Ⅱ. 調査の方法と範囲

A.  「方言」(γλῶσσα)の用語定義

「方言」は韓国語では「bangun」と呼ばれ、複数形および単数形の意味で使用されます。 1コリント14では、単数形と複数形が併用されています。 より技術的 には、Glossolalia(方言)という単語は2つのギリシャ語の単語の複合です。この言葉は19世紀に作られた「方言」の複合語で、「γλῶσσα」(方言)と「λαλέω」(話す)という言葉を組み合わせたものです。

生命聖書(Bible of Life)の語彙では、「言葉」は 各州の言語である「方言」 (γλῶ σσα)と 言われています(新13:24、イザ36:13、ゼカ8:23、 啓示 7:9 )、それは外国語です。 (使徒2:4–11)および ② 聖霊の 働きによって有頂天の 状態で話される神秘的な言語。 神が 特別な 人に与える聖霊の恩賜(1コリント14:2、21–22)。 したがって、 回心したすべての人が 「方言」現象を 持っているわけでは ありません。」

スタンレーブルージュ(Stanley Mr. Brugess)氏は中世の例を研究し、「方言」を分類しました。「ゼノラリア」は、彼自身が知らない外国語を指します。「他人が外国語を話 すとき、人々は自分の言語で聞く」という 「ヘテ ログロスコリア」。音が聞こえない「Akolalia」。一般に理解されていない言語で話される「グロソラリア」もあります。彼の「heteroglossolalia」の理論は、本文の1コリント14:21の解釈に決定的な役割を果たすでしょう。

今日、多くの信者は聖霊だけが「方言」の源であると誤解しています。 「方言」に関するさまざまな文献を見ると、「方言」の出所が聖霊だけではないのは驚くべきことです。悪霊から与えられる「方言」もあり、心理的には「方言」は解離による複数の人格現象(人格解離, Dissociation)に起因する可能性があります. したがって、この論文では、使徒パウロが1コリント14を書いて、コリント式教会の「方言」現象が聖霊によるものかどうかを確認する状況を推測します。




まず第一に、1コリントは、コリント式教会で発生する多くの問題に対処する方法についての非常に具体的で誠実な使徒パウロのキリスト教哲学を含む貴重な手紙です。おそらく、現代の教会で遭遇する問題のほとんどは発生していたであろうし、そこでそれらに対処する多くの方法がある。また、それほど大きくない教会で多くの問題が発生したことも理解しにくいです。コリント教会を取り巻く問題に対するパウロの解決策は、現代の教会の問題と解決策を明らかにします。これらの多くの問題の中で、パウロは「方言」の問題に焦点を合わせたことに注意することが重要です。これはすべて、パウロがコリント式教会で務めた当時は明らかではありませんでしたが、パウロがコリントを去った直後に起こりそうでした。なぜなら、パウロは1コリントを書いているときのコリント教会の「方言」の現実について確実に書いていないようです。 1 コリントでは、彼は「方言」(γλῶσσα) を別の方法で解釈する 可能性を数多く残しました。さらに、彼は彼自身の言葉で十分に一貫性がなく、後の通訳者を混乱させるようでした。しかし、パウロは2コリントやローマ人などの次の書簡で「方言」(γλῶσσα)について言及していません。

本稿では、まず、1コリント14の「方言」(γλῶσσα)の解釈との関連で、「γλῶσσα」の理論について、①「エクスタシー発話」(「未知の音」を含む)としての先行研究を行う ② 「外国語」の理論 ③「既知 の 舌」と「外国語」 の意味が 混在する理論。次に、 1コリントの 使用を分析するために、Mark and Actsの「方言」 (γλῶσσα)の 現象としての「γλῶσσα」の意味を調べます。また、啓示の使用を分析して、1コリントの「方言」(γλῶσσα)の意味を決定します。これには、イザヤ28:10の「ラション」(לָשׁוֹן)の分析も含まれます。最後に、1コリント14で書かれた「方言」(γλῶσσα)は、単数形と複数形に分けられます。複数形は、「外国語」の意味と単数形の「エクスタシーといえば」(未知の方言)とを明確に区別します。特に1コリント14は韓国語で「方言」のみを表しているため、2つの意味を交互に使用して解釈を混乱させています。したがって、これを明確にして対処します。この点で、キングジェームスバージョン(KJV)は、外国語を指すときは「方言」を指します。

