Understanding the essence of the Trinitarian Church
1. Introduction
The church is a covenant people. The term'Ecclesia (people called out)' expresses this well. On the other hand, looking at the nature of the Trinity Church, it refers to the Church as the Kingdom of God, the Church as the Body of Christ, and the Church as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, each of which is associated with a member of the Trinity God Let us examine the three elements in turn.
2. Main subject
The New Testament says the church belongs to God and a holy priest. Just as Israel was chosen as God's people, the New Testament church now enjoys that relationship. The church is made up of God's people. Christ was recognized as a church by presently working in the church. The church is a church is the proclamation and expansion of the gospel centered on Christ in the history of God. In the Old Testament, Israel was identified with God's people, and the people God called, gathered, and chose were Israel. In the New Testament, God called not only Jews, but Gentiles as God's people. God cares for the people, keeps them like pupils, and wants them to be loyal to God. There are Old Testament circumcision and the Ark of the Covenant, and the New Testament inner circumcision (heart circumcision). The traits required of God's people are holiness, sanctification, and the Church of the Bride of Christ must be holy.
The New Testament also says that the church is the body of Christ with Christ as the head. The Church as the body of Christ emphasizes the unity of Christ with the Church, the gathering place of the saints and the place where Christ is now active. The saint is a member of the body, nourished in Christ and grows in it. The owner of the church is Christ, and the church must be ruled and followed by Christ's guidance. It exists only to do the will of Christ, and in this respect the Church is the presence of Christ in the world. Like the human body, the church is a unity of diversity. True fellowship goes beyond self-interest, unites the true and close sympathy of Christ and the saints, Christ and the Church, and is baptized with one Holy Spirit to form one body (unified body). Applicable to all who enter the church, all human barriers must be removed from the church and participate in the mission of the gospel, the last mission of the Lord (the Great Commission) through the work of Christ. Not all members have the same function, but everyone has the same goal. Everyone should be interested in other members, and use their gifts to serve the whole.
The church is the temple of the Holy Spirit. In Israel, if the temple was in a little special way, God's presence, the focus of God's presence is no longer a special building, but a fellowship, or community, of God's people. The presence of the Holy Spirit among us has important ethical implications. We must live a holy life because we are the transformation of the Holy Spirit. It is God the Father after the Pentecostal event that made the church as the temple of the Holy Spirit indwell, not only in the individual but also in the community. Those who are empowered to be children of God who have received Jesus Christ must bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. When we live together with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes into us. God also confers power on the church. The church can fulfill its mission with the power and power of God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also gives unity to the church, not only working to build a sense of community, “we,” and to respond sensitively to the Lord's guidance, but also to lead the Church at the will of the Holy Spirit. God gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to individuals and church communities as a gift for the church. Eventually, the sovereignty of the Church is Jesus Christ and God, and the Church is governed by God and is sanctified and purified by Him.
3. Conclusion
As people of the kingdom of God, we deserve to be holy and constantly go through the process of sanctification. The church is the body of Christ, headed by Christ. We are to be united with Him as members of Christ. Also, the church is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is the Father (God) after the Pentecostal event that made the Church as the temple of the Holy Spirit present, and confers power to the church, not only in the individual but also in the community. In conclusion, the church chosen by God is nurtured by the saint Christ and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Faith is a process of sanctification through personal faith and godly living, but it is also a community guided by God's economic providence. Community salvation is a concept above the salvation of individuals. The problem is, in a phenomenal situation like the reality of the present, it is a question of how to maintain the faith of the community and the salvation of the community while maintaining the individual's faith. This worldwide pandemic situation may stop after a certain period of time, but we must see that another pandemic will continue in the future. The book of Revelation predicts that this tribulation will continue until Jesus comes. It is time to gather the stops of the believing brothers.
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