6) “Hellification” as a matter of philosophy, religion, literature and language excluding Judaism

The problem of “Hellification” in the Hellenistic period had very strong political elements, as well as philosophical, literary, and religious elements. The Greeks tried to make Epicurus a philosopher of “true Hellenism” by comparing it to the universalist Stoic philosophy. However, Stoa's global citizenship eventually became more influential as the time passed. This is because the World Citizenship fits well with the needs of the Hellenistic monarchs, that is, the need to continually integrate people of various faces.

The interest in universal religion grew stronger as the Hellenistic monarchs collapsed. Dionysus was the most important Greek god outside Greece at the time. It spread to Asia through art and literature. Ptolemy IV was an admirer of this religion. He has also long been associated with the Jewish gods of Jerusalem along with all the ancient gods. Greek-speaking Judaism saw this as a dangerous rival, and in the 70s, writers tried to interpret the Canaanite priests they hated with a concept derived from Dionysus religion.

From B.C. 2C, attempts have been made to combine the two cultures, which can be seen in the literature of Judaism and Hellenism, or the reformation of Jerusalem. It wasn't until the Roman era that the actual completion of “comprehension” was reached. There were social barriers to Greekization in B.C. 4C and 3C, but by the time of B.C. 2C and the century it began to ease.

A new era of spirit appeared in Hebrew wisdom literature, and it was found to be directly influenced by Greek thought. This idea is, above all, a controversial book of Ecclesiastes, which seems to have been formed under the influence of Greek philosophy in Jerusalem under the rule of B.C. The prosperity of apocalyptic Judaism spread rapidly from the B.C. 2C to the diaspora world and continued in parallel with the reformation of revelation religion in the Hellenistic world [4].

The first and most important advance for Greekization was for individuals to overcome language barriers and master the Greek language perfectly. The final foundation for the Hellenistic culture was not a political power that had to split and struggle with each other, but a common language. Thus, the Greeks did not see the end of the “barbarian” Romans and the Parthians after the victory over the Hellenistic monarchy, but rather remained and saw its completion under the protection of Roman peace.

3. Judaism became the midwife of Christianity

Judaism was formed, but eventually the nation of Israel was destroyed and scattered around the world. How should we interpret this? The first question raised here is to return to the question, "Why did God allow Judaism until the 400-year period of silence?"

Judaism, which was outlined in the return to captivity, was formed and developed while resisting Hellenism on the one hand and fusion on the other. The doctrine was formed, developed, and divided into sects according to how the Jews lived in the Greek Empire and accepted Hellenism. However, the formation of this sect was not a separate philosophy or religion, but a divergence of factions in Judaism, and those who tried to stick to the law, except in special cases of apostates or no interest at all. Although some of the Sadducees had an inner heart, they all had apocalyptic ambitions and nationalist enthusiasm. The difference between each sect was only how to interpret the law, how much to emphasize the eschatology, and how the future hopes of the nation, including the Messiah, were fulfilled.

Judaism did not save the community of law by eschatological salvation. The Sadducees were turned away in pursuit of secularized pro-hellenism, and the militarism of the Esensane or Zealot was not the answer. Because of this, the nation was ruined, and the end they expected was not coming. Therefore, the only thing that really survived Judaism is the Pharisee's normative Judaism, the law. This, of course, does not mean legalism. In this way, the Old Testament's hopes remain unfulfilled. They simply wait indefinitely for the “king of the Jews” while keeping the law. However, when they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, a great reversal occurred. Most Jews remain on the border of Judaism, but there are saved Jews who continue to turn to Christianity since then. Also, Jews still in Judaism may have hope.

Christianity is still beyond the influence of Judaism, not only in the Old Testament, but also through other Hebrew writings. Judaism was a failed religion in its own right, but it was a midwife and continued after-care in that it made a decisive contribution to the birth of Christianity. As a result, the Old Testament was a failed redemption history for the Jews, but for our believers who believe in the Savior, the failed redemption history is “a redemption history that has already been accomplished in Christ.” The apostle Paul teaches the salvation of faith in place of the law in various parts of the New Testament, including Romans and Galatians. For believers who accepted Christ Jesus as Savior, such as Peter's confession (Matthew 16:16 “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”) This is given. Amen.


[4] Martin Hengel, New and Old Testament History, Im Jin-suk, 118

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities: usedslr@gmail.com, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute





但以理的书是旧约中最新的书,它是针对这种可怕的紧急情况而写的。 Daniel的作者一定是Hashim之一。作者认为,他必须以自己的力量竭尽全力抵抗国王的政策,并给予犹太人勇气抵抗,因为他们坚持自己的法律和犹太人,并坚持他们对确保上帝得救的信心。我试图吹。这个先知想说服他的子民,一切都掌握在上帝的手中,一切都按计划进行,没有失误,现在的苦难是上帝的目的是纪念即将结束的日子。在对上帝干预的信念中,先知鼓励他的同胞们站稳脚跟。确实,几乎不能怀疑,英勇烈士的命运的反映在建立对犹太思想来世的信念中起了重要作用[1]。如果您确定丹尼尔故事中的狮子巢穴或风箱故事是根据历史需要建立的,那将是有力的反证证据,可以证明对圣经的字面解释。在旧约和新约中期,发生了另一次盛宴,光明节(约翰福音10:22),以纪念清洁圣殿的历史。光明节通常与我们观察到的圣诞节重叠,对于犹太人来说,它仍然是住棚节以外重要的季节。最终夺回耶路撒冷并在主前164年清理圣殿后,他们试图点亮圣殿烛台。据说圣橄榄油只点亮一天,但是令人惊讶的是,每天的橄榄油点亮了八天。光明节季节就是为了纪念这一天而创建的,被称为“光明季节”。被囚禁后的这些fe席有助于加强犹太民族主义[2]。