この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。




A.  方言γλσσα的定義

方言在英語中被稱方言方言語言一詞的複數形式在哥林多前書14章中單數和復數一起使用用更專業的術語來說“ glossolalia”一詞是兩個希臘人的組合這個詞是一個複合詞指的是19世紀前後的方言“γλσσα”方言“λαλέω”可以說的組合詞聖經生活詞典,"方言"γλσσα一個單詞''每個地區的語言13:24;36:13;8:23;79或外語使徒行傳24 –11的含義是 通過聖靈的工作和上帝賜予特殊人民聖靈的禮物而在無私狀態下所說的神秘語言哥林多前書1422122 )。因此方言現象並非在所有轉向者中都出現 據說.

斯坦利Stanley Brugess先生究了中世紀的例子對方言的類型 進行了分類“'Xenolalia'相當於說一門我不知道的外語人們會以自己的語言理解內容的 heteroglossolalia“akolalia”沒有聲音聽到的內容以及以未知的語言說出的現代“ glossolalia”被認是 方言現象他的 heteroglossolalia理論將在解釋困難的段落中起 決定性的作用, 哥林多前書14:21將在第3章中提到


在新約中方言γλσσα出現了約50被用作 舌頭外語天使的語言狂喜未知的聲音的含義但引起了很大爭議學者的觀點與哥林多前書14章中 風扇γλσσα的含義完全不同因此本文將著重於掌握新約中方言γλσσα中的哥林多前書第十四章的含義 


在本文中了掌握 γλσσα的聖經含義我們首先看一下先 前的究例子,然後,了解使徒保羅寫過哥林多前書和哥林多後書尤其是哥林多前書其次將深入分析哥林多前書中 方言γλσσα的 含義這與現代會的方言有關

首先,《哥林多前書是一封很有價的信其中包含非常具體而誠的使徒保羅的基督哲學即如何應對哥林多會的眾多問題可能存在各種問題現代會中遇到的大多數問題都已遇到並詳細說明了解決這些問題的措施很難理解在一個規模不大的堂中同時發生了許多問題保羅對當時哥林多會周圍各種問題的解決方案將揭示現代會的問題和解決方案應當指出的是在許多問題中保羅在致力於方言問題的同時投入了大量的空間他認這是嚴肅的保羅在哥林多會事奉時這一切並沒有浮出水面但這一定是在他離開哥林多事奉後不久發生的在哥林多前書中方言γλσσα佔用了大量空間但似乎他自己的單詞前後矛盾給以後的翻譯帶來了混亂但是保羅在以下書信哥林多後書羅馬書等中都沒有提到 方言''γλσσα)。由此看來直到哥林多後書的前身才似乎完全解決了

在本文中首先對於哥林多前書14章中對方言γλσσα的解釋“γλσσα” 被認語言語言包括仙人掌的未知聲音羅馬 了 分析哥林多人的用法將對一種當地語言被認外語並且 語言外語的含義進行混合的理論進行了學術先例我們考察了 馬可福音中 “γλσσα” 方言現象的含義並進一步分析了示錄確定哥林多前書中 方言γλσσα的含義還包括對以賽亞書 28: 10“ Rashon”לָשׁוֹן的分析

最後在哥林多前書第114中寫的方言γλσσα被分單數和復數意思是 本地方言外語以復數和單數含義是 狂喜未知 聲音)。特別是在哥林多前書第14章中方言一詞用韓語表達並且 這兩種含義交替使用使解釋混亂在這方面英王欽定版KJV的英文版本在指代外語時被稱“tongues”狂喜未知 聲音被翻譯“an unknown tongue”希臘原文也以單數和復數形式表示 “γλσσα”由於是單獨使用的因此我們將重點考慮



