adoption, saint's traction, sacrament and baptism, and the sacrament , The church's discipline, the sacraments and baptisms, the sacrament, the church's discipline, the resurrection and judgment of the dead, etc., and summarized the contents of the very important truths in the Bible. In particular,'believing in the Bible' at the beginning of the Westminster Confession of Faith is very important for those who want to believe according to the Bible. The first of the five principles of Reformation is the Sola Scriptura. The Medieval Catholic Church claimed that the authority to teach salvation was the Bible and the holy tradition, and the Pope was a successor to Peter and had the final authority to interpret the Bible. It has been declared.
3) Change of Westminster Confession
As mentioned earlier, the Westminster Confession is a Presbyterian Confession of Faith during the Westminster Assembly (1643.7.1. -1649.2.22.). It was created for the purpose of connection with the family, and was made in 33 chapters in 1643-1647. It was subsequently accredited in Scotland (1647) and the British Parliament (1648). This confession was heavily influenced by the Confession of Faith by the Scottish Reformer John Knox (1514-1572) and the Geneva Confession of Confession. The Presbyterian Church (USA) does not partially accept Chapters 20 and 23, and decides to revise Chapters 20 and 31 and amend the bill in 1788. Later, in 1842, the American Presbyterian Church added Chapters 34 about the Holy Spirit and Chapter 35 about the Gospel and Mission of God's Love. In 1903, the American Presbyterian Church also accepted it. This process of revision reflects the principle of sophistication, which was largely lacking when it was written in England. The Korean Church adopted the newly revised chapters 20, 23 and 31 of the Confession, and the newly attached chapters 34 and 35 from the beginning.

2. Westminster Large and Small Catechism Questionnaire

1) Significance and Purpose

Catechism, which is often translated as “doctrinal question and answer,” may be more appropriate to translate as “faith education.” The Church used several teaching methods to teach the Church members the Christian doctrine well and have them learn because all of them were called Catechism. However, because many Catechisms are in the form of educationally effective questions and answers, we naturally think of Catechism as a catechism. The ancestors of our faith wrote several confessions and catechisms. Christians and believers had to organize ‘who believes in (object)’ and ‘what they believe in (content)’ for various reasons. The Westminster Confession was also written for similar reasons. It was created to seek and declare the rigors of Christian truth, but to respect diversity in that rigor, to believe and worship rightly and to live holy. It was also built to deal more abundantly with the Christian system of truth than with previous confession of faith. Westminster v. Catechism was created to better teach and learn the content of these Westminster confessional statements in the Church. It is deeper, more accurate, and more abundant compared to other previous catechisms. It was intended to deliver the full and in-depth themes of the whole Bible, including well-organized catechisms written up to that time, but not fully covered by previous catechisms. However, the great and abundant content of the great catechism was small, making it a burden for children, adolescents, and people who just believe in to understand and learn. So, the Westminster General Assembly would write a small catechism briefly summarizing the content of the great catechism. The Great Catechism Questionnaire was completed prior to the commencement of the Small Catechism Questionnaire. The popularity of the catechism was good. In particular, the small doctrine questionnaire was greatly welcomed and made a great contribution to the spiritual and spiritual training of the Scottish people.

2) Overview of structure and contents

The following is an overview of the catechism.
a. Great catechism
Questions 1–5. People's Purpose and the Bible
〈What should a person believe in God〉
Questions 6–8. Who is God / 9–11. Trinity God /12–14. God's Plan / 15–17 questions and answers. Creation / 18–20 questions and answers. Providence / 21–23 questions and answers. Human Fall / 24–27. Sin and misery as a result of the fall / 28–29. The consequences of sin / 30–35 questions and answers. Covenant of Grace / 36–42. Jesus Christ, the mediator of the covenant of grace / 43–56 questions and answers. Working with the office of Christ / 57 questions and answers. Other benefits of the covenant of redemption and grace / 58–64. The Church Participating in Redemption / 65–90 questions and answers. The grace of the church participating in redemption
(The lyric of salvation: effective calling, justification, adoption, sanctification, traction, movies)
〈What are God's mandates for mankind〉
Questions 91–101. Man's Obedience and the Ten Commandments / 102–121. Our Duty to God (1st-4th Commandments) / 122–148. Our obligation to man (5th-10th commandment) / 149–152. The Ten Commandments and Our Limits / 153 questions and answers. External means of conveying the benefits of faith, repentance, and intercession / 154 questions and answers. Words, sacraments, prayers, external means / 155–160 questions and answers. Words / 161–164. Sacrament / 165–167 questions and answers. Baptism / 168–175 questions and answers. Holy Communion / 176–177 questions and answers. Baptism and the Eucharist / 178–185 questions and answers. Prayer / Questions 186–196. The Lord's Prayer
b. Cow catechism
Questions 1–3. People's Purpose and the Bible
〈What should a person believe in God〉
Questions 4–12. Coming to God / 13–19. Man's Fall / 20–28 questions and answers. Christ, working with the office / 29–38. The lyric of salvation with the Holy Spirit
〈What are God's mandates for mankind〉
Questions 39–84. Man's Obedience and the Ten Commandments / 85–107 questions and answers. Faith, Repentance, Word, Sacrament, Prayer


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