开辟了哈斯蒙王朝的西蒙,它在135年被托勒密杀害,他的儿子约翰·希尔卡努斯(John Hilkanus)成为犹太人的首领和大祭司。约翰·希尔卡努斯(Johann Hilcanus)放下了法学家哈西迪姆(Hasidim),并利用了现实主义者萨迪杜(Sadducees)。在这个时候被赶出去的Hasidims成为法利赛人。公元前公元104年,约翰·希尔卡努斯(Johan Hilcanus)死后,他的儿子亚里士多德(Aristobulos)继位,亚历山大·亚奈(Alexander Yanai)在转弯结束时即位,但800人被钉死在十字架上,而前法利赛人则抗议。残余人逃到了犹大荒野,加入了埃塞纳河。死后,他的妻子莎乐美·亚历山大(Salome Alexandria)将长子希尔卡努斯二世(Hilkanus II)安置在大祭司身上。他的兄弟亚里士多德二世(Aristobulos II)召集了萨杜德人(Sadducees)成为国王,希尔卡努斯二世(Hilkanus II)召集了法利赛人并继续担任大祭司。然而,是安提帕罗斯(Antiparos)搬走了这两个兄弟,并在罗马的帮助下升上了王位。公元前37年,罗马任命他的儿子希律王为糖果王,而犹大成为罗马的糖果。这是希律大帝,他通过模仿所罗门神庙建造了希律神庙。




[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 Park Moon-jae, 584~88

[2] Jaekyung Ahn, “Following the Church History: The Bible Feast – Is It Still Valid?” Magazine Re (175, Chungmin-ro, Yeosu, Jeonnam: Gratia, 2015), 63

[3] D.S Russel, 「Between the Testment」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 48-9

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新旧約中間期に、別の季節が生じたが、それは神殿を浄化した歴史を記念するHanukkah(John 10:22)である。私たちが守るクリスマスと日付が重なっにしてはいるがH​​anukkah(ハヌカ​​)は今もユダヤ人たちにはジャンマクジョル以上に重要な季節である。 B.C.164年には最終的にエルサレムを奪還し、神殿を清めて、私は次の神殿燭台に火を明らかにしようした。聖なるオリーブ油が一日を明らかに分量外なかった不思議なことに一日分オリーブ油が8日間火を明らかにしたします。これを記念して生まれた季節がハヌカのに別名「光の季節」と呼ぶ。このようにポロギ後に生じた季節はユダヤ人の民族主義を強化することに貢献した[2]。


Hasmon王朝を開いたシモンはB.C. 135年プトレマイオスに殺さ遭い、彼の息子ジョンヒルカヌスがユダヤの通知次兼大使、私になった。ジョンヒルカヌスは律法主義者であったハシディムを私て現実的なデザインサドカイを重用した。このとき追い出さHasidimは後にバリセパとなった。 B.C. 104年に、ジョンヒルカヌスが死亡し、その息子である住居火菅王位を受け継いだ後、紆余曲折の末、アレクサンドロス柳井が王位に上がって全盛期を開くだけ前に追い出さたのパリサイが抵抗している途中、800人が十字架処刑を受ける。残りこれらユダヤの荒野で逃げてエッセ派に合流する。その者死ぬ夫人のサロメアレクサンドリアは長男Hilkanus IIを大祭司に着席する。サドカイ派を糾合した彼の弟Aristobulos IIが王になってHilkanus IIはパリサイを糾合して、大祭司職を維持する。しかし、この二人の兄弟を削除して、ローマの助けを得て王位に上がったが吏読メインAntiparosであった。 B.C.37年にローマは彼の息子ヘロデを群れの王に任命することにより、ユダはローマの群れワンリョンとなった。この自己ソロモン神殿を模倣してヘロデの神殿を建てたヘロデ大王である。





[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 Park Moon-jae, 584~88

[2] Jaekyung Ahn, “Following the Church History: The Bible Feast – Is It Still Valid?” Magazine Re (175, Chungmin-ro, Yeosu, Jeonnam: Gratia, 2015), 63

[3] D.S Russel, 「Between the Testment」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 48-9

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4) Maccabean Revolution and Apocalyptic Literature, Origin of Hanukkah

The nucleus of the protest movement against the king's policy was a group known as Hasidim (who were faithful to the law), perhaps from the Pharisees and Essenes. It is not known how many Jews died through persecution, but it was probably a small number. It was an incredible persecution that humans could not think of. It was inevitable that the Jews were brought to an uprising. The flames of the Maccabean Revolution soared in this era.