B. 研究の目的

一方、国内外で「現代教会の方言現象」を肯定するか否定するかについては、多くの意見や書物が発表されており、一般的に「方言」の経験は信仰生活に良い影響を与える「方言の祈り」は祈りを長く情熱的にすることができることを発見しましたが、いくつかの論文や少数意見は以下の理由で「方言」に反対しています:①新約聖書の「方言」(γλῶσσα)は外国語であり、人々はそれを認識できます。 ②「現代教会の方言 現象」 は聖書の証拠にはない。 これらの両極端の真っ只中で、 「現代教会の方言現象」には聖書の根拠がない(または彼らの聖書の根拠が弱いか識別が困難である)と主張する人もいれば、人々が禁止する必要はないと主張する人もいます。「方言」は信者 に実際に役立つ からです。

しかし、「現代教会の方言現象」が聖霊によるものかどうかは神のみに知られているかもしれません。「現代教会の方言現象」が正か負か、あるいは両方の混合物。次に、聖書の根拠があるかどうかを確認します。特に、論争の中心である1コリント14章の「方言」(γλῶσσα)を解釈します。この解釈は3つの理論に分けることができます。 ① 「未知 の音」としての理論 ② 「外国語」としての理論 ③ 二つの意味が混在 する 理論学者による以前の 研究を分析することにより、 この現象を どのように見るかについての基礎も提供します。現代の教会の「方言」が聖書の真の「方言」であるならば、それを探し求め、それをすでに受けた人は、さらに発展し、メリットを分析し、他の信者を励ますべきです。現代の教会の「方言」が聖書に基づいていない場合は、それが聖霊に由来するものかどうかを最初に識別しなければなりません。それは聖霊と他の霊の混合であるかもしれません。それが使徒ヨハネが「すべての霊を信じないでください、しかし彼らが神の霊であるかどうかを見分けなさい」と警告している理由です(1ヨハネ4:1)。


この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。



              第1章 問題を提起する

Ⅰ. 研究の必要性と目的

A. 研究の必要性






ムン・ヒョシクは、現代キリスト教におけるペンテコステ運動の影響と、以下のような聖霊運動の研究の必要性を強調しました。ペンテコステリズムは、1コリント14節で「現代教会の方言現象」の根拠を見つけます。これが聖書的根拠に基づくものであるかどうかは非常に重要です。 20世紀は「現代教会の方言現象」なので、 ペンテコステ 運動の主体 を 特定するためには、この現実を把握する 必要がある 、いわゆる聖霊運動であり、カトリックを含むすべての クリスチャンに 影響を与えた。 

この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。




同時國內外對於確認或否認現代會的方言現象發表了許多意見和著作通常那些聲稱方言γλσσα經歷對其信仰生活有積極影響的人發現方言γλσσα祈禱可以使祈禱漫長而充滿激情但是由於下列原因一些論文和少數派人士反對方言γλσσα):新約的方言γλσσα是外語人們可以識別現代會的方言γλσσα現像不是聖經依據在這兩個極端之間有人認現代會的方言γλσσα現像沒有聖經根據或者他們的聖經依據薄弱或難以辨別),因此 人們沒有必要禁止方言γλσσα),為它們實際上對信徒有幫助


然而聖經對方言γλσσα的解釋從來都不是容易的而是有爭議的聖經許多不同的解釋留出了余地另外由於在許多情況下每種副本或譯文的解釋不同因此很難區分外語和某種外來話語未知方言)。 因此本文首先考察了哥林多會周圍的歷史文化和社會經濟狀況並考察了寫使徒保羅的信的目的此外通過比較和檢驗新約方言γλσσα的用法我們將分析哥林多前書中包括方言γλσσα的關鍵文本並找出相關的語境以掌握並得出有關保羅的觀點的結論



1 提出問題


A.  究的必要性

現代會中有關方言glossolalia,γλσσα的爭論很容易過熱他們 彼 此 交談 不善但一旦開始討論他們就會變成激烈的辯論這將在 未來繼續會過熱首先這是因聖經特別是哥林多前書中的方言γλσσα這個並不是一件事而是有很多含義而且難以解釋結果他們用相同的詞有不同的理解和用法因此對於不同的討論如此糾結以至於他們以後不知道是什



20世紀以來五旬節運動徹底改變了基督歷史眾所周知五旬節運動支持了許多曾經是世界上最大的堂的韓國最大的從規模上講與世界各地的早期會的爆炸性邪組織的增長和由於改革引起的人類意識海嘯變化相當的事情實際上正在全世界範圍內進行尤其是在韓國會中在這一巨大浪潮的基礎上是現代堂的方言無論我們是否承認是正面還是負面地思考這就是我們必須究並決定如何看待對所有信徒都有巨大影響的現代會的 方言 

那些倡導五旬節運動五旬節主義的人聲稱方言現像被稱聖靈的洗禮甚至聲稱除非得到方言否則人們將不會得救另一方認現代會的方言現象不是基於聖經或聖靈如何解釋方言γλσσα的問題不僅是一個派有義的問題而是這是區分信徒是按照正確的信念還是錯誤的信念生活的問題 因此,可能有必要首先檢聖經如何解釋這一點. Moon Hyosik調了五旬節運動在現代基督中的影響以及如下究 聖靈運動的必要性



As described above, starting with the definition of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα), we have examined why this study is necessary and how important it is in the interpretation of modern theology. We also contrasted and compared the Bible in the original language and many versions to understand the exact meaning, and based on the achievements already developed by the advanced leaders of faith, we tried to argue the apostle Paul's view of 1 Corinthians 14 “tongue (s).”

In the 20th century, the rise of the Pentecostal movement, emphasizing the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, brought “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) to a large proportion in the modern church. Therefore, studying this is absolutely necessary for believers, and in fact, many theologians have studied it. However, in the interpretation of the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) used in 1 Corinthians, most people misinterpreted that it was used only in one meaning. For that reason, there has been semantic confusion, and it has been difficult to explain in logic contextually.

Looking at the use of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) used in the entire New Testament except for 1 Corinthians, we saw that it is used in the sense of “foreign languages” when it is used in plural even from Mark, Acts, and Revelation. The term “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) used in 1 Corinthians 14 are classified two meanings broadly and at least three meanings when categorized in detail. That is, in relation to the plural and singular forms of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα), the plural methods are “foreign languages”, and the singular method is subdivided into a positive side “an utterance of ecstasy” and a negative side “repeated meaningless sound.”

As such, we have confirmed that the use of the singular in 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 is not explicitly used as a “foreign language”. The singular “an unknown tongue” was also a positive side “an utterance of ecstasy”, but there must have been a “repeated meaningless sound” in a negative side as well. It is presumed that the members of the Corinthian Church acted as if they had been given the best gift in disorderly abuse of these “tongue (s).”

It is true that in the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14, all sorts of misunderstandings were prevalent because the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) is not accurately distinguished from the plural and singular usages. In various circumstances, it is estimated that the apostle Paul spoke a considerable number of foreign languages. And this foreign language ability would have been an indispensable gift to his historical mission on the Mediterranean coast, which was the world at the time. Paul had no reason to think negatively about speaking a foreign language in general. In this way, the apostle Paul welcomed "general foreign language ability", "foreign language tongues as a gift", and "the language of the ecstatic angels." But with regard to “foreign language tongues as gifts”, he said it was a one-time miracle used to show unbelievers. Therefore, he taught that "foreign language tongues as gifts" should not be done by many people at any time in the church. On the other hand, the prophecy of preaching God's will was thought to be more beneficial for the church.

On the contrary, for the singular "an unknown tongue", Paul advised to be cautious and restrictive only if there was an interpreter, because he did not yet know exactly what it was. Since it has seemed to be chaotic, it would be okay if there was an interpreter, but it was recommended to be limited in order. However, Paul says in 14: 4 that “tongue” as a singular is also beneficial to “edify oneself,” and verse 28 also says, “Don't do it in the church when there is no interpreter, but do it to yourself and to God.” Therefore, we would interpret as following; Paul believed that if anyone believed that it was beneficial, it was a privacy, and it was not necessary to forbid it.