The revolution exploded shortly after the infamous decree was issued to a village called Mordein in a rural mountain village. A man from the priest's household called Mattidadia killed the man who said he would follow the king's name in the place where the king's official came to Mordein to forcibly enforce the decree, and sacrificed to the pagan gods. He had five sons, with hundreds of warriors around them joining the gap in which the main force of Epiphanes was missing, winning the grand victory, and in December 164 BC, when the temple was just three years from the desecrated moon, the temple was in great joy at the festival. Was dedicated again. In the end of the Old Testament, the Jewish struggle for religious independence was a successful start. It was not only moments of glory, but a long struggle, marked by a lot of frustration and disappointment, but it eventually brought religious freedom and political autonomy to the Jews and ruled by the Hasmon dynasty for 79 years.

Daniel's book, the latest in the Old Testament, speaks in response to this terrible emergency. The author of Daniel must have been one of Hashim. The author feels that he must resist the king's policy in every way he can, and encourages the Jews to resist and stick to their laws and Jews in God's conviction of salvation and adhere to their faith. I tried to give. This seer was trying to convince his people that everything was in God's hands, everything was going according to schedule, that there was no lapse, and that the present suffering is that God's purpose is nearing the day of raising the dog. In this conviction of God's intervention, the seer encouraged his compatriots to stand firm. Indeed, it can hardly be suspected that the reflection of the fate of heroic martyrs played a major role in establishing faith in the afterlife in Jewish thought [1]. If we are certain that the story of the lion's den or the bellows in Daniel's story was built by historical necessity, it would be strong counter-argumentary evidence to prove the error of the biblical interpretation of the Bible.

In the middle of the Old and New Testaments, another feast took place, a memorial day (John 10:22) commemorating the history of cleansing the temple. This day of the feast (Hanuka), which often overlaps with the Christmas season we observe, is still an important feast for the Jews. After finally recapturing Jerusalem and cleaning the temple in B.C. 164, they tried to light the temple candlestick. It was said that the holy olive oil only lighted the day, but, surprisingly, the daily olive oil was lit for eight days. The Hanukkah season was created to commemorate this, and is called “the season of light”. These feasts after the captivity helped strengthen Jewish nationalism [2].

5) Secularization of Hasmon monarchy and transition of Judaism

Simon, who opened the Hasmon dynasty, was B.C. It was murdered by Ptolemy in 135, and his son, John Hilkanus, became the Jewish chief and high priest. Johann Hilcanus put down Hasidim, a legalist, and made use of the Sadducees, a realist. The Hasidims who were kicked out at this time later became Pharisees. B.C. In 104, after Johan Hilcanus died and his son Aristobulos succeeded to the throne, at the end of the twist, Alexander Yanai ascended to the throne, but the former Pharisees protested and 800 people were crucified. The remnant flee to the Judean Wilderness and join Essenae. Upon his death, his wife, Salome Alexandria, has the eldest son Hilcanus II as high priest. His younger brother, Aristobulos II, who rallyed the Sadducees, became king, and Hilcanus II rallyed the Pharisees and remained high priesthood. However, it was Idumain Antipatros who removed these two brothers and rose to the throne with the help of Rome. In B.C.37, Rome appointed his son Herod to be the bonbon king, and Judah became the Roman bonbon. This is Herod the Great, who built Herod's Temple by imitating the Solomon Temple.

Although Judaism was said to have been influenced by Hellenism, it was unacceptable for most Jews to degenerate into a Hellenistic offer. Depending on how they respond to Hellenization, Judaism is largely divided into four sects, and the most opposing group is the Pharisees, who continue the tradition of Hashimpa, a group that was zealous for the law and did not tolerate any compromise with Hellenism. received. The Pharisees were neither aristocratic nor priestly factions, but they were widely respected among the people because they were morally sincere. Aristocratic classes and secular aristocrats who joined the Seleukos dynasty and the secular factions were the background of the forces of the Sadducees. Because they recognized only the authority of the Torah and gave no authority to a set of oral laws developed by scribes. They also generally rejected new concepts such as resurrection faith, posthumous punishment, demons and angelism, and apocalyptic literary speculation. There were sects like Essenes who lived in apocalyptic tensions waiting for the impending end, and the Qumran sects were Essenes. They may have inherited the tradition of Hashimpa, but they took an undisputed position for kings who served as high priests of the Hasmon dynasty. Those who were hardened by the apocalyptic literature, which regarded the Hasmonian priesthood as illegal and apostate, partnered with them. They were convinced that all prophecy was being fulfilled in their time and lived like a monastery in the wilderness. Some thought that the way of Judaism was to follow an aggressive nationalist line. These were the backbone of the Maccabean Revolution and transformed the struggle from simply a struggle for religious freedom to an all-out war for national independence. As they reached the New Testament era, they emerged as partisans called Zealots. These were enthusiastic and reckless people who were confident that God would come to help them and were ready to attack any enemy for national independence.

However, it should be noted that the people belonging to these four factions were fewer than the Jewish wards at the time. Of Jesus' total population of 560,000 at the time, about 30,000 to 35,000 people belonged to these four factions. Because the number of Pharisees was about 5% of the total population and about 2% of the Sadducees and Essenes combined, they were not representative of the entire Jews [3].