Thus, we have reviewed the use cases related to the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) of the New Testament and analyzed “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians 14. Through this study, we demonstrated that the apostle Paul clearly used the singular and plural of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians 14 in different ways. This was originally the hypothesis raised by "King James Version" (KJV) and No Uho. In this paper, this hypothesis is further strengthened by analyzing it by assigning it to the entire New Testament (including some Old Testament), especially 1 Corinthians 14. This opened the possibility for this hypothesis to develop into a theory in the future. In addition, through the analysis of 13: 1 and 14: 4, it was believed that Paul acknowledged not only the “foreign language as a gift” but also the “language of angels” and the positive “utterance of ecstasy.” A new attempt was also made by analyzing the definite articles and punctuation (semicolon) of the Greek original Bible in relation to 14: 2-3. Above all, in this paper, an in-depth analysis of "tongues" in Chapter 14:21 was conducted. Paul used "tongues" as "heteroglossolalia" where the listener hears the content in their own language when the other person speaks a foreign language. By interpreting this, we were able to make a logical interpretation of 1 Corinthians 21-25 and 39.

In this way, I have analyzed the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) of 1 Corinthians from various angles, but rather than concluding a conclusion on this part, it is just a foundation for future research. And further study will be continued to study based on this. In particular, we concluded that Paul divided "an unknown tongue", which is similar to "the tongue(s) phenomenon of the modern church", into "utterance of the ecstasy" on the positive side and "repeated meaningless sound" on the negative side. Based on this report, I hope that more research will be conducted on what the “the tongue(s) phenomenon of the modern church” is like, and at the time, it is like the “an unknown tongue” of 1 Corinthians.


[1] Lee Seongho, Seven Things a Church Officer Should Know (Seoul: Seum Books, 2017), 219.

[2] Robert G. Gromacki, “Modern Tongue Movement Research,” trans. Kim Hyo-sung (Seoul: Christian Documentary Mission, 1983), 7-8.

[3] Moon Hyosik, Theological Evaluation of Tongues, International Theology, Vol. 4 (2002.12) (International Theological Seminary School Press), 101.

[4] (1) Scholars who see indefinite sounds; Duranno Seowon's Pastoral and Theological Editorial Team, Kim Dongchan, J. Oswald Sanders, Lee Sanghoon, Myungbok Bae, Bae Jongryul ② Scholars who look in foreign languages; Augustine, J. Calvin, Kwon Kihyun, Joseph H. Thayer, and R. G. Gromacki ③ Scholars who see two meanings as mixed; Tertullian, Abohott-Smith, and No Uho.

[5] Douglas Webster, Pentecostalism and Speaking with Tongues (Londo, England:Highway Press, 1964), 21.

[6] Gospel Sub, ed. Life Bible Dictionary (Seoul: Words of Life, 2011), 221.

[7] Stanley Mr. Brugess, medieval Examples of Charisatic Piety in the Roman Catholic Church, 5 Perspectives on the Pentecostalism, ed. Russel P. Spittler (Grand Rapids: MI: Baker Book House, 1976): 19-21.

[8] Ok Hanhum, The Holy Spirit and Dialects (Modern Church and Holy Spirit Movement: JeongUm Publishing, 1984), 137-38.

[9] No Uho, Commentary on 1,2 Corinthians (Sancheong: Ezra House, 2019), 90-94.

[10] Robert G. Gromacki, Modern Tongue Movement Study, trans. Kim Hyo-sung (Seoul: Christian Documentary Mission, 1983), 73.

[11] Pastoral and Theological Editorials, How to Preach 1 Corinthians (Seoul: Duran Noh Seowon), 182-183.

[12] Kim Dongchan, Who forbids dialects (Seoul: Bethany Press, 2016), 194-195.

[13] J. Oswald Sanders, Holy Spirit and His Gifts, trans. Kwon Hyukbong (Seoul: Jordan Press, 1990), 193.

[14] Lee Sanghoon, Tongues in the New Testament, Christian Thought 69.6 (Christian Society of Korea), 71-77.

[15] Kim Dongchan, Knowing Tongues Right (Seoul: Bethany Publishing, 2015), 149.

[16] Yoo Myungbok, Tongues from a Linguistic Perspective, Christian Education Information, Vol. 33 (Seoul: Korean Christian Education Information Society, 2012), 235.

[17] Bae Jongyeol, “The Holy One” appeared in 1 Corinthians 12-14, 18th Collection (2018.09), Gaesin Graduate University Press, 54-82.

[18] John Calvin, The New Testament Commentary Volume 8 (Seoul: Bible Textbook, 1980), 388.

[19] Kwon Ki-hyun, Are dialects an celestial language not used on the earth?, World of Truth and Academic Studies, Vol. 23 (Gyeongsan: Dal Gubeul Christian Research Society, 2011), 166-175.

[20] Joseph H. Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Edinbugh: T.&T. Clark, 1954), p.118

[21] Robert G. Gromacki, Modern Tongue Movement Study, 86-87.

[22] No uho, let's verify the dialect (Sancheong: Ezra House, 2014), 76.

[23] G. Abbott-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (Edinbugh : T.&T. Clark, 1954), p.93.

[24] No Uho, let's verify the dialect, 124.

[25] However, one thing to note here is that the Corinthian society was an international trade port at the time, and as many foreigners came in and out, all kinds of foreign languages were mixed together, and it was a kind of complicatedly mixed foreign language, but there must have been words that sounded like “an unknown tongue”. An analysis of this is also necessary, but it is difficult to see this as a “foreign language as a gift”, so we will classify it by including it in “an unknown tongue”

[26] Anthony C. Thistleton, 1 Corinthians, trans. Kwon Yeon kyung (Seoul: SFC Publishing Division, 2019), 24-27.

[27] Kim Seyoon, The Corinthians 1st Lecture (Seoul: Duranno Academy, 2008), 336–337.

[28] John Bright, Israel History, trans. Park Moonjae (Paju: Christian Publishing Distributor, 2016), 573-577.

[29] Han Won-Kim, Original Bible, One Word: The Name of God Magazine Re (Yeosu: Gratia, 2017), 83.

[30] Kim Seyoon, A Corinthians 1st Lecture, 21–24.

[31] Cruise Colin, 2 Corinthians, trans. Wang Inseong (Seoul: Christian Documentary Mission, 2013), 39–40.

[32] No Uho, An Commentary on 1,2 Corinthians, 273-341.

[33] Kim Dongchan, Knowing the Dialects Immediately, 150-152.

[34] Thomas R. Schreiner, New Testament Theology, trans. Lim Beomjin (Seoul: Revival and Reform History, 2017), 678-9.

[35] Charles R. Smith, Tongues in Biblical Persprctive (Winona Lake, Indiana : BMH Books, 1976), 39.

[36] No Uho, Let's Verify the Dialects, 173.

[37] Kim Dongchan, Who Forbids Dialects, 210-223.

[38] William D. Mounce, Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, Translated by Myungwoon Jo (Seoul: Blessed Person, 2017), 458-469.

[39] Kim Seyoon, A Corinthians 1st Lecture, 326–327.

[40] Seyoon Kim, A Corinthians 1st Lecture , 329.

[41] Kim Dongchan, Knowing the Dialects Right, 248.

[42] Kim Dongchan, Knowing the Dialects Right, 161-162

[43] Kim Dongchan, Who Forbids Dialects, 201.

[44] Here, it is unique that NA28 does not use a definite article for θεῷ. It may imply that God is god, not God (In the case of ‘God’, as in verse 18, it is written as τῷ θεῷ). However, since verses 27 and 28 refer to “tongue” (γλῶσσα) as a singular and are used as τῷ θεῷ, it seems difficult to claim that the usage in verse 14: 2 is god rather than God.

[45] It is noteworthy that πνεύματι is not πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (The Holy Spirit), but πνεύματι (spirit). However, since it is written only in πνεύμα in the verses that clearly indicate the Holy Spirit as in Mark 1:10, it cannot be distinguished whether it is πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (The Holy Spirit) or simply πνεύματι (spirit).

[46] No Uho, Let's Verify the Dialects, 118.

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities: usedslr@gmail.com, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute

Ⅲ. Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14

So far, we have analyzed Corinthian situation at the time of Paul to interpret the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians 14. We also looked at the use of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in other New Testament books except 1 Corinthians 14. When “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) is used in plural, it was confirmed that it means “foreign languages ​​as gifts” with almost no exception. Here, I would like to make a correct interpretation of “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) in 1 Corinthians 14 on this basis. By doing so, we will analyze whether the “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) of the modern church has a biblical basis or not. To do this, we first interpret “foreign language tongues as gifts” in plural with little controversy, and then analyze tongue as “an unknown tongue” used as a singular in a number of controversies.