Judaism was not completed during the Hellenistic period, but seems to take shape in all its essentials. Epiphanes' persecution appears to have firmed the definition of Satan by turning the logic that even innocent people can suffer, and this later affects Christianity. It also seemed to have had a decisive influence on the faith of the resurrection, and it would have been possible to overcome that pain by believing that God would repay the ruthless suffering suffered for no reason in reality. Hellenism, on the other hand, would have promoted Judaism's legalism. It is likely that godly Jews who were unable to yield to the compulsive Gentile religions would have clung to the law, and this was fixed by legalism in the presence of God that man's position was entirely determined by the act.


[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 Park Moon-jae, 584~88

[2] Jaekyung Ahn, “Following the Church History: The Bible Feast – Is It Still Valid?” Magazine Re (175, Chungmin-ro, Yeosu, Jeonnam: Gratia, 2015), 63

[3] D.S Russel, 「Between the Testment」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 48-9

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities: usedslr@gmail.com, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute




希腊化时代,通常被称为沉默,被理解为上帝预备耶稣基督的时期。加拉太书4:4以“时间到了,上帝差了儿子”开始,其中“时间”是“ KRONOS”的概念,与希腊词“ KAIROS”相比。 。点燃。它可以翻译成“时间的充裕”。自玛拉基书问世以来,上帝确实默默地传了400年的弥赛亚。通过这一圣经证据(以赛亚书7:14等)和历史发展(希腊和罗马时期),上帝将希腊语作为世界语言讲,并利用帝国在各地传播耶稣基督。











亚历山大获得了成为希腊时代文学中心的荣誉。犹太人从小就生活在埃及,并进入了希腊时代。托勒密二世(B.C. 285-247)首先从五经的翻译开始,然后扩展到旧约的其他部分。此翻译是Septuagint。拥有70名成员的角色对散居犹太人和早期教会的影响不可低估。希腊语中圣经的存在为犹太人和外邦人之间的交流开辟了一条新途径,也为希腊人的思想对犹太人的思想产生了更大的影响提供了一条途径。当然,将来这促进了基督教的传播。这时,希腊文化不可避免地影响了犹太思想家的思想,而生活在希腊文化中,不可避免地要吸收它。敬虔的犹太人因此而被扫除了,并没有损害宗教原则,但也有犹太人被扫除并在道德上堕落。他们中的许多人实际上羡慕希腊文化,并沉浸其中,从而限制了自己的法律和习俗。





这个时期的犹太人中有一个不可逆转的裂痕,包围了大祭司,并且进行了激烈的斗争,因此,雅森继续受贿成为大祭司,并奉行积极的希腊主义政策以建立希腊式运动场在耶路撒冷。年轻人在那里登记。梅内劳斯以更大的贿赂推挤杰森并去担任大祭司,他容忍Epiphanes抢劫圣殿并以与​​宙斯相同的方式敬拜耶和华,同时试图重新组织祭拜国王以作为宙斯在场的提议。当虔诚的犹太人因震惊和恐惧而叛逆时,Epiphanes颁布了一项法令,实际上禁止了所有犹太人的习俗。除定期献祭外,安息日和传统节日也被禁止,法律的副本被毁,儿童的包皮环切术被禁止。他们被迫吃猪肉,如果他们都不遵守,他们将被处死。异教徒的祭坛被竖起,邪恶的野兽被献祭[8]。最终在公元前12月167年,奥林匹斯宙斯神的提议被引入了耶路撒冷圣殿。撒玛利亚神庙也同样献给了宙斯·塞尼乌斯(2 Maccabees 6:1-1-3)。希腊化的犹太人欢迎国王的e令,而其他人则自愿或恐惧地跟随他们,并放弃了他们祖先的信仰。但是,很少有人拒绝服从死刑,而是选择死而没有违反法律(1 Maccabees 1:43-62f)。

Maccabees 2:9详细说明了这位可恶的国王Epiphanes在上帝的痛苦中的惩罚。他因死亡非常缓慢而受到惩罚,with蠕动,肠子腐烂,身体骨头都未对齐,从他的眼睛里爬出来。这可以与希律王阿格里帕的死相提并论,希律王阿格里帕杀死了约翰,詹姆斯等人并没有荣耀神。这是对绝对权力之怒的一瞥,他通过使用蠕虫作为最恶劣的惩罚来杀死可恶的人。 “因为希律没有将荣耀归给上帝,所以耶和华的使者立即罢工,被虫子吞噬而死”(使徒行传12:23)。

[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 as Park Moon-jae (Paju: Christian Digest Publishing Group, 2016), 559

[2] Martin Hengel, Im Jin-soo's translation of 「New and Old Testament Intermediate」 (Paju: Salim Publishing Co., 2006), 92

[3] John Bright, 559

[4] John Bright, 569-71

[5] D.S RUSSEL, 「BETWEEN THE TESTMENT」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 14-5

[6] Martin Hengel, New and Old Testament History, Im Jin-suk, 92


[8] John Bright, 580-84

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ユダヤ人であったアレクサンドリアのフィロは「ギリシャ化」という概念を最初に使用した。彼は言った、「ギリシャは新しいグリースによって拡張され、徐々に野蛮人の世界をギリシャ化した。そして平和のモニターは、それらに該当する地域を割り当ててくれた。 "とした。このように「Hellification」の文化プログラムは、ローマ時代ようやく認められている一般的な遺産になる。ユダヤ教とヘレニズムの「相互の融合」というテーマは、このように複雑で多様であり、矛盾した現象をいう。したがって、まずは、その現象を介しての議論がされている様々な概念を注意深く観察し、それらに関連付けられた「ヘレニズム」と「ギリシャ化」の現象をより細かく吟味することが必要である[2]。

ユダヤ人は、ポロギ時代を経て、それ以前の民族国家と制度などは、すでに破壊された状態だったので、どのような形で自分のアイデンティティを確認しなければし再建コミュニティとして絆が必要だったのだ。これ彼らの精神的絆である「律法」をツールにして律法共同体としてのユダヤ教を形成したものと思われる。ユダヤ人共同体が、最終的にユダヤ教という律法共同体で一貫して進めた基礎をおいたのは、エズラの役割が大きいと見ることができる。 B.C. 4Cと3Cの時期を経る間ヘレニズムは、必然的にユダヤ教に大きな影響を及ぼし、最終的に、これに対する抵抗の結果で示されたマカベオ革命の時期とハース運転王朝時代にユダヤ教と特徴付けられている一連の形を整えるた。


イスラエルは友好的であれ敵対的でもギリシャと継続的に関係を結んできた。 B.C. 5C、4Cになろうこのような現象はさらに頻繁に起こりました。間接ではあるが、ユダヤ人が必然的にギリシャの精神接触するようにしたことを意味する。このギリシャの精神は、イスラエルの信仰を根本的に変えて置かはなかったとしても、今後調べるように深刻な影響を与えた。[3]



アレクサンダー死後、彼の王国の中で、パレスチナを含む東地域は、シリア一帯のセルリュコース王朝とエジプトを中心としたプトレマイオス朝に分けられる。アレクサンドリアを拠点としたプトレマイオス王朝はパレスチナをほぼ一世紀の間統治する。これらユダの内政に全く干渉せず、ユダヤ人たちは、継続して従順な臣民として、比較的平和な時代を生きたものである。エジプトのユダヤ人たちは、通常ギリシャ語を母国語とした。ギリシヤ帝国時代以前からユダヤ人はパレスチナだけでなく、小アジア、エジプト、バビロン、各地域に散在しており、このような現象は、アレクサンダーとその後継者によって加速されて、パレスチナ以外の地域にあるユダヤ人の数がはるかに多くなった[5]。ヘブライ語のは、少なくともB.C. 2C末まで継続して使用されたが、時間が経つにつれてディアスポラ社会では命脈が切れたのだ。


アレキサンドリアはギリシャ時代に至って文学の中心と呼ばれる名誉を得ることになる。ユダヤ人たちは、早くから、エジプトに居住していたギリシャ時代に至って爆発的に増加した。プトレマイオスウス2世(B.C. 285-247)は、まずモーセ五書の翻訳から始めて以来、旧約の他の部分に拡大した。この翻訳版がSeptuagintある。この70ボランティアができるがディアスポラのユダヤ人と初代教会に及ぼした影響は、どんなに過大評価しても過言ではない。聖書がギリシャ語で存在するようになって、ユダヤ人と異邦人の意思疎通のための新しい道を開いても、ユダヤ人の精神にヘレニズムがより強力な影響を与える道も用意したものだった。もちろん、後代に、これは、キリスト教の伝播を促進させた。この時期に、ヘレニズムユダヤ人思想家の事故に必然的に影響を及ぼしたものでヘレニズム文化に住んでいながら、その文化を吸収しないことがなかったのだろう。敬虔なユダヤ人は、これらのものに巻き込まれて、宗教的原理を妥協しなかったが、そこに流され道徳的に大変落ちユダヤ人もいた。それらの中には、実際にギリシャ文化を羨望し、そこに没頭して、自分たちの独自の法律や習慣を窮屈に思った人が多かった。





この時期のユダヤ人の間に取り返しのつかない亀裂が生じたが大祭司職を取り囲んで暗闘が繰り広げなったので、ヤソンは賄賂で大祭司職に上がった後、積極的なヘレニズム化政策を推進してエルサレムにヘルレーシック競技場を建設して若者たちをそこに登録した。より多くの賄賂でヤソンを押し出して、大祭司の職に上がったメネルラオスはエピパネスの神殿略奪を黙認して、主にゼウスと同一視して礼拝する一方、王をゼウスの顕現に崇拝する提案に再編しようとした。敬虔なユダヤ人が衝撃と恐怖に反抗しようエピパネスは事実上、ユダヤ教のすべての慣習を禁じる勅令を公布した。定期的な祭祀はもちろんのこと、安息日と伝統的な季節を禁止して律法のコピーが破棄されており、子どもたちの割礼も禁止された。豚肉を食べるように強制的に遭い、二重のいずれかであっても従わない場合は、死刑に処された。異教の祭壇が立てられ、その祭壇からの不正な動物たちが生け贄に捧げられた[8]。結局B.C.167年12月にオリンパスゼウス神のオファーがエルサレムの神殿に導入された。サマリアの神殿も同様にゼウスクセニエウスに献呈された(マカベオ2で6枚1-31)。ヘレニズム化したユダヤ人たちは、王の勅令を歓迎し、かつそのほかの人々は、自ら進んでするか、怖くてその後ろ準拠の祖先の信仰を捨てた。しかし、少なからぬ人々は、追従を拒否して律法を犯すことなく、むしろ死ぬを選択した。(マカベオ1 1:43-62f)