In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul described “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα), alternating between tongues as “foreign language tongues as gifts” and “unknown sound”. This has caused a lot of confusion for future generations to interpret this. In particular, when we translate this into Korean, we are particularly confused because plural or singular forms are translated into singular in Korean. Paul or Luke, Mark and John, who used “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα), wrote the Bible clearly with distinction between singular and plural forms. It is our job to interpret this. Paul recommends not speaking in the church without an interpreter, whether it is "foreign language tongues as a gift" or "unknown sound.” However, Paul said that they should not forbid speaking in a foreign language as a gift (verse 39). This is because, as mentioned earlier, foreign language tongues as gifts can be used as a miracle for unbelievers as they are used (verse 22).

Paul wants all members of the Corinthian church to speak “foreign language tongues as gifts.” However, it is emphasized that prophecy is superior to this, unless someone interprets these foreign language tongues as gifts to bring virtue to the church (14: 5). Here, prophecy does not mean “to predict the future as superstition” (預言), but “to convey the will of God.” (代言) Also, “προφητεία” (prophesing), which means prophecy, also means “prophesed text,” so it is natural in context to translate it as “the word of God.” Then Paul himself asks, “What is the benefit of not speaking revelation, knowledge, prophecy, or teaching (v. 6)” by saying “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα)? Paul encouraged the Corinthians to prophesy in the church because prophecy is more beneficial than “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα).

On the other hand, when analyzing the interpretation of “tongue” (γλῶσσα) as a singular noun in 14: 2 at the center of controversy, “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. ” (1 Corinthians 14: 2, NIV)(Ὁ γὰρ λαλῶν γλώσσῃ οὐκ ἀνθρώποις λαλεῖ ἀλλὰ θεῷ · οὐδεὶς γὰρ ἀκούει, πνεύματι δὲ λαλεῖ μυστήρια ·) (NA 28), if you look at “θεῷ ·” here, you can see that a semicolon (Greek ‘·’, English ‘;’) is attached.[43] The role of the semicolon is to supplement the preceding sentence. Therefore, in consideration of this, if we translate it again, “He who speaks a tongue (an unknown tongue) does not do it to anyone but to God.[44] ; It is said to tell the secret in spirit[45](δὲ), but no one understands it. ” In addition, verse 2 has a semicolon (;) appended to the last letter "μυστήρια ·". Therefore, the sentence is not yet finished. Since Greek does not have a colon (:) in English and only a semicolon (;), it should be considered that the semicolon (;) can play both roles of a colon (:) and a semicolon (;) in Greek. The period of the sentence is at the end of verse 3. “Ὁ δὲ προφητεύων ἀνθρώποις λαλεῖ οἰκοδομὴν καὶ παράκλησιν καὶ παραμυθίαν”(NA 28). Therefore, when verses 2 and 3 are combined and translated, “he who speaks tongues does not speak to man, but to God; It is said to tell the secret in spirit (δὲ), and no one understands it : On the other hand, those who prophesy speak to people, and it is to edify, exhort, and comfort.” Verses 2 and 3 are mutually contrasting expressions. “What you do to God” and “what you do to people” becomes a contrast, There is a contrast between the phrase “I tell you the secret in the spirit, but no one understands it” and the phrase “Educate, encourage, and comfort”.

The next verse 4 is a phrase that clearly reveals how Paul sees the “tongue” (an unknown tongue) as a singular. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church” (1 Corinthians 14: 4, NIV). The Greek manuscripts of this verse are as follows; “Ὁ λαλῶν γλώσσῃ ἑαυτὸν οἰκοδομεῖ · ὁ δὲ προφητεύων ἐκκλησίαν οἰκοδομεῖ” (NA28). The Greek “ἑαυτὸν οἰκοδομεῖ” is translated by NKRV as “to build one's own virtue,” and the English version (KJV, NIV) translates to “edify himself.” Here “οἰκοδομέω”means “build, build up, strengthen.” Since the word is linked to both “self” and “church,” it clearly shows that “tongue” (an unknown tongue) is beneficial to himself. The overall context of verse 4 only means that “tongue (s)” is only good for oneself, while “prophecy” is good for the whole church. This should be interpreted as referring to the superiority of "prophecy" over dialect, and not to say that "tongue" as a singular is not beneficial. Although the whole Chapter 14 is in a negative context for “tongue” (γλῶσσα), the positive “an unknown tongue” in 14: 4 is considered personally beneficial.