マカバイ2で9章では、この忌まわしい王、エピパネスが神いかなる罰を受けて苦痛の中で死んでいくのかが詳細に記載されている。彼は内臓が腐り体のピョマディがすべてずれのうちウジが目でギア出る状態に非常に徐々に死んでいく罰を受けることになる。これはジョン、ヤコブなどを殺し、神に栄光を回さないヘロデアグリッパが虫食わ死んだものと比肩することができる。忌まわしい者たちの最悪の罰として虫を使って殺しは絶対力者の怒りを垣間見ることができる部分だ。 「ヘロデが栄光を神に回さないので、主の使いがすぐにち虫に食われ死んなく "(使徒12:23)

[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 as Park Moon-jae (Paju: Christian Digest Publishing Group, 2016), 559

[2] Martin Hengel, Im Jin-soo's translation of 「New and Old Testament Intermediate」 (Paju: Salim Publishing Co., 2006), 92

[3] John Bright, 559

[4] John Bright, 569-71

[5] D.S RUSSEL, 「BETWEEN THE TESTMENT」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 14-5

[6] Martin Hengel, New and Old Testament History, Im Jin-suk, 92


[8] John Bright, 580-84

この記事(投稿)は、多言語聖書研究所(多言語聖經硏究所、Multilingual Bible Institute)に私的な著作権のある記事(写真を含む)です。無断複製や配布、加工が不可能ですが資料の出所とURLを明記する場合に使用が可能です。本研究所は、宣教活動のための多言語の聖書を読む(聖經通讀、Reading the Bible)運動と未伝道少数民族の聖書翻訳事業を支援する機関です。聖書を読むための聖書ヘブライ語(Hebrew)、聖書ギリシャ語(Greek)講座と一緒に古典ラテン(Latin)の講義も開設(onlineとoffline可能)になっています。また、子供から大人を対象とした正哲BIBLE ENGLISHシステムを通じた英語の講座も実施しています。この記事(投稿)は、英語(English)、中国語(Chinese)、日本語(Japanese)、韓国語(Korean)の4カ国語に翻訳され、世界中でサービスされて、キリスト教の宣教師人を活発に耐えています。


1. Raising the problem

According to Malachi's final warning, he said, "Remember the covenant of Sinai (Mal. 4:4)." If you express this again, you can understand'Keep the law'. Why did God choose the Israelites and gave them the law, and why did the Jews keep the law for 400 years after Malachi? The answer to this question can be found through Judaism, a community of law.

The Hellenistic era, often referred to as silence, is understood as the period God prepared Jesus Christ. Galatians 4:4 begins with "the time has come, and God has sent his Son", where "time" is a concept of "Kronos," which is the concept of the Greek word "Kairos." Literally translated as "the fullness of time comes" can be translated. God indeed sent the Messiah over the silent 400 years since Malachi. Through this biblical evidence (Isaiah 7:14, etc.) and the development of history (the Greek and Roman periods), God speaks Greek as a world language and utilizes the empire to spread Jesus Christ everywhere.

The history of the Jews for a period of time in the Hellenistic period is not well known. The earliest written portions of the Old Testament and the Jewish writings that are not part of the canon also lack direct historical knowledge [1]. Historical studies of this period have largely relied on external influences such as Maccabees. Here, we examine the emergence of Alexander in relation to the birth and formation process of Judaism, and the history of the Ptolemaic and Selucus dynasties, the emergence and development of Rome, the Maccabean Revolution and the Hasmon dynasty. In the process, it analyzes the influence of Hellenism on Judaism, and also finds out how Judaism was completed, and why those who abandoned Judaism and turned to Christ Jesus did so. Let's look at what it means to us as Christians and trace how it relates to the birth of Christianity.

2. The effect of Hellenism on Judaism

Philo of Alexandria, who was a Jew, first used the concept of'Hellification'. He said, “Hela was expanded by the new Greeks, and gradually healed the world of barbarians. And the peace watchdog assigned them the area.” Said. As such, the cultural program of'Hellification' becomes a universal heritage that is only recognized in the Roman era. The theme of "mutual fusion" between Judaism and Hellenism refers to such complex, diverse and contradictory phenomena. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully observe various controversial concepts through the phenomenon and examine the phenomena of “Helenism” and “Hellification” connected with them more closely [2].

As the Jews went through the period of exile, the nation-states, institutions, and so on, had already been destroyed, so it was necessary to confirm their identity in any form and to have a bond as a reconstruction community. It seems that they formed Judaism as a legal community using their mental bond, the “law” as a tool. Ezra's role is largely at the foundation of the Jewish community's finally building a consistent foundation for the Jewish community. B.C. Throughout the 4C and 3C periods, Hellenism inevitably had a profound effect on Judaism, and finally a series of forms that could be characterized as Judaism during the Maccabean Revolution and the Hasmon dynasty emerged as a result of resistance to it.

1) Alexander's overseas conquest and Palestine

Israel, whether friendly or hostile, has continued to have a relationship with Greece. B.C. When it became 5C and 4C, this phenomenon became more frequent. Although indirect, it means that the Jews inevitably came into contact with the Greek spirit. Although this Greek spirit did not fundamentally alter Israel's faith, it had a serious impact as we will see.[3]

Alexander, who had ambitions to embody the world's unparalleled ideals of uniting the world, building a language, a custom, and a Greek city, Alexander defeated the Persians and conquered Egypt in the Battle of Isus in B.C.333. In the process, the inland areas of Palestine, including Judah and Samaria, fell under Alexander's control. Alexander died in Babylon in B.C.323, but Palestine and Orient began rapid Hellenism [4].

2) Ptolemaic dynasty of Palestine and Alexandria literature

After Alexander's death, the eastern part of his kingdom, including Palestine, was divided into the Selucos of Syria and the Ptolemy of Egypt. The Ptolemaic dynasty, based in Alexandria, ruled Palestine for almost a century. They did not interfere with Judah's internal affairs at all, and the Jews would continue to live a relatively peaceful age as gentle people. The Jews in Egypt soon made Greek their first language. Before the Greek Empire, Jews were scattered not only in Palestine but also in Asia Minor, Egypt and Babylon, and this phenomenon was accelerated by Alexander and his successors, leading to a much greater number of Jews outside Palestine [5]. Hebrew is at least B.C. It continued to be used until the end of 2C, but as time went by, it would have been cut off in diaspora society.

At the time, the influence of Hellenism on Palestine was widespread in the economic sphere, and mixed cultures. The Hellenistic ruling organization extended to the provinces, and Greek merchants and bureaucrats even reached a small farm in Palestine. As the mercenaries migrated to Samaria, the Greeks gradually sacrificed to Dionysus under the influence of the Greeks. In particular, it seems that the Philadelphia nanny became a Hellenist, showing the worship of the Semitic goddess. In political terms, Palestine, despite Ptolemy's efforts, was not easily unified due to ethnic diversity. The indigenous politics of the indigenous peoples, on the one hand, were under the rule of new rulers, but the aristocrats improved their position even under such circumstances. Because they participated in the economic leap of the Ptolemaic dynasty, and at least in part were able to adapt to the way of life of the Hellenistic leadership [6].

Alexandria gained the honor of being the center of literature in the Greek era. Jews lived in Egypt from an early age, and exploded into the Greek era. Ptolemy II (B.C. 285-247) first began with the translation of the Pentateuch and then expanded to other parts of the Old Testament. This translation is the Septuagint. The effect of this 70-member role on Diaspora Jews and the Early Church cannot be overestimated. The existence of the Bible in Greek opened a new way for communication between Jews and Gentiles, and it also provided a way for the Greek mind to have a stronger influence on the minds of the Jews. Of course, in the future this promoted the spread of Christianity. During this period, Hellenism inevitably influenced the thinking of Jewish thinkers, and while living in the Hellenistic culture, it was forced to absorb it. The godly Jews were swept away by this and did not compromise religious principles, but there were also Jews who were swept away and morally degraded. Many of them were actually envious of the Greek culture and immersed in it, constraining their own laws and customs.

Another thing to note with Septuagint is Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of Paul. He was also an expert scholar in the Hebrew Scriptures, Literature and Greek Literature, trying to match the truths of Bible theology and Greek philosophy. He tried many interpretations freely, and although he was not accepted as a communist at the time, his attempts to establish a relationship between theology and philosophy had a profound effect on the Christian theology that would appear later [7].

3) Palestinian rule of the Seleucos dynasty

In the Palestinian territories, each of the inter-Korean dynasties finally came to a conclusion when Antiochus III defeated the Egyptian troops and drove them out of Asia (B.C. 198). From then on, the Selukos Empire merged with Palestine. In the era of Antiochus IV (hereafter called Epiphanes), the Jewish Greeks tried to make the reforms based on Greeks a reality. They were aiming to dramatically improve the situation of Jews in Palestine as the Jews had closer economic, political and cultural contact with the non-Jewish, Helled world.

Due to the various religious and oppressive policies of Epiphanes, Palestine is caught up in the torrent. First, he reduced the urgency of unifying his people to defend the country from Rome, while coveting whatever could be a new source of financial aid. This led to an eye for the riches of the temple in Jerusalem, which was also a cause of the Jewish ban. Also, because he was interested in political unification, he granted privileges like Greek city-states to various cities and promoted all elements of Greek. This policy included worshiping the gods of Zeus and the Greek gods, as well as worshiping himself as the visible incarnation of the god Zeus. These policies, though very carefully pursued, were those that would evoke a violent backlash among Jews who were faithful to their ancestors' faith.

There was an irreversible rift among the Jews of this period, which encircled the high priesthood, and there was a violent struggle, so Yason went on to become a high priest with bribes and pursued an active helenistic policy to establish a Greek-style athletic field in Jerusalem. Young people were registered there. Menelaus, who pushed Jason with more bribes and went to the high priesthood, tolerated Epiphanes' looting of the temple and worshiped Jehovah in the same way as Zeus, while attempting to reorganize the offer to worship the king as the presence of Zeus. When devout Jews rebelled with shock and fear, Epiphanes issued an edict that virtually forbids all Jewish customs. As well as regular sacrifices, the Sabbath and traditional feasts were banned, copies of the law were destroyed, and children's circumcision was banned. They were forced to eat pork, and if neither of them obeyed, they were put to death. Pagan altars were erected, and unholy beasts were sacrificed [8]. Eventually, in December B.C. 167, the offer of the god Olympus Zeus was introduced to the Jerusalem Temple. The temple of Samaria was likewise dedicated to Zeus Xenius (2 Maccabees 6:1- 1-3). The Hellenistic Jews welcomed the king's edict, while others voluntarily or fearfully followed them and renounced their ancestors' faith. However, few people refused to follow and chose to die rather than break the law (1 Maccabees 1:43-62f).

Maccabees 2:9 details the punishment of this detestable king, Epiphanes, in the suffering of God. He is punished for dying very slowly, with maggots crawling out of his eyes while the intestines are rotten and the bones of his body are all misaligned. This can be compared to the death of Herod Agrippa, who killed John, James, etc. and did not glorify God. This is a glimpse into the wrath of the absolute power who kills the abominable by using worms as the worst punishment. “Because Herod did not give glory to God, the angel of the Lord struck immediately and was eaten by the worms and died” (Acts 12:23, NKRV). 

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[1] John Bright, 「Israel History」 as Park Moon-jae (Paju: Christian Digest Publishing Group, 2016), 559

[2] Martin Hengel, Im Jin-soo's translation of 「New and Old Testament Intermediate」 (Paju: Salim Publishing Co., 2006), 92

[3] John Bright, 559

[4] John Bright, 569-71

[5] D.S RUSSEL, 「BETWEEN THE TESTMENT」 (USA: SCM Press Ltd., 1965), 14-5

[6] Martin Hengel, New and Old Testament History, Im Jin-suk, 92


[8] John Bright, 580-84

[8] John Bright, Translated by Moon Moon-jae, 「History of Israel」, 580~84

This post (posting) is a personally copyrighted article (including photos) from the Multilingual Bible Institute. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and processing are not allowed, but can be used when specifying the source and URL of the material. This institute is an organization that supports the multilingual Reading the Bible movement for missionary activities and the Bible translation work of unreached minorities. In addition to the Bible Hebrew and Bible Greek classes for reading the Bible, the lectures of classical Latin are available (online and offline available). We also offer English courses through the BIBLE ENGLISH system, which is aimed at children and adults. This post (posting) is translated into four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and is serviced all over the world, actively supporting the mission of Christian missionaries.

Inquiries about partnerships such as missionary activities: usedslr@gmail.com, YouTube: Multilingual Bible Research Institute



-着重于哥林多前书 第14章

CH 1

1 提出問題


A.  究的必要性

現代會中有關方言glossolalia,γλσσα的爭論很容易過熱他們 彼 此 交談 不善但一旦開始討論他們就會變成激烈的辯論這將在 未來繼續會過熱首先這是因聖經特別是哥林多前書中的方言γλσσα這個並不是一件事而是有很多含義而且難以解釋結果他們用相同的詞有不同的理解和用法因此對於不同的討論如此糾結以至於他們以後不知道是什



20世紀以來五旬節運動徹底改變了基督歷史眾所周知五旬節運動支持了許多曾經是世界上最大的堂的韓國最大的從規模上講與世界各地的早期會的爆炸性邪組織的增長和由於改革引起的人類意識海嘯變化相當的事情實際上正在全世界範圍內進行尤其是在韓國會中在這一巨大浪潮的基礎上是現代堂的方言無論我們是否承認是正面還是負面地思考這就是我們必須究並決定如何看待對所有信徒都有巨大影響的現代會的 方言 

那些倡導五旬節運動五旬節主義的人聲稱方言現像被稱聖靈的洗禮甚至聲稱除非得到方言否則人們將不會得救另一方認現代會的方言現象不是基於聖經或聖靈如何解釋方言γλσσα的問題不僅是一個派有義的問題而是這是區分信徒是按照正確的信念還是錯誤的信念生活的問題 因此,可能有必要首先檢聖經如何解釋這一點. Moon Hyosik調了五旬節運動在現代基督中的影響以及如下究 聖靈運動的必要性



同時國內外對於確認或否認現代會的方言現象發表了許多意見和著作通常那些聲稱方言γλσσα經歷對其信仰生活有積極影響的人發現方言γλσσα祈禱可以使祈禱漫長而充滿激情但是由於下列原因一些論文和少數派人士反對方言γλσσα):新約的方言γλσσα是外語人們可以識別現代會的方言γλσσα現像不是聖經依據在這兩個極端之間有人認現代會的方言γλσσα現像沒有聖經根據或者他們的聖經依據薄弱或難以辨別),因此 人們沒有必要禁止方言γλσσα),為它們實際上對信徒有幫助


然而聖經對方言γλσσα的解釋從來都不是容易的而是有爭議的聖經許多不同的解釋留出了余地另外由於在許多情況下每種副本或譯文的解釋不同因此很難區分外語和某種外來話語未知方言)。 因此本文首先考察了哥林多會周圍的歷史文化和社會經濟狀況並考察了寫使徒保羅的信的目的此外通過比較和檢驗新約方言γλσσα的用法我們將分析哥林多前書中包括方言γλσσα的關鍵文本並找出相關的語境以掌握並得出有關保羅的觀點的結論

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