Next, verses 5 and 6 refer to “foreign language tongues” as gifts. Paul wants all church members to receive the gift of "foreign language tongues," but he said this was also worse than prophecy. In other words, prophecy is more virtuous to the church than "foreign language tongues."

In verses 7 to 11, Paul negatively criticizes the “tongue” (an unknown tongue) as a singular, insisting that when a person speaks, he must let others know what it means. This part is clearly different from what Paul said in 14: 4 that "tongue" (an unknown tongue) as a singular is "good for the individual." This shows Paul's attitude toward the “tongue” (an unknown tongue) as a singular. He thought it could be a "religious ecstasy" in a positive sense or a "repeated sound of unknown meaning" in a negative sense. In this regard, verse 9 uses the definite article to refer to “τῆς γλώσσης” (the tongue). It is clear from the grammatical structure that it refers to an unknown tongue mentioned in verses 2 and 4 as seen earlier.

Paul then admonishes church members (v. 13) that if they want to speak an unknown tongue, then they should pray for the gift of interpretation to be received as well. Then Paul said, "If I pray with my tongue" (an unknown tongue), my spirit will pray, but I will not understand myself "(verse 14). Then he said, "I will have to pray in 'tongue' (an unknown tongue) and pray again with understandable words, and I will have to praise again in 'tongue' (an unknown tongue) and praise with understandable words" (verse 15). And Paul is asking, "How can someone who doesn't know well say "Amen" if they give thanks only with the spirit?" (16).[46] What is noteworthy here is that it is difficult for us to know clearly whether Paul himself prayed or praised with “an unknown tongue” or not. This is because, as we saw earlier, Paul is writing a subjunctive saying, "If I pray with ‘tongue’”(an unknown tongue). Therefore, it is more important to know how Paul judges it, because it is difficult to know whether he did "prayer in an unknown tongue" or not. In this regard, the next verse “What shall I do then”? (NKRV, 14: 15a) shows Paul's attitude toward "prayer in an unknown tongue." However, KJV and NIV have different positions. KJV negatively says, "What is it then?", And NIV neutrally or positively, "So what shall I do?"

Therefore, we must comprehend and interpret the context after all. The purpose of 1 Corinthians' writing is to correct the wrong part of the Corinthian Church, and in this epistle, Paul devotes much space on “tongue (s)” (γλῶσσα) to provide recommendations and advice. Judging from this series of circumstances, it is believed that Paul is rebuking the members of the Corinthian church for doing the wrong thing. At the time of Paul's writing of 1 Corinthians, he might not yet be convinced of what the Corinthian "tongue (s)" was. Paul told the Corinthian church members, “If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret.” (1 Corinthians 14:27, NIV). It is presumed that Paul was concerned because the “tongue(s)”(γλῶσσα) prevalent in the Corinthian Church were in disorder. Therefore, in the overall context of Chapter 14, it can be said that Paul described "prayer in an unknown tongue" in the church in a negative tone and "prophecy" in a positive tone.

Here is one thing to be considered. Paul may have heard from Timothy that some members of the church at Corinth speak "unknown sound", not "foreign language tongues as gifts" or "angelic languages". So he might have instructed that if someone tried to “unknown sound”, it should be limited only if they could interpret, because he still doesn't know exactly what “unknown sound” is.

In conclusion, Paul himself was thanking God for more “foreign language tongues as gifts” than anyone else (v. 18). However, he might have judged that the singular “unknown sound” had both positive and negative aspects. So he said, “I would rather say five enlightened words than ten thousands words like that” (v. 19). That's why Paul is asking earnestly the members of the church at Corinth, saying "If someone wants to speak with an 'an unknown tongue' in the church, do it in turn, but never do it without an interpreter" (v. 27, 28).


This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities: usedslr@gmail.com, